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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Team News.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:52PM

Off-Season Workouts

Good Evening,

This is just a reminder that Off-Season Workouts will officially begin tomorrow.

Prior to workouts, all athletes should:

  1. download the new MaxONE App to their phones
  2. enroll in our new Google Classroom Site, "Chantilly Football" by using class code kqr0tb

Our workouts will consist of three weight room sessions per week from now until the end of the May. The objective of our off-season strength training is to compete with teammates in the weight room, forge camaraderie among teammates, and to simply get bigger and stronger.  In order for this to happen athletes must elect to make lifting weights a priority. 

Athletes are expected to lift year round even when participating in other sports. Unlike years past, however, the window to complete workouts is not restricted to after school. Athletes will have the following options to complete the three lifts:

  1. Athletes can complete the workouts during Personal Fitness class (preferred).
  2. Athletes can complete the workouts during Charger Time (athletes must meet school standard as a "Charger in Good Standing" and not be directed to another class).
  3. Athletes can complete the workouts after school. The weight room will be open for 60-75 minutes per day from 3 pm- 4:15 pm, Monday through Thursday.

Athletes do not need to attend sessions every day and complete the week's workouts in any fashion they choose (e.g. complete day one Monday after school, day two Wednesday during CT, day three Thursday after school). 

Moving forward, we hope that close to 100% of eligible athletes enroll in Personal Fitness class so that they are able to play other sports without having to squeeze in a lift, work part-time jobs, study, supplement training with personal trainers, etc. For comparative purposes, Westfield as 9 sections of Personal Fitness to our 5. Close to 100% of their football team's eligible members (sophomores through seniors) are enrolled in that elective. 

More details regarding expectations, information about a "points/reward" system will be shared during the Awards Ceremony on 12/14 and via the Chantilly Football Google Classroom site. 

Looking forward to a great, competitive, productive off-season.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 10:18PM

Awards Ceremony, MVP Voting, Off-Season Weight Room

Good Evening:

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break.

Our Awards Ceremony will be held in the Chantilly Cafeteria on Thursday, December 14 at 6:30 pm. Attire for players is the same as game day: dress pants and tie.

Players, please use this link to vote for our team MVP. Voting ends 11/30 at 3 pm. 

Our Off-Season strength training will officially begin next Monday.  More information regarding the off-season will be sent via a separate blast later this week.

Thank you.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 1:40PM

All-District Awards

Congratulations to our All-District Selections:

Second Team All-District Offense:

  • Joey Imperato- Running Back
  • Pierre Johnson- Running Back

Second Team All-District Defense:

  • Christian Parana- Defensive Back
  • Christian Parana- All-Purpose Defense

Honorable Mention:

  • Jon Tammaro- Offensive Line
  • Liam Kelly- Wide Receiver
  • Will Hughes- Punter


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:37AM

Senior Night Information
Team News

7.0 years ago @ 6:31PM

Homecoming Ticket Takers

Good Evening,

We have received word that we are still short a significant number of spots for Friday's game. Please visit our sign-up genius site to volunteer if you are able to do so.

Thank you very much for all of your support. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 3:16PM

Corsages & Boutonnieres

Good Afternoon,

Please visit this link to order Homecoming Corsages and Boutonnieres. All proceeds benefit football. Thank you, Jill Maison for organizing this effort!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 3:23PM

Columbus Day Reminder

Good Afternoon,

Just a reminder that we will practice in the morning tomorrow, Columbus Day. The ATC's will be in for treatments starting at 8:30 am. Practice will begin at 9 am.  If you need treatment, please arrive on time. Please bring a pair of athletic shoes just in case we need to spend a portion of practice indoors due to weather. It would be smart to leave an old pair in your locker.

See you in the morning.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 10:24PM

Parent Film Session and Q&A

Good Evening,

The coaching staff would like to invite interested parents/guardians to join us for a film and Q&A session this Thursday, October 5, in the Lecture Hall at 6:30 pm (***the Lecture Hall is located at the front of the building, across from the library).This is something we would like to do annually, (beginning 2018) as a part of a social event during the preseason, but considering the frustration we are all feeling at this point of the current season, we believe this can be a way for coaches and parents to find some common ground midyear/during the Bye Week. We will teach the basic concepts that we have employed over the course of this season, explain variations of those concepts and provide insight behind the rationale behind what we are doing as a program.

To better help us prepare for this session—and to accommodate all who are interested in participating—please use the following Google form to RSVP and submit questions you would like addressed during the meeting. Of course, questions that arise during the session will be addressed as well.

The goal of this meeting is to not only afford parents an opportunity to see what goes into our planning and execution schematically but to also help the coaches and parents come together during a tough season. Our goal is to forge a partnership with families and the changing of a staff, procedures, etc. is hard during the first year; it is doubly hard when the results aren’t where we would like them to be on Friday nights.  

