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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



9.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

February 17, 2016

Parents and Wrestlers,

The Virginia State Wrestling Tournament is this weekend in Chesapeake, Virginia. Congratulations to our three wrestlers who qualified; 126lbs Reaves Arnold, 132lbs Charlie Carlson, and 152lbs Sam Tenaglia!
The last practice of the season is TODAY from 3:30PM to 5:30PM. I would like EVERY wrestler to be at practice today. We will be cleaning out lockers at the end of practice! 
Northern Region Wrestling Tournament
Congratulations to our five All-Region wrestlers! We placed 9th out of 27 teams in the Virginia 6A Northern Region Wrestling Team.
We are working to secure a location and date. We will let you know as soon as possible. All wrestlers should wear a shirt and tie. We would like to all families to attend to celebrate the accomplishments of a tough wrestling season!
Equipment Turn-In and Locker Room Clean
Wednesday, February 24 immediately after school in the wrestling room. Managers and coaches will make sure all inventory is turned in. We will do this in 6 different lines alphabetically. Once a wrestler has turned in all equipment the wrestler will go to the locker room to clean out their locker. A coach will be present to check off a clean locker.
Freshman, Sophomore, and Super States

This event is Sunday, March 6 at Riverbend High School in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Wrestling begins at 9AM with weigh-ins on Saturday, March 5 from 5PM to 6:30PM at Hayfield High School (7630 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria, VA 22315) Contact Roy Hill(540) 587-4068. You can find more information and sign-up here:

Team Wrestling Camp at the University of Virginia
It's never too early to talk about the Team Wrestling Camp this summer. We will be going to the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA on Sunday