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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



8.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

February 26, 2017

Parents and Wrestlers,
Congratulations to Hadley Horner, Sam Tenaglia, and Sean Pogorelc for becoming "All-State" by placing in the VHSL Virginia 6A State Wrestling Tournament.
Hadley, Sam and Sean earned Chantilly 9th place as a team out of 52 teams in the VHSL Virginia 6A State Tournament. 
1. Colonial Forge 159.5
2. James W. Robinson 112.0
3. Battlefield 107.5
4. Grassfield 104.5
5. Woodbridge 86.5
6. Hayfield 67.0
7. Osbourn Park 65.0
8. Landstown 62.5
9. Chantilly 51.0
10. Oscar Smith 49.0
Schedule for the Week
  • Monday, February 27
    • Spring Dead Period - No Workouts
  • Tuesday, February 28
    • Spring Dead Period - No Workouts
  • Wednesday, March 1
    • Lifting 7AM to 7:45AM
  • Thursday, March 2
    • Lifting 7AM to 7:45AM
    • Practice 3:30PM to 5:30PM
  • Friday, March 3
    • Weigh-In (Option 1 of 3) 6PM to 8PM at Riverbend High School
  • Saturday, March 4
    • Freshman States, Sophomore States, or Junior States
      • Weigh-In (Option 2 of 3) 7:30AM to 8:30AM at Riverbend High School
      • Wrestle at 9AM
  • Sunday, March 5
    • Super States
      • Weigh-In (Option 3 of 3) 8AM to 9AM at Riverbend High School
      • Wrestle at 10AM
Spring Break Wrestling Camp (April 13th to April 15th) Olympic Champion Camp Kyle Snyder
Come train, learn, and compete with Olympic Champion Kyle Snyder from April 13th through April 15th at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School. Every aspect of training and competition will be covered with an emphasis on developing your attacks and scoring points.
  • Date: April 13-15, 2017, Day 1: 8:30am - 4pm, Day 2: 9am - 4pm, Day 3: 9am - 12pm
  • Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, 17301 Old Vic Blvd, Olney, MD 20832
  • Grades: 5-12 (Limited to 200 Wrestlers. Walk-ins accepted if any spots remain open. Please call or email before walking in. Camp t-shirt not guaranteed for walk-ins.)
  • Cost: $250 (No Refunds - Camp Credit Only. Checks payable to: Good Counsel Wrestling)
  • Pre Register: By Wednesday, March 1, 2017 (Must be pre-registered by date to receive free Rudis camp t-shirt!)
Chantilly Wrestling Banquet
The Chantilly Wrestling banquet will be Sunday, March 12th from 6PM to 8:30PM at the Chantilly National Golf and Country Club (14901 Braddock Road, Centreville, VA). The cost is $10 per person. All wrestlers, families of wrestlers, managers, and coaches are invited to attend. All wrestlers should wear a tie. Dinner will be served buffet style with caesar salad, garlic bread, chicken parmesan, penne pasta, marinara sauce, chef's seasonal vegetable, and cake for dessert. We will be giving out awards and showing the highlight video. Please complete the RSVP form by Friday, March 3rd and submit with payment to Coach Winfrey. Please make checks to Chantilly High School. 
RSVP Form - Chantilly Wrestling Banquet
VACW State Wrestling Tournament
This event is optional for Varsity and Junior Varsity and is the first "off-season" tournament of the spring. On Saturday, March 4 is "Freshman States", "Sophomore States", and "Junior States". On Sunday, March 5 is a separate tournament called "Super States" which combines Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. A wrestler can compete in one, or both tournaments. If a wrestler wants to wrestle in both tournament then be sure to register for both online (link below). Wrestlers must have a USA Wrestling Card which can be purchased here:
If you plan on attending please let Coach Winfrey know. Also, please sign-up to help with the carpool on Saturday, March 4. We will meet at Chantilly High School at 7AM in order to be at weigh-ins before 8:30AM. Carpool Signup
  • Saturday, March 4 at Riverbend High School (Fredericksburg, VA) $35
    • Freshman State Tournament, Sophomore State Tournament, and the Junior State Tournament
    • Register Here: VACW State Wrestling Tournament
      • Weigh-In (+3lb allowance): Friday, March 3 from 6PM to 8PM at Riverbend High School or Saturday, March 4 from 7:30AM to 8:30AM
      • Wrestling starts at 9AM
  • Sunday, March 5 at Riverbend High School (Fredericksburg, VA) $25
    • Super States
    • Register Here: VACW State Wrestling Tournament
      • Weigh-In (+3lb allowance): Friday, March 3 from 6PM to 8PM at Riverbend High School or Saturday, March 4 from 7:30AM to 8:30AM or Sunday, March 5 from 8AM to 9AM
      • Wrestling starts at 10AM
