Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
JV Softball
Team News.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
14.0 years ago @ 10:24AM
Parents & Players,
Due to the weather, the JV Softball game vs Westfield scheduled for tonight has been postponed until Tuesday, May 18th at 6:30pm.
The JV team will have practice indoors normal time.
14.0 years ago @ 4:34PM
JV Softball will be playing Centerville at home Wednesday, May 12th. This is the rescheduled game from Friday, May 7th.
14.0 years ago @ 7:33AM
14.0 years ago @ 8:57AM
Due to the weather, we will be having practice indoors today (4/26) from 6-7pm. Please meet in the team room at 5:45 so we can utilize all of our practice time.
14.0 years ago @ 11:19AM
The Robinson game has been postponed until tomorrow at the same time (Wednesday, April 14th @ 7pm).
We will have a whiteboard practice from 5:30-6:30/7pm tonight. Everyone should be in the teamroom and ready to learn at 5:30.
14.0 years ago @ 9:09AM
Players & Parents,
We will be having practice inside from 5-7 today.
The Varsity game has been rescheduled for tomorrow. We will practice inside from 5:30-6:30 then go to the game to support the Varsity team.
14.0 years ago @ 10:46AM
Players & Parents,
Today's JV Softball practice will be inside at the normal time (530-730).
14.0 years ago @ 4:25AM
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tonight we are playing at TC Williams. They do not have a softball field on campus and play at a near by field.
We will be playing at Armistead Boothe Park – 435 Ferdinand Day Drive, Alexandria, VA 22304.
Here's the link to their website, they give directions there if you need them:
14.0 years ago @ 8:58AM
Field day is rescheduled for this Sat 3/20 at 11am.
For Field Day on Saturday 3/20 11:00am JV & Varsity Families.
Please bring the following if you have them:
- Gardening gloves to pull weeds
- Branch cutters
- Trash bags
- Pick up truck to haul trash to dumpsters
- Power washer for concrete & dugouts
- Anything else you can think of to help make our field look fabulous!
If it rains Friday/Saturday, we will make a decision by 8:30am about field day.
14.0 years ago @ 8:56AM
We will have the same schedule as yesterday for practice. Meet in the team room at 3:45. Practice will be over around 6:30.
14.0 years ago @ 9:01AM
Due to the rain we will be inside for today's practice.
Please meet in the locker room at 3:45pm. Practice will go until 6:30pm.
Additional reminders: Field day is rescheduled for this Sat 3/20 at 11am.
For Field Day on Saturday 3/20 11:00am JV & Varsity Families:
Please bring the following if you have them:
- Gardening gloves to pull weeds
- Branch cutters
- Trash bags
- Pick up truck to haul trash to dumpsters
- Power washer for concrete & dugouts
- Anything else you can think of to help make our field look fabulous!
If it rains Friday/Saturday, we will make a decision by 8:30am about field day.
14.0 years ago @ 9:26AM
Hi girls, sorry scrimmage is canceled. Practice today is in wrestling room at 6:15pm with team dinner to follow since the food is already made. Field day is also canceled tomorrow but rescheduled for next Sat 3/20 at 11am.
Coach Wise:)