This is not going to be a combative debate. It will be an opportunity to gain a new perspective on our football operations. We are happy to discuss game planning methodology/prep, scheme, thought process behind decisions/play calling, and what we evaluate when determining personnel. For obvious reasons, we will not discuss specific personnel (i.e. our players). For more information (or just a refresher) on what the staff/program believes, please revisit the presentation from our June meeting. The slides from that meeting can be found here.

We look forward to talking football with you on Thursday.   

Thank you,

Coach Curry

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 12:53PM by Sean Curry


Good Afternoon,

More than half of the team has still not yet paid for team meals. If there is a financial hardship, players need to see Coach Curry to make payment arrangements. Otherwise, please visit this SchoolPay link to pay for meals.

We received the notice below regarding volunteers for home games. Please visit this sign-up genius to volunteer. 

As we enter the second half of the season we are very short volunteers for tickets and concessions starting with this Tuesday.
For Tuesday alone we need

1. A griller for both the freshman and JV game
2. 2 concession workers for the freshman game
3. 2 ticket sellers for JV
4.1 chain gang member for JV

A handful of parents have been doing most of the volunteering up until this point. There are well over 40 families that have not volunteered as all yet. They should be reminded that we need every family to volunteer with one of these jobs, during one of the games when their child isn't playing.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:33AM

FUNDRAISER - Homecoming Corsages & Boutonnieres


Chantilly Homecoming is on October 21

Profits will support Chantilly Football!! 

Email with any questions and or volunteer interest

Click below for floral details, delivery and pick up options.

Place your orders by 10/13.  2 ways to order:

ORDER FORM with cash/check/CC info to CHS front office


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 5:15PM

Dulles Plan Pull

The Chantilly Chargers football team is volunteering at the Dulles Plane Plane Pull to benefit the Special Olympics on Saturday, September 23.  Click on the link to learn more and sign up for a volunteer spot by 9/20.


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:28AM

Bottons and Team Community Service Project

Button Orders - for Freshmen, JV and Varsity
Show your team spirit and support. Purchase your personalized player buttons @ $5 each.  They make GREAT keepsakes!  Click on "sign up", indicate player name below in comments and how many buttons you are ordering.  Buttons will be distributed at the games.  Payment due at button pick up. 
Save the Date
Saturday, 9/23
Dulles Plane Pull
Team Community Service opportunity - Varsity Players 
We have secured volunteer spots for our team to support the Special Olympics VA at the Dulles Plane Pull during the morning shift (9a-1p).  It's a great day for the entire family to come out and have fun!  Stay tuned for sign up genius for Varsity players to claim volunteer spots throughout the event (ie extra plane pullers, running activity stations, etc.).  We have   Lunch will be provided.  Event website:

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 4:15PM by Sean Curry

Team Meals, Labor Day, Leadership Council

Good Afternoon:

Team Meals 

Please visit our school pay link to pay for the team meals. The cost for 10 regular season games is $70 (for perspective, last year's cost was $150). Football covered the upfront cost for the first two weeks. Thank you Pam Benson for setting up the portal! If cost is an issue, players need to see Coach Curry directly.

Labor Day

Just a reminder that practice is at 9 am tomorrow. We look to have a great, efficient practice so everyone can get home to enjoy the holiday. 

Leadership Council

The Varsity Leadership Council nomination form can be found here. More information can be found on the form itself. Thank you to the 30 players who have already voted. The Council will be announced this week.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:47PM

School Year Schedule for Varsity (10th-12th Graders)

Good Evening,

With the school year beginning tomorrow, our schedule and routine will "normalize" for the rest of the year. We will have to alter some of practices due to Field Hockey games and band practice times, but for the most part our schedule will follow the same pattern for the rest of the season. One week that will be altered slightly is the week of our game against Yorktown, since we play on Thursday 9/28.  We will limit our daily schedule to approximately three hours. Actual field work will be approximately 2 ½ hours and each day will include either film or lifting.

We will practice on Labor Day, Columbus Day and Student Holidays.

Below you will find a (slightly convoluted) explanation of the schedule. Due to limited field space, we have to be flexible to ensure all programs have an opportunity to get on the turf.

When Field Hockey has a home game (Monday-Thursday), we will have to start on the field a little earlier and move over to the grass wedge, if necessary, to finish practice. On the Tuesdays that field hockey does not have a game, we will begin practice with a lift in the weight room, move to the wedge for the start of field work.

