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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Team News.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 2:16PM

Baseball Tryouts Conclusion

We will wrap up Baseball Tryouts with the following schedule:

Thursday 2/22:         Juniors/Seniors - 3:10 - 4:00 Wrestling Room/Gym

                                 Freshman/Sophomores - 5:30-7:30 Wrestling Room/Gym

Friday 2/23:             Juniors/Seniors- 3:30 - 4:30 with Tryout Meetings to follow

                                 Freshman/Sophomores - 4:30 - 5:30 with Tryout Meetings to follow


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 12:45PM

Updated Tryout Schedule

Monday 2/19:

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: All Pitchers and Catchers (Throwing Bullpens) - Players may leave after they are done.

4:00 PM - 6:15 PM - All players

Tuesday 2/20:

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM - All players

Wednesday 2/21:

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM - Freshman and Sophomores

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM - Juniors and Seniors

Thursday and Friday will be determined as we move forward and are deemed necessary. 


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:58AM

Baseball Tryout Information

Baseball Tryout Information

Dates:            Monday Feb. 19          9:00 AM          Pitchers and Catchers

4:00 PM           Everyone

                        Tuesday Feb. 20          3:45 PM

                        Wed. Feb. 21               3:45PM            Possible Cuts

                        Thursday Feb. 22         3:45 PM           Possible Cuts

                        Friday Feb. 23             3:45 PM           Possible Cuts

This is a TENTATIVE schedule.  Much of this depends on the weather and what space we are allocated in the building.  I will post times as soon as I know them on the website for each day.  Tryouts could range from 1 ½ hours to 3 hours depending on what we have available.  If we are indoors, it will be in the gym and wrestling room.

Tryout Requirements:       In order to tryout, all players must have the following turned in by Thursday Feb. 15:

            -A current VHSL physical to the training room

            -An Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford

            -Both Parent and Student Concussion Education Completed


Tryout Needs:  Glove, Hat, Baseball clothes, Protective gear, Running/Indoor/Turf and Baseball shoes, Proper Outdoor Clothing.  I do not have lockers to give out.   You may need to look for ways to store your equipment during the school day (classroom, office, older players car, parents drop it off)

Tryout Procedures:  Our goal is to have all players will tryout together however that depends on space.  Our intention is to try and give players the maximum amount of opportunity to show us how they are as a baseball player.  Each player will be evaluated by all the coaches in the program through our evaluation sheets.  All coaches will participate in deciding each team.  Tryouts can last 3 days if deemed sufficient, but may take more days.  It is the player’s responsibility to take the opportunity to tryout in whatever positions you play. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 2:32PM

Final Baseball Interest Meeting

We will hold the final Baseball Interest Meeting on Thursday Feb. 8th at 3:00 in the cafeteria.  Please make sure you attend or see Coach Ford.  All forms and concussion training needs to be completed by 2/15. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 2:55PM

Baseball Workout Monday 1/22

There will be a baseball workout on Monday 1/22 at 3:45 on the baseball field.  Interested students must have a VHSL physical turned into the Training Room and an Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford in order to participate.  We will finish around 5:30. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 7:36PM

Baseball Workouts 11/28, 11/29

The Baseball program will have workouts this week from 3:45-5:15:

Tuesday 11/28 - Pitchers/Catchers - Anyone that wants to hit

Wednesday 11/29 - Infield/Outfield - Anyone that wants to hit

Reminder that in order to participate you must have turned in a completed VHSL Physical and an Emergency Care Card to Coach Ford. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 6:22PM

Baseball Workout Monday 10/23

Chantilly Baseball Workout on Monday 10/23 at 4:00 on the baseball field for anyone that wants to come out.  You must have a VHSL physical turned into the training room and an Emergency Care Card turned into Coahc Ford in order to participate. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 11:44AM

Baseball Workout Tuesday 10/17

The baseball team will have a workout after school on Tuesday 10/17 on the baseball field.  This workout will be directed towards pitcher and catchers, but all players are welcome to attend.  Anyone interested in attending and participating must have turned in a completed VHSL physical and given Coach Ford an Emergency Care Card. 

The workout will start at 4:00 and run till about 5:30.  This is a voluntary instructional session so arriving late or leaving early is acceptable. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 11:40AM

Baseball Interest Meeting

The Baseball Program had an interest meeting on Thursday Oct. 5 afterschool.  Information regarding our program and upcoming workouts was discussed.   The following information was passed out:

Baseball Interest Meeting 10-5-17

-Please use for information updates.  You will need to check the Varsity or JV Baseball “News for Team” section for important information.  Green Day (Out of season practice) and/or Conditioning days will be added at the beginning of every week if they are going to occur. 

-Fall/Winter Green Days (Skill Work)-Practice days and times will vary.  In-season athletes may not participate until their season is complete.  Fall and Winter skill sessions are open to everyone but you must have the necessary paperwork turned in.  You must check the websites for announcement of days.  Green Days involve baseball activities and you will need baseball clothes and equipment for these days.  We will designate some Pitching days and Fielding days.  If you are a pitcher or a catcher, please try and make the Pitching days.  Anyone can come and hit on either day. 

-Green Days are an opportunity for everyone to get better, push each other, and begin to work together.  These opportunities do not affect tryouts.  Baseball is a sport that requires skills and fundamentals developed through maintenance and consistent practice in order to improve.  We will be working on individual skills during these days.  The coaches will be looking to provide players with instruction to help them become better players.  There is a dead period from Nov. 7-Nov. 16 where we are unable to meet. 

-For Green Days each player must have:

1) a current physical turned into the training room

2) an Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford in order to participate in any Skill Workouts.  

-Tryouts start Monday 2/19/17.  You will need a:

 1) Current Physical

2) Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford

3) Each player AND parent must view the concussion education on

How to find Coach Ford:  I have a mailbox in the front office.  I have a mailbox in the Activities Office.  My e-mail is  I work in the Activities Office by the cafeteria if you need to see me. 

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Before You Criticize Them, Remember That Most Youth Coaches Are Volunteers!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Why Are Former High School Athletes More Successful Later In Life?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Student-Athletes Deserve Better Publicity From Their High Schools

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Junior Varsity: The Middle Children Of The High School Athletics World

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

High School Athletes Should Be Practicing Yoga

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

16 Valuable Life Lessons That Sports Teach Us

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

All Athletic Departments Should Use Social Media... And Here's How

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Snow Safety: How To Eliminate Injuries Playing Winter Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

The Ten Best Ways To Increase School Spirit

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

A Different Method To Fund Sports Participation

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Ten Great Ideas To Raise Money For Your Team

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Concussions in High School Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

5 Ways Parents Make Their Children Not Like Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Epidemic Of Hazing in High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

High School Sports Positively Influence Academics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Does Professional Steroid Use Influence High School Athletes?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Why Stretching is Important

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.