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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



8.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

February 13, 2017 TEAM

Parents and Wrestlers,

Congratulations to the following wrestlers for placing in the VHSL VA 6A North Region Tournament:
As a team, Chantilly placed 9th out of 26 teams.
1. James W. Robinson 188.5
2. Battlefield 168.0
3. Hayfield 161.0
4. Osbourn Park 123.5
5. W T Woodson 119.5
6. Patriot 111.0
7. McLean 92.0
8. Westfield 82.5
9. Chantilly 76.0
10. Stonewall Jackson (Manassas) 73.5
Equipment Turn-In and Locker Room Clean
Wednesday, February 22 immediately after school in the wrestling room. Managers and coaches will make sure all inventory is turned in. We will do this in 6 different lines alphabetically. Once a wrestler has turned in all equipment the wrestler will go to the locker room to clean out their locker. A coach will be present to check off a clean locker.
Chantilly Wrestling Banquet
The Chantilly Wrestling banquet will be Sunday, March 12th from 6PM to 8:30PM at the Chantilly National Golf and Country Club (14901 Braddock Road, Centreville, VA). The cost is $10 per person. All wrestlers, families of wrestlers, managers, and coaches are invited to attend. All wrestlers should wear a tie. Dinner will be served buffet style with caesar salad, garlic bread, chicken parmesan, penne pasta, marinara sauce, chef's seasonal vegetable, and cake for dessert. We will be giving out awards and showing the highlight video. Please complete the RSVP form by Friday, March 3rd and submit with payment to Coach Winfrey. Please make checks to Chantilly High School. 
RSVP Form - Chantilly Wrestling Banquet
Upcoming Events - VACW State Wrestling Tournament 
(OPTIONAL - VARSITY & JUNIOR VARSITY) - Saturday, March 4 and Sunday, March 5 at Riverbend High School (Fredericksburg, VA)
Schedule for the Week
  • Monday, February 13
    • Conditioning and Yoga 3:30PM to 5:30PM
  • Tuesday, February 14
    • 4PM to 6PM Practice at Hayfield (obviously optional for all wrestlers). No practice at Chantilly.
  • Wednesday, February 15
    • 4PM to 6PM Practice at Hayfield (obviously optional for all wrestlers). No practice at Chantilly.
  • Thursday, February 16
    • State Tournament at Oscar Smith High School
  • Friday, February 17
    • State Tournament at Oscar Smith High School
  • Saturday, February 18
    • State Tournament at Oscar Smith High School