Our school year schedule is as follows:

  • Monday:
    • 3:20: report to wrestling room dressed in practice pants for Film
    • 3:50: transition to field
    • 4:00-6:30: practice
  • Tuesday:
    • 3:20 (please aim for 3:15) meet Coach Imperato for team lift
    • 4:00: transition to field (wedge unless Field Hockey has a game)
    • 4:10-6:45: practice
  • Wednesday:
    • 3:20: report to wrestling room dressed in practice pants for Film
    • 3:50: transition to field
    • 4:00-6:30: practice
  • Thursday:
    • 3:20: report to wrestling room dressed in practice pants for Film
    • 3:50: transition to field
    • 4:00-5:30: practice
  • Friday:
    • Game Day Schedule
  • Saturday:
    • 9:00 am: report to weight room for lift

Thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:44PM

Volunteerism and Booster Club

Good Evening:


Please continue to visit the Sign-Up Genius page (found here) to sign-up for the various positions that need filled on game nights. Please remember, concessions are a vital part of our Booster Club’s income and not operating last week was a hit to the Booster’s coffers. We need to operate the concession stand for every HOME Freshman AND Junior Varsity game.  Additionally, we need ticket takers and chain gang for ALL home games for ALL levels.

As of right now, we do not have enough volunteers for this week’s home game.

Please remind families of players—especially freshman and sophomores—to create a account to receive email blasts with vital information. In the interim, please forward the emails you receive to those who are not yet “in the know.” We need freshman and junior varsity families to work with the parents of upperclassmen to keep the program moving forward.

Booster Club

If you have not already done so, please consider joining the Booster Club. The support of both families and the booster club is vital to our success as a program. We not only need financial support from families through fundraisers (again, Thank You!!), but also from our Boosters as they help with the Big Ticket Items that directly impact on-field competitiveness.

We hope to leave behind the “have nots” and quickly join the “haves” but it doesn’t happen overnight or without the support of all. Last Friday served as a reminder that we are still trying to level the playing field with programs from around the area some of our headsets malfunctioned while others did not work at all (which severely limited our ability to communicate during the game), our sideline camera needs an upgrade as it doesn’t hold a charge that lasts through the game (died halfway) and our new Instant Replay system requires hardware that is not included with the kit. These are expenses that would deplete the efforts of a single fundraiser in a matter of a few purchases. The support of the Boosters affords us the opportunity to lessen the impact of the purchases so we don’t feel the financial impact all at once.

Please support the boosters so that they can continue to support us.

Thank you for your support. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 6:10PM

Freshman/JV Scrimmage

Good Evening,

Due to Robinson's Back-to-School-Night, the scrimmages have been moved to Wednesday.

Thank you.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:24AM


Good Morning,

Thank you all so much for the support with the coupon card fundraiser! We are thrilled to have so many families ask for more cards to sell. We will additional card arrive this week to distribute for those who are willing to go above and beyond the 10 cards. THANK YOU!!

Online Fundraiser

If you haven't already submitted your information, please visit this form to provide the necessary information to start the online campaign. 

Volunteer Sign Up 

Please visit this sign up genius to volunteer for the various positions we have on a weekly basis. Thank you Patsy Pogorelc for organizing this effort! This sign up is embedded in a new tab on our site which can be found here.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:31AM

Online Fundraising Campaign, Coupon Cards, Picture Day

Good Morning,

Online Fundraiser

Please visit our Team Files tab to find information regarding the online fundraiser. As we have stressed in both meetings, we do not want to overtax our families and communities, but fundraising is an absolutely necessary evil. We are expecting every player contribute to this effort. Prior to starting the online fundraiser, OnlineDontations requires a roster of athlete names with a valid parent/guardian email address.

Please complete this Google Form sometime prior to pictures this Saturday (7:30 am  on 8/19). The donor email list should be returned by next Wednesday (8/23).

Coupon Card Fundraiser and Pictures

Reminder, the Coupon Card Blitz will take place on Saturday immediately following our pictures. This is in lieu of practice and, again, we expect 100% attendance and participation. 

All players (freshman and varsity) should arrive to picture day by 7:30 am.  

We realize that fundraising is just as burdensome for families as it is coaches, so we THANK YOU in advance for your support with this necessary task! We are in this together!! 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 1:46PM

Team Spirit Store closes 8/17

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:27PM


Apologies for the delay/cancellation. The scrimmage is set for 10 am tomorrow (8/12). Players report at 8:45 am. Again, very sorry for the delay. We had to wait to hear back from the head of officials association.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:18PM


Apologies for the delay and then cancellation. The scrimmage is set for 10 am tomorrow (8/12). Players report at 8:45 am. Again, very sorry for the delay. We had to wait to hear back from the head of officials association.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:16PM


Apologies for the delay and then cancellation. The scrimmage is set for 10 am tomorrow (8/12). Players report at 8:45 am. Again, very sorry for the delay. We had to wait to hear back from the head of officials association.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 6:36PM

Friday Scrimmage Volunteer Opportunities

Good Evening,

If you are able to, please email Wendy Osteguin at to work concessions during the scrimmage this Friday.

