Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Varsity Wrestling
8.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey
Parents and Wrestlers,
I wanted to send a quick update regarding the JUNIOR VARSITY team for this Friday, February 3 for the Conference Tournament at Westfield High School.
School will be dismissed early at 12:25PM on Friday. The JV team should meet in the locker room immediately after school. The JV coaches will be in the locker room. The JV coaches will walk the JV team to Buffalo Wing Factory for lunch. After lunch, the JV team will walk back to Chantilly and catch the bus to Westfield High School at 2:30PM (earliest time we could get a bus). Wrestlers should bring money for lunch at Buffalo Wing Factory. However, we will use the Chantilly Wrestling account to cover wrestlers who are unable to pay.
So here is the JV schedule for Friday, February 3
- 12:25PM School Dismissal
- 12:30PM Meet in locker room
- 12:35PM Walk to Buffalo Wing Factory for lunch
- 2:00PM Walk back to Chantilly High School
- 2:30PM Bus to Westfield High School
- 3PM Watch the varsity conference consolation semi-finals
- 4PM Watch the varsity conference consolation finals
- 5:30PM Watch the varsity conference finals
- 7:30PM Bus to Chantilly High School
- 8PM Arrive back to Chantilly
Also, we are selling post-season Chantilly Wrestling shirts for $5 to parents and wrestlers. You can buy a shirt all week. Here is the shirt below:
Thank You!
Coach Winfrey