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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Team News.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Before You Criticize, Remember That Most Youth Sports Coaches Are Volunteers!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Why Do Former High School Athletes Earn More Money?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

NCAA Recruits Deserve Better Publicity From Their High Schools

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Don't Overlook Your School's Junior Varsity Teams!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

More High School Athletes Should Be Practicing Yoga

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

16 Life Lessons That Lax (And Other Sports) Can Teach Us

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

All Athletic Directors Should Be Using Social Media... And Here's How

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Snow Safety: How To Avoid Injuries Playing Winter Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Top Ten Ways To Increase School Spirit

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

A Different Way To Fund Sports Participation

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

10 Great Ideas To Raise Money For Your Team

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Proper Concussion Protocol in High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

How Parents Make Their Children Hate Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Hazing in High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Prevalence of Steroids in High School Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Significance of Stretching

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

How High School Sports Benefit Academics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:48AM

This Week: August 11th-15th

I just wanted to clarify a few things:

1) There will be no workouts this week for freshmen football. Varsity practice starts tomorrow and typically my staff helps run the practices. Everyone can have a little rest before we start next week.

2) Wednesday, the 13th will be our mandatory equipment issue/paper work collection in the gym lobby. We will begin the equipment issue at 10:00 AM- so we would encourage players to arrive before. Please have all required forms filled out and ready to go before this time. Students who are missing paperwork will not be issued equipment.

Students should also bring their own combination lock on this date so we can assign them a locker and they can leave their equipment at school.

Also- the calendar I posted under the files has two typos. The first one has workouts continuing this week- which they are not. And it also has practice times listed from 8 am-10 am. We probably will run a little later than that because we like to do a film/chalk session after practice. We will probably be finishing closer to 10:45. 

Please feel free to email me with any questions.

Coach Miles

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 6:10AM

Spirit Packs

Each player is asked to provide $70.00 for the following; game socks, practice jerseys, and other miscellaneous items throughout the year that we provide such as mouth pieces, screw ins for cleats, etc. This money also helps us with costs of equipment up-keep such as helmet and shoulder pad refurbishing which is required by VHSL rules every season.   

You will have to purchase your own five pad girdle. These can be found at any sporting goods store in the football section. They need to have thigh pads, hip pads, and a tail pad. They sell 7 pad girdles which include knee pads, these are acceptable however not required. We can provide players with knee pads fitted into their pants.

The optional spirit wear (sweatshirts t-shirts etc.) can be bought from Cheers Sports online. The link to website is



Team News

10.0 years ago @ 12:12PM


Required Paperwork:

All of the following forms will be collected on August 13th, 9:30 am. Any missing or incomplete paperwork will prevent your player from receiving equipment, and they will not be eligible to play until this paperwork comes in. You may finds these forms in the "Team Files" page.

Fairfax county rules state that all physicals for the upcoming season must have been completed on or after May 1st of this year. We have one night where students can come in and get their physical done here at school on June 17th- however I was just informed that this is currently all booked. Oakton typically holds theirs later in the summer, so keep your eye out for that. Obviously any other general care or family physician can take care of this as well.

If players are currently participating in summer workouts, they should turn their physicals into one of our Certified Athletic Trainers ASAP, as they are required to participate in off-season workouts. Please make a copy of this physical for your own records before giving to your child to turn in.

Emergency Care Cards: this very important document gives us the information we need to contact you in the case of an emergency.

Extra Curricular Participation Form: this form gives an outline of our school's policies regarding the right to participate in extracurricular activities, and behaviors that may revoke this right. This needs to be read, signed, and dated by your player. It outlines that any behavior resulting in school suspension, or any evidence that the player is using alcohol, drugs, or present when alcohol or drugs are being used, will result in the termination of their season.

Concussion Education: Players and parents must complete this brief "webinar" on concussions. The website to do this is: Please complete this and follow directions. Typically, we get the results of who has completed this training, but please bring in the certificate that is emailed to you upon completion as proof just in case.

Summer Workouts and Camps:
We are not allowed to give specific sports related instruction during the offseason, but it is imperative we get the kids up and running and lifting during the months leading up to the season. We had a few months of introductory workouts with many of your players already. The purpose of these workouts was to teach them proper technique for lifting. Beginning June 24th, the freshmen will be allowed to workout with the upper classmen. Here, despite not having the same one-on-one they had earlier, we as a staff always pay close attention to the players, making sure they are using proper form to increase their muscle development and decrease the risk of injury in the future. The workouts start at 8 am, and I would encourage them to not be late! We do take attendance, but again these workouts are encouraged but not mandatory. Obviously, most families take vacations during the summer and there are no issues with time off during this period.


Team News

10.0 years ago @ 12:05PM

Contact Information

I will be out of the country from Wednesday July 14th until August 9th. If you have any questions during this time, please feel free to contact Mike Lalli, the head varsity coach at

I've also posted answers to frequently asked questions and a calendar under the "files" page on here.


Team News

10.0 years ago @ 4:07PM

Summer Workouts

Summer workouts will start July 7th and go from 8:00-10:00 am Monday-Thursday. These workouts are not mandatory but are encouraged.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 4:46AM

Important Dates

  1. March 27, 2014 - Freshmen Parents Meeting in Gymnastic room @ 7:00 PM
  2. April 1, 2014 - First freshmen work outs, @ 3:45 PM,
  3. Freshmen work outs will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45  to 5:15 PM until June;
    1. There will be no work-outs during spring break.
    2. We will postpone work-outs during SOLs- from 5/19-5/30) and will start-up again on Tuesday June, 3rd.
  4. May 29, 2014 - Fall Sports Parents meeting. All parents of any fall sport participant is welcome to attend. The meeting will be in the auditorium starting at 7 PM.
  5. June 19, 2014 -  Physical Night at Chantilly HS from 5:30 to 7:30 PM, Must Be Preregistered
  6. July 7th, 2014- Summer workouts start. 8:00 am- 10:00 at Chantilly.
  7. July 14, 15, 16, 17, 2014 - Freshmen Team Camp at Word of Grace from 9:30 to 11:30 AM; Cost is $110.00
  8. August 13, 2014 - 10:00 AM in the Gym Lobby: Mandatory Equipment Issue/Paperwork Collection: Each player must have the following in order to receive equipment;
    1. Completed Physical
    2. Completed Concussion Education Training (both player and a guardian)
    3. Extra-curricular participation form
    4. Emergency Care Card
      Please make copies of all of these in case you need an extra copy
  9. August 18, 2014 - First Day of Practice - 8:00 to 10:45 AM