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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



8.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

Monday, November 14, 2016

Welcome to Chantilly Wrestling! Please read the information below.

Parent Meeting - Tuesday, November 15

The Chantilly Wrestling Parent Meeting will be tomorrow (Tuesday, November 15) from 6:30PM to 7:30PM in room 111 (near the main office). We will be discussing several important items for the 2016-2017 wrestling season.

Weight Control & Hydration Testing (MANDATORY) - Wednesday, November 16

This is mandatory for all wrestlers in the state of Virginia. Testing evaluates an athlete's body fat, weight, and hydration levels to determine a “goal competition weight” and weight management plan. More information can be found here

Body fat, weight, and hydration assessment will take place all day in the CHS training room. Chantilly wrestlers should attend and complete testing with Mr. Kevin Boss (Certified Athletic Trainer) during P.E. classes, Personal Fitness classes, or during their lunch.

Scrimmage - Thursday, November 17

We will be having "LIVE" scrimmages against Yorktown this Thursday, November 17 in the Chantilly wrestling room. The scrimmage will be modified practice style live matches. Parents may attend, but there is limited space to stand and watch.

Chantilly wrestlers should arrive to CHS by 5PM and be dressed in the wrestling room by 5:15PM. Wrestling will begin at 6PM and conclude at 8PM. My classroom will be available to wrestlers after school for homework or studying.

 Important Items/Paperwork

  1. Please check the Roster Spreadsheet to see what if missing from each wrestler. At the top of the spreadsheet are links to connect you with the missing paperwork.
  2. Almost all wrestlers have turned this in, but just in case...all wrestlers need a VHSL Physical in order to participate in wrestling.
  3. Parent Concussion Education - Parents must complete the concussion education program prior to the student’s participation in high school sports. Parents need only complete the program one time for all their children participating in FCPS athletics if they register each child's FCPS ID number prior to viewing the slideshow.
  4. Student Concussion Education - Students must complete the concussion education program prior to participating in high school sports.
  5. FCPS Participation Policy
  6. Weight Room Form
  7. Communicable Disease Form
  8. Wrestler Information Form
  9. Team Rules
  10. $20 for Practice Uniform - please make checks to Chantilly High School. If a student is on free or reduced lunch then the fee is waived.
  11. Donations of detergent and bleach. We will be washing all practice uniforms each day. Please consider donating detergent and bleach.
  12. $100 donation to Chantilly Wrestling to support Chantilly Wrestling. This donation to the Chantilly Wrestling program is considered a fundraiser for the program and is not mandatory, but greatly appreciated!


Schedule for the Week

  • Monday, November 14
    • Optional Morning Lift 7AM
    • Practice 3:30PM to  5:30PM
  • Tuesday, November 15
    • Practice 3:30PM to  5:30PM
    • Parent Meeting 6:30PM to 7:30PM
  • Wednesday, November 16
    • Optional Morning Lift 7AM
    • Weight Control & Hydration Testing (MANDATORY)
      • Body fat, weight, and hydration assessment will take place all day in the CHS training room. Wrestlers should attend and complete testing with Mr. Kevin Boss (Certified Athletic Trainer) during P.E. classes, Personal Fitness classes, or during their lunch.
  • Thursday, November 17
    • Scrimmage at Chantilly against Yorktown
    • 5PM - CHS Wrestlers should arrive back to Chantilly
    • A wrestler has the option of staying at CHS after school to complete homework in my classroom.
    • 6PM to 8PM - Wrestling Scrimmage vs. Yorktown - Parents may attend, but the scrimmage is in the wrestling room, so there will be limited space to stand and watch.
  • Friday, November 18
    • Practice 3:30PM to  5:30PM
  • Saturday, November 19
    • Practice and Lift 9AM to 12PM
