Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
JV Baseball
Team News.
8.0 years ago @ 11:21AM
Baseball Tryout Information
Dates: Monday Feb. 20 9:00 AM Pitchers and Catchers
3:45 PM Everyone
Tuesday Feb. 21 3:45 PM
Wed. Feb. 22 3:45PM Possible Cuts
Thursday Feb. 23 3:45 PM Possible Cuts
Friday Feb. 24 3:45 PM Possible Cuts
This is a TENTATIVE schedule. Much of this depends on the weather and what space we are allocated in the building. I will post times as soon as I know them on the website for each day. Tryouts could range from 1 ½ hours to 3 hours depending on what we have available. If we are indoors, it will be in the gym and wrestling room.
Tryout Requirements: In order to tryout, all players must have the following turned in by Friday Feb. 17:
-A current VHSL physical to the training room
-An Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford
-Both Parent and Student Concussion Education Completed
Tryout Needs: Glove, Hat, Baseball clothes, Protective gear, Running/Indoor and Baseball shoes, Proper Outdoor Clothing. I do not have lockers to give out. You may need to look for ways to store your equipment during the school day (classroom, office, older players car, parents drop it off)
Tryout Procedures: Our goal is to have all players will tryout together however that depends on space. Our intention is to try and give players the maximum amount of opportunity to show us how they are as a baseball player. Each player will be evaluated by all the coaches in the program through our evaluation sheets. All coaches will participate in deciding each team. Tryouts can last 3 days if deemed sufficient, but will not last more than 5. Make sure you take the opportunity to tryout in whatever positions you play.
8.0 years ago @ 11:19AM
The Baseball workout time for this Saturday has changed to 2:30. We will workout from 2:30-4:30.
Any students wishing to participate are welcome. All participants must have a completed VHSL physical turned into the training room and a Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford. These dates are weather pending, but look to be good for this week.
8.0 years ago @ 3:24PM
There will be 2 potential Green Day workouts this week for baseball:
Wednesday 2/8 at 4:00-5:30 at the baseball field
Saturday 2/11 at 12:00-2:00 at the baseball field
Any students wishing to participate are welcome. All participants must have a completed VHSL physical turned into the training room and a Emergency Care Card turned into Coach Ford. These dates are weather pending, but look to be good for this week. They will be on unless otherwise noted here or on school announcements.
8.0 years ago @ 8:39AM
There is a Baseball Interest Meeting on Wednesday Feb. 1 at 3:00 in the cafeteria. All students interested in trying out for the baseball team (Varsity or JV) should attend. Information about forms, tryout procedures and times will be discussed.
Students need to turn in an Emergency Care Card to Coach Ford, have a VHSL physical on file with the training room and have completed concussion education (both parent and student) in order to tryout.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.