Speaking of volunteering, if you have not already perused the slots we need filled during the season, please visit the following Google Form to sign up for a position.

Thank you!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 5:16PM

Purple-White Game FLyer does not upload attachments easily! I apologize for the difficult to read attachment in the last blast. Below is Wendy Osteguin's flyer in plain text. Thank you


Hey All You Charger Fans!!

Come out and join us for the

Annual Purple & White Game!!

Thursday, August 10th – Charger Stadium

5:00pm – Sign-Ups/Concessions Open

6:30pm – Kick Off


Enjoy a game that’s filled with lots of

Food, Friends, and Fun!!


Don’t like what you see? Then you make the call!

Only $10 per call


Then after the game…


Give a player or a coach a great big splat!

Only $5 each



Mark Your Calendar!!

The CHS Football game schedule coupon drive is coming up

so spread the word!! Players will blast their communities on

Saturday, August 19th

Immediately following team pictures.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 5:10PM

Purple-White Game

Good Afternoon: 

Please see the attached flier from Wendy Osteguin regarding the Purple-White game!  She is organizing volunteers to help make the Purple-White scrimmage a fun event for everyone. She is looking for volunteers to work concessions, run "Pick-a-Play" and the "Pie-a-Player" station. Please contact her at if you can help out. Thank you Wendy and all those who are willing to help make the Purple-White Game a fun tradition!

We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday at the Fall Meeting, Thursday at the P/W Game, and Friday at the scrimmage! 


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 7:56PM

Updates and Reminders: Purple/White Game, Fall Meeting, First Scrimmage

Good Evening,

It has been a great start to the season! Thank you for supporting the program!

Just a few reminders:

  • Freshman report on Tuesday August 8, 2017 at 7:30 am.
  • All players must have a lock on their locker by August 4.
  • The Online store closes August 4 at 11:59 pm.
  • Players are expected to communicate absences, preferably in advance of a missed practice.

Upcoming Events:

  • Wednesday August 9: Fall Sports Meeting 7 pm in the Auditorium
  • Thursday August 10: Purple-White Scrimmage 6:30 pm (Due to acclimation rules, we are unable to have the Purple-White Game on a Saturday) Please join us as we celebrate Chantilly Football! Concessions, “Call-A-Play” and more!
  • Friday August 11:  Three team Jamboree Scrimmage at Chantilly as we take on Washington and Lee and Stonewall Jackson 6 pm

As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions. 

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 4:59PM

July 31 and Practice

Good Afternoon:

I hope that everyone is as excited as the coaching staff for the start of the season! As exciting as this time of year is, there are some logistics to be addressed. Below you will find the agenda for tomorrow as well as reminders and updates.

Tomorrow’s Agenda is slightly different from other workout days. When players arrive they will check-in and either submit final paperwork or get confirmation that they have everything appropriately submitted.

It is IMPERATIVE that all sophomores through seniors submit paperwork by tomorrow. If anything is missing, they will only have until 1:30 tomorrow to submit paperwork directly to Ms. Bishop or Mr. Boss. If the paperwork is not submitted by 1:30 tomorrow, they will be ineligible for practice on Tuesday. Due to the acclimation period in football, there is a ripple effect: if they miss any of the first five practices they won’t be able to participate in the Purple/White game on Monday. .

Once we confirm paperwork, we will have a normal (albeit possibly abbreviated) strength and conditioning session. At the same time of workouts, the ATCs will be IMPACT testing those players who need to be tested.

Following the testing and workout, we will hold a team meeting. Upon the conclusion of the meeting, the Varsity (sophomores through seniors) will receive their locker assignment for the season.  I have failed to remind players that they must provide their OWN combination (not key) lock for the locker. Although it is in the player’s best interest to bring a lock ASAP, we will set the deadline to bring one in to Friday. All players must have a lock by Friday. The equipment issued to players is worth over $500 (helmets alone range $350-375) and players are responsible for the security of their gear, as well as their personal belongings (phones, wallets, etc.). The program/school is not responsible for misplaced items. Misplaced equipment will become a financial obligation for the athlete.

Players who did not attend camps will be issued equipment once we have completed all of the other activities.


As of now, we will conduct double sessions (two-a-days) beginning August 1 through the day teachers report to in-service, August 21. That is subject to change on a daily basis based on a number of factors, including: good performance during the first practice, weather, weight room, etc. As a reminder, players should block out 8am-2pm for practice. We will hold our first session, take roughly an hour break and begin the second session. The second session may not be a traditional practice, e.g. lifting or meeting, but our goal is for it to be fast paced. We will not hold players for the sake of keeping them at school; we aim for maximum efficiency.

