Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Girls Varsity Basketball
Team News.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM
This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.
15.0 years ago @ 9:31AM
Fall League Games on 10/25:
- Team Sol Fall League (last weekend for this league): 9:00 am at Northwestern HS. Please arrive by 8:40 am
- Hoop Magic: 3:40 pm vs. Madison. Please arrive by 3:15 pm
- Hoop Magic: 3:40 pm vs. Renegades 1: Please arrive by 3:15 pm
15.0 years ago @ 7:23AM
Charger Girls Basketball Skill Clinics
15.0 years ago @ 6:34AM
15.0 years ago @ 7:38AM
For the 2009-10 school year, all physicals must be dated May 1, 2009 or Later to qualify the prospective athlete to participate in any tryout or sport during the calendar year. Only ONE physical is needed to be on file and that physical will allow your daughter to try out for any sport she wishes throughout the 2009-10 school year. Therefore, every single person interested in trying out for basketball next year will need a new physical on file previous to their try out period (which will be in November) My suggestion: THE SOONER THE BETTER!!!! Any athlete who is currently playing or participating in a Fall Sport or tried out for a Fall Sport should curretly have a physical on file at this time. Therefore, a new physical is not needed as only one on file is necessary for the entire school year period. I suggest everyone make their appointment to see their doctor’s for a physical ASAP. You can turn your physical in any time you would like starting now! The physical is to be turned into the Training Department first!!! (i.e. Mr. Castro or Mr. Boss) at Chantilly HS. Again, when tryouts come around, I can not allow you to tryout unless you have a physical on file dated May 1, 2009 or later! For those who plan to see a doctor to have your daughter’s physical completed, here is the link to the VHSL physical that must be signed and dated by your Medical Doctor in order to be valid: //[1]6.pdf Questions and completed forms should be directed to the CHS Athletic Training Department.