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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



8.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

January 1, 2017

Parents and Wrestlers,

Happy New Year! Varsity competed at the Governor Mifflin Holiday Wrestling Tournament this past Thursday and Friday in Shillington, Pennsylvania. The team had four placers which include:
  • Hadley Horner (145lbs) 1st Place
  • Sam Tenaglia (152lbs) 1st Place
  • Antonio Reyes (195lbs) 8th Place
  • Sean Pogorelc (220lbs) 5th Place
Parents, Please Volunteer for Friday, January 6 and/or Saturday, January 7
Parents, we desperately need your help with volunteering for the 3rd Annual Joe Verciglio Memorial Wrestling Tournament at Chantilly High School this Friday, January 6 and Saturday, January 7. Times are listed next to each sign-up.
We need help with:
  • Concessions
  • Admissions Table
  • Security - walk around the gym, locker rooms, etc. making sure everything is orderly
  • Hospitality Room -  this will be in the wrestling room. Please make sure items are stocked, drinks in cooler, trash is thrown out, etc.
We also need the following items:
  • FOOD DONATIONS SIGN-UP LINK -  food donations will be sold in concessions. Please try to deliver items in a crockpot or warm tray to concessions on Friday and/or Saturday.
  • We are requesting that each wrestling family donate a case of water and soda for the hospitality room. These items can be dropped off to the wrestling room throughout this week.
  • Coolers for the hospitality room to keep drinks cold. Coolers can be dropped off to the wrestling room throughout this week.
Junior Varsity for Friday, January 6 and/or Saturday, January 7
Junior Varsity wrestlers are required to work tables Friday and Saturday. This will be a LONG weekend for the entire team. However, we need the help of EVERY wrestler to insure that the tournament runs successfully. This is our largest fundraiser! JV wrestlers will be assigned to a table for the entire weekend. Tables will have approximately 7 wrestlers working. It only takes 4 wrestlers to run the table properly. The 7 wrestlers are responsible for working together as a team to insure the table runs successfully (breaks, restrooms breaks, lunch breaks, etc.). Table assignments will be released to wrestlers later this week. Junior varsity wrestlers will be given meal tickets to use at concessions in order to eat throughout the tournament. 
Joe Verciglio Schedule
  • Friday, January 6
    • 1:30PM – Open Scales (Wrestling Room) and Team Arrivals
    • 3PM – Weigh-In (Wrestling Room)
    • 4PM – Coaches Meeting
    • 4:30PM – Round 1 Round Robin
    • 7PM – Round 2 Round Robin
  • Saturday, January 7
    • 9AM – Weigh-In
    • 10AM – Round 3 Round Robin
    • 12:30PM – Round 4 Round Robin
    • 3PM – Round 5 Round Robin
    • 5:30PM – Championship Semifinals & Consolation Semifinals
    • 7PM – Finals & Consolation Finals
Schedule for the Week
  • Monday, January 2
    • Practice 9AM to 11AM
  • Tuesday, January 3
    • Practice 3:30PM to 5:30PM
  • Wednesday, January 4
    • Optional Morning Lift 7AM
    • Varsity Practice 3:30PM to 5:30PM
    • JV Wrestling at Broad Run High School
      • Arrive back to CHS 4PM (go to locker room)
      • Bus 4:30PM
      • Weigh-In 5PM
      • Wrestle 6PM - 9PM
  • Thursday, January 5
    • Varsity Practice at 6:30AM
    • Junior Varsity will need to be in Coach Winfrey's classroom at 3:30PM for Track Wrestling training. Training will be from 3:30PM to 5PM.
    • Varsity report back to Chantilly at 9:30PM (after home basketball game). We will be setting up gym for the tournament.
  • Friday, January 6
    • Varsity wrestlers will need to report IMMEDIATELY to the wrestling room for weigh-ins after school dismissal 2:55PM. Weigh-ins will begin at 3PM. Varsity wrestlers should be checking their weight during their lunch period. 
    • Junior Varsity wrestlers will need to report to their assigned tables in the gym IMMEDIATELY after school dismissal. JV wrestlers will be assigned to a table for the entire weekend. Tables will have approximately 7 wrestlers working. The 7 wrestlers are responsible for working together as a team to insure the table runs successfully. Table assignments will be released to wrestlers later this week.
  • Saturday, January 7
    • Varsity wrestlers will need to report to Chantilly at 8AM. Weigh-ins will begin at 9AM.
    • Junior Varsity wrestlers will need to report to Chantilly at 8AM. JV wrestlers will be assigned to a table for the entire weekend. Tables will have approximately 7 wrestlers working. The 7 wrestlers are responsible for working together as a team to insure the table runs successfully. Table assignments will be released to wrestlers later this week.