Players need to be proactive about their health and diet during this time. We are starting at 8 am so that athletes are able to get enough sleep and have enough time to wake up and eat a healthy breakfast before practice. Players need to be incredibly well hydrated to avoid heat and exercise related issues (“pee clear”). Athletes should pack a healthy snack to keep in their locker for the break between sessions. Sunscreen is also something to remember!

Everyone should have an extra pair of athletic shoes available at all times for the weight room and possible indoor practice or walkthroughs. Additionally, they should keep an extra shirt on hand as well. These items should be kept in the locker to avoid “forgetting”.  Please remember that although we are not requiring a purchase, we are expecting players to wear BLACK shorts during practice and team activities. Shorts with the insignia of other CHS programs are, of course, fine.

I believe that covers all of the not-so-fun stuff! Please refer to our previous posts and files for reference if necessary. Can’t wait to get started!

See you soon!

Coach Curry

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 10:03PM

Spirit Pack

Good Evening (again!)

I apologize the annotated image turned out so difficult to read. To clarify, the notes I made were the following:

  • Deadline: The "store" closes on August 4 at 11:59 pm
  • Notes on Compression Shirt: The compression shirt will be worn under pads on game days. You do NOT need to purchase one of each style, but you will need to purchase at least one. It is meant to be form fitting.

  • Notes on Practice Jerseys: The Varsity (10th, 11th and 12th graders) will purchase the white practice jersey. Freshman will purchase purple.

  • Notes on Optional Gear: We will wear black shorts during practice, but they need not be purchased through the store. The hoodie and t-shirt are not required.

  • Notes on Girdle and Socks: Athletes need their own girdle; this is an affordable option, however, you may get your girdle elsewhere if you wish or use one from previous seasons. We will wear white athletic crew socks during games (not tube socks); again, they may be purchased elsewhere, but the store has an option.

I hope this helps clear up any confusion! As always, feel free to email me with questions or concerns!

Thank you!

Coach Curry

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 4:26PM

Spirit Pack and Paperwork

Good Afternoon,

Below you will find the link to the spirit pack, but before we get to that, the coaching staff wants to thank all the players and parents who have helped us move in the right direction by committing to summer workouts and camps! Thank you!

Spirit Pack

This link will take you to our online store. The required purchases through this store are minimal and equate to a fraction of the cost from previous years. Although there are additional required items to be purchased prior to August 1 (e.g. girdle, cleats, etc.), we want to allow you the option to shop around based on price and style preference (the entire check-list can be found here). 

Attached is an image that provides some details about the spirit pack. You'll see three options of compression shirts to choose from--sleeveless, crew, and long sleeve--with banners that say "required". You do not need to purchase all three styles, however, at least one must be purchased to be worn on game days. Please note, if an athlete elects to wear long sleeves when colder weather arrives, we wear purple or white. If you do not purchase a long sleeve spirit pack shirt, you may wear purple or white sleeves under the team shirt. 


Please remember that we need to collect paperwork prior to August 1. Required forms can be found here. In order to ensure participation the first day of practice, please submit ASAP. 

July 31 we will have a normal workout session and hold a team meeting immediately afterward. Rising freshman and rising juniors will work with Ms. Bishop to complete IMPACT concussion testing. 

Thank you again for all of your support as we move into the next chapter of Chantilly Football!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 3:26PM

Team Camp

Good Afternoon,

Just a reminder that there is no lifting/conditioning at 9 am this week because we are at team camp from 7:30-10 am. 

This week, we will lift at 11 am

Looking forward to a great week!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:28PM

Team Camp

Good Evening,

In case you lost the hard copy of the camp form, here is a scanned version. Lifting will follow camp (nothing at school during our normal 9-11 am since we will be at camp!).

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 12:06AM

Parent Questionnaires and Presentation from Parent Meeting

As we discussed during the parent meeting, we view the program as a partnership between players, parents, and coaches. While we have different roles, we should have the same goals: create a positive experience for our players and build/sustain a winning program. As such, we want to offer parents/guardians an opportunity to not only get involved as volunteers but to also have a voice regarding certain elements of the program.

Please visit the links below to access the Google forms for Volunteer opportunities and a parent questionnaire.

Google form for Volunteer Opportunities

Google form Parent Questionnaire 

The presentation from the parent meeting has been added to our team page under the "Team Files" tab. 

Thank you.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 12:54PM

Recruiting Process

Good Afternoon!

If you have the desire to play football beyond high school, please complete this Google Form to help me better assist you during the recruiting process. The form will gather the basic information (contact, academic, football) that is needed during the process, but more importantly, it should help you think about the schools you would like to potentially attend. 

One of the steps I ask you to complete is to tier the schools in three categories: "dream", "on-level", and "safe". Take into account both football and academics when completing this step. This link is a great directory of all colleges and universities in North America that play football. It may be a great place to start your search.

