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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



9.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

Freshman, Sophomore, & Super States

The Freshman State Tournament, Sophomore State Tournament, and Super States Tournament is this weekend (Sunday, March 6) at Riverbend High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Wrestling begins at 9AM for the Freshman and Sophomore tournaments. The Super States Tournament begins at 12PM. Wrestlers can compete in both tournaments. Cost is $35. REGISTRATION & INFORMATION HERE

Weigh-ins are Saturday, March 5 at Hayfield High School from 5PM to 6:30PM. Contact Roy Hill at (540)587-4068 or

I have created a SIGN-UP LINK for car pools on Sunday, March 6. Please let me know if your son is attending and needs a ride AND/OR you can give rides to wrestlers.

I have offseason "Dulles Mat Club Livewire" singlets, shorts, and shirts for sale. Singlets are $40 each and come in two colors: RED and BLUE. Shirts and shorts are $10 OR $15 for both. I would recommend all wrestlers purchase a headgear and a singlet for offseason tournaments. Also, freestyle and greco tournaments want you to have a red and a blue singlet for tournaments (it's the rules). I will loan out Chantilly singlets and headgear for the spring/summer if needed...just let me know!

Off-season tournaments are optional, but recommended for wrestlers that have a desire to get better! I understand it's impossible to attend a wrestling tournament every weekend of the off-season. Just try to wrestle as many matches as possible in the spring, summer, and fall! Unfortunately, I will not be attending this tournament. I will be in Charlottesville at the University of Virginia for the ACC Wrestling Tournament. I will try to arrange a coach for Chantilly wrestlers.


Also, don't forget ALL Chantilly Wrestlers need to purchase a USA Wrestling Card Membership at Wrestlers should purchase the membership that covers Freestyle, Greco, and Folkstyle. This is important for insurance and for wrestling in tournaments throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Do not worry about choosing a "Wrestling Club" at this point. We are planning on adding "Dulles Mat Club", but for now just bypass this choice.

Dulles Mat Club is starting this Thursday, March 3 at Westfield HS from 6PM to 7:30PM. This is the only time DMC will practice on a Thursday. We will keep a regular schedule of Mondays and Wednesdays from 6PM to 7:30PM.