Hope this helps!


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 2:44PM

Pre-Season Checklist; Summer Strength and Conditioning

Good Afternoon!

I would like to thank all of the players and families who committed to Combo Camp this past week! We grew tremendously over the four days; when it comes to "either getting better or getting worse", we got a lot better!

Please visit the Team Files tab to find a helpful checklist for preseason paperwork and items needed to play. The checklist isn't meant to overwhelm, but rather to provide an outline and explanation. 

Remember, we are transitioning to "Summer Hours" for the weight room. Beginning Monday we will hold workouts from 9-11 am Monday-Thursday. We hold morning sessions to afford an opportunity to enjoy summer in the afternoon, work part-time jobs and ensure that multi-sport athletes will be free in the evening to participate in summer and travel leagues. We expect participation in return!

Please schedule work for the afternoons. Evening games for other sports are not an excuse to miss a workout!

We are only five weeks out! Can't wait!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 7:03AM

Reminders: Wilkins, Camp, Meeting

Good Morning, Just a reminder that Wilkins' Shoes will be at CHS today for fitting. If you want to purchase your cleats for the flat rate outlined in the previous emails, please bring payment with you.If your size and model are in stock you will receive your pair on the spot. If not, they will ship to you at no additional cost. Please continue to bring in camp forms and payment. Once both are received, we will issue equipment. Please remember, tomorrow night will be the parent/player meeting in the Auditorium. The meeting will begin at 7pm. Have a great day!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 9:08PM

Week of June 12

Good Evening!

This is a busy week for Chantilly football!

As we told the players at workouts last week, this week we will move into our 4-day/week split (Monday-Thursday) with workouts commencing after school (approximately 3:10). We will no longer have 6:30 workouts!

On Wednesday Wilkins' Shoes will come in from Winchester for a fitting for interested players (see the previous announcement for more information about their deal and our dress code).

On Thursday we will have a player and parent meeting for all athletes planning on playing football in 2017. 

Looking forward to getting a week better!


Team News

7.0 years ago @ 12:43PM


Good Afternoon!

Just a few quick reminders:

  • Please bring completed permission slips and camp fee for “Combo Camp” (June 19—22) ASAP. Ideally, you will bring it with you to tonight’s workout!
  • Thursday is Physical Night!
  • Optional Cleat purchases through Wilkins' Shoes will be Wednesday, June 14 after school
  • An important Parent and Player Meeting in the Auditorium will be Thursday, June 15 at 7 pm in the CHS Auditorium

Thank you!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 4:23PM

Combo Camp

Good Afternoon:

Please go to our Camps Link to find an electronic copy of the Combo Camp (June 19-22) Registration form and instructions for submission. The forms have also been in the weight room since the start of workouts.

Thank you!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 4:38PM

Dress Code and optional Cleat fitting

Good Afternoon!

As football moves up the “queue” as the next sport up, I wanted to share some information regarding our “Game Day Dress Code”. Below you will find information about our attire and an opportunity to purchase discounted cleats.   

Specific information regarding team meals, required and optional “spirit packs” is forthcoming and will be shared at the June 15 parent/player meeting.

Rationale for Game Day School Attire 

Players will wear a dress shirt, tie and dress pants on game days. Although many programs follow this tradition for various reasons, our rationale is simple: a tie is a symbol to remind players that game days are different.

Because game days are different, we want our players to behave as such from the moment they get dressed in the morning. For ten days a year (hopefully more!), the tie should be a symbol, a reminder, that players should approach Fridays in the fall differently from every other day. A reminder that they should be a little more reserved during the school day. A reminder that they should be a little more focused. A reminder that they should burn off a little less energy joking around at lunch.  A reminder that they have worked hard all week and that the payoff is imminent. A reminder that Fridays in the fall are special.

On-field Attire

For planning purposes, please note that athletes will not be permitted to wear gear that isolates them from the team.

Examples include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Cleats with designs/logos unrelated to Chantilly football (Superman, Batman, etc.)
  • Multi-colored and/or fluorescent cleats
  • Undershirts that are not a part of the team spirit pack
  • Compression "shooting" sleeves (unless the ATCs deem there is a medical purpose)
  • Sleeves during warm weather
  • “Leggings” in place of socks during warm weather
  • Any equipment, clothing, or gear the coaching staff deems unnecessary (coach’s discretion)

Acceptable gear:

  • Cleats will be black (multicolored with white, silver and/or purple is acceptable)
  • Socks will be a part of the required spirit pack
  • Compression undershirts to be worn under the uniform will be a part of the required spirit pack.
    • There will be a wide variety from which to choose, so players will have options to meet their preferences (e.g. sleeveless, long sleeves, etc.)
  • Gloves are optional and must be neutral (black, white, gray) or team colors (purple, white, silver)

**In order to be permitted during games, non-essential equipment (e.g. gloves, elbow pads, etc.) must be worn throughout the week at practice**

Rationale for On-field Dress Code

There are multiple reasons for our “dress code” policy, but preventing fun is not one of them. We appreciate every athlete as an individual, but we will prohibit attempts to put oneself before the team; that includes modifying one’s appearance/uniform.  Football is a game of precision, calculation, and uniformity. It requires eleven athletes to be in unison at all times. It is our belief that dressing as a team is a small step to playing as a team.

Additionally, less is often more. We want to limit the variables an athlete must worry about during a game and eliminating their concerns about “extra gear” (e.g. shooting sleeves, compression leggings, etc.) is an easy way to do so.

Wilkins Shoe Center

Wilkins Shoe Center is located in Winchester and has a great reputation for their “old-school” customer service. Last fall, their owner drove out to South Riding to “sit and fit” interested Freedom players for their cleats. The cleats are offered at a significant discount from most retail outlets and Wilkins will guarantee their quality. In other words, if an issue arises they will replace the cleat at no cost to you, no questions asked.

On June 14, Wilkins is coming to Chantilly High School to fit players who want to take advantage of the discount, service, and guarantee.

The three options can be found on the attached flier. The listed price includes tax.

For the purpose of comparison, the same cleats retail on at the following pretax prices:

  • NIKE VAPOR SPEED 2 TD $84.99

Although recommended, purchasing cleats through Wilkins is optional. If interested, players should bring a check made out to Wilkins Shoe Center for the amount of their preferred style. Fitting will begin at 3:15 pm.

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 4:39PM

Tournament Champs

I wanted to share a photo Mr. Jim Madaj took of the Evergreen Sportsplex Freshman Passing League Champs! The boys competed hard all spring long and did a great job capping off the season by winning the tournament the past Sunday! Thank you to those who competed! Winning is a habit and success breeds success! Great job!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 5:10PM

Passing League Playoffs

This Sunday is the final week of the passing league. Please take notice that the schedule for Sunday is different from previous weeks due to the tournament play. The schedule is as follows:

  • Varsity plays at 6:15 on field 2A.
  • Freshman/Rising Freshman play at 6:45 on field 2A

We could really use "all hands on deck" since we won't have the luxury of blending the teams as in previous weeks. If you have registered, please come out and play!

See you at EvergreenSportsplex!

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 5:03PM

Save the Dates! Parent Meeting and Physical Night

Good Afternoon,

We will have our Pre-Summer Parent and Player meeting in the Chantilly Auditorium on Thursday, June 15 at 7 pm. Please make plans to attend this meeting. This is an important meeting for players and a parent/guardian to attend, as we will discuss the new direction the Chantilly football program will be taking in the fall. We will also discuss our summer/pre-season schedule as well as program expectations as we turn the page to a new era of Chantilly football!

Please see below for a message from our Athletic Trainers regarding physicals.

 Chantilly High School Sports Physical Registration Now Open!

Parents believe it or not, it is time to start planning for the 2017-2018 school year.  The first step to participate in any preseason or afterschool athletic event is completing a sports physical.  The Chantilly High School Athletic Training Department will be offering sports physicals at Chantilly High School on Thursday June 8th, 2017. This physical will be good for all sports and out of season practices (green days, yellow days, weight room workouts) for the 2017-2018 school year.  Yes physical examinations may be done with your primary care physicians, but this is our annual fundraiser for the year. It helps fund all the supplies (Band-Aids, gloves, gauze, ice bags, rehab equipment, etc.) the Athletic Training Staff needs to take care of our student-athletes. We have doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals from the community come in to perform physicals right at the high school- they volunteer their time so that we can raise the money we need to sustain our program. Since the Athletic Training Program does not receive funds from the county to pay for these necessary supplies, we rely on this event to give us the money we need to do so. It all goes to support your student-athletes at Chantilly High School. The cost of the physical is $50 when you register online, $60 for walk-ins.

You can register by following this link: and click on “pre-participation screening for student athletes”

We are always looking for medical and non-medical volunteers to assist us for the event. If you are interested in helping out, please contact us at or, or click on the registration link to sign up.

Thank you for your support!

Katelyn & Kevin

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 10:55AM

Evergreen 7v7 and Strength Training

Good Morning:

I want to thank the young men and their families who made it out to Passing League last night. I appreciate the effort and commitment to make it out any week and that is especially true on Mother’s Day.

Big thanks to the following players and their families: Tyler O’Reilly, James Pogorelc, Garret Nelson, CJ Carter, Tro Davenport, Ziad Kashef,  Matthew Osteguin, Steven Risi and Liam Maison.

As difficult as it is to play 7-on-7 with only six players, as we did with the Rising 8/Rising 9, it would have been impossible to play with only three Varsity players, so an additional thank you goes out to Tyler O’Reilly and James Pogorelc for sticking around to ensure their older teammates didn’t make the trip only to forfeit. They played non-stop for six straight games.

Moving forward, please email me if you cannot attend a football related activity (do not send the message with a teammate).  Of the 27 registered participants, only two emailed me to let me know they would not attend. This has been true most weeks this spring. Please give us a “heads-up” if you cannot attend because we need to be able to adjust accordingly.

In addition to reminding players last Sunday and during workouts, the schedule was on the Evergreen Website during registration and it is on the Google Calendar (found under this tab) on

Because we expect all players not in-season with a Chantilly team to lift with us, this communication policy is true for strength training sessions as well. We will continue to have workouts on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:45. Although attendance is up, it is not where it needs to be in order to put us in a position to bring Chantilly Football back into District/Region/State title contention. Again, unless you are playing a spring sport for Chantilly, you should make every effort to attend these sessions.

Moving forward, athletes enrolled in Personal Fitness will not be asked to lift after school if they are giving great effort in class and making adequate progress. Workouts will move to four days a week during the summer.

Thank you,

Coach Curry

Team News

7.0 years ago @ 8:40PM

Spring Updates

Good Evening:

I would like to take this opportunity to (re)introduce myself to the Chantilly Football Family! I cannot articulate how excited I am to return Chantilly High School to lead the football program. I know that many of you are as anxious as I am to start working together. Behind the scenes, the month of February was a busy one as I spent many evenings meeting with a number of coaches interested in becoming a part of our coaching staff. In addition to some new faces, there will be a number of familiar ones who understand and appreciate the privilege of coaching at a school like Chantilly. The future is bright for our program!

As a player or parent, you will learn quickly that I value player and parent feedback and will use it to guide many aspects of the program. From the type/cost of team meals to our participation in passing leagues and tournaments, I want you to have a voice in matters that will affect the families in our program. You will often find links in an “email blast” that will take you to a Google Form to provide you an opportunity to share your thoughts. As many of you may know, the day I was introduced to the players they got a link to a survey to voice their opinions. I think open, candid, respectful communication is key, and I want everyone involved with the program to feel comfortable communicating with me and our staff.

Below you will find announcements, updates, and information about the spring. I will add a Google Calendar to in the coming days to keep the schedule of events as accurate as possible.

I look forward to working with you all!


Coach Curry


Beginning March 6, the weight room will be open Mondays and Wednesdays after school for team workouts. Mr. O’Reilly and Coach Boyle will be the initial coaches leading workouts. All players not participating in a spring sport should join us for strength training.  Prior to the first session, please download a “QR Reader” from your smartphone’s app store. We will use QR codes to expedite taking attendance and record test results.

**Note to underclassmen: As I mentioned in our first meeting, if you take Personal Fitness you will not have strength training obligations during our off-season! Enroll in Personal Fitness and you have the freedom to do an awful lot during our off-season: play other sports without feeling "pulled", work a part-time job in the afternoon, study, simply go home and relax! Be sure to enroll for the 2017-2018 school year!


To keep scheduling simple for families who planned around previously scheduled camps, we will stick to the camps and dates previously arranged by Coach Lalli. More information will be shared as we receive it from the camp organizers, but the dates are: 

June 19—22 at Old Redskin Park

July 17—20 at Old Redskin Park

Passing League

Evergreen Sportsplex hosts a passing league from April 2-May 21. The Sportsplex is an incredible facility and the passing league is open to teams from all over the area. Before I commit us to the league, however, I want to gauge the interest level from players (and parents) willing and able to commit to an 8-week league. Please click HERE for more information about the passing league. Either way, please let me know your interest by visiting HERE. If there are not enough players available, we will not participate.

I truly support and appreciate multi-sport athletes and do NOT want spring athletes, especially varsity level, to feel pressured into participating. 

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Before You Criticize Them, Remember That Almost All Youth Coaches Are Volunteering Their Time!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

What Makes High School Athletes More Successful Later In Life?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

College Recruits Deserve Better Coverage From Their High Schools

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Junior Varsity: The Middle Children Of The High School Sports World

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

High School Athletes Should Make Yoga Part Of Their Workout Routine

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

16 Great Life Lessons That Sports Teach Us

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

All Athletic Departments Need To Use Social Media... And Here's How

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Snow Safety: How To Eliminate Injuries While Playing Winter Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

The Best Ways To Increase School Spirit

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

A Technological Method To Fund Sports Participation

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Ten Ideas To Raise Money For Your Team

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

The Danger of Concussions

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

5 Ways Parents Make Their Kids Hate Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Danger Of Hazing in High School Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Impact of Steroids in High School Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Why Stretching is Critical

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

High School Sports and Academics Coexist Well

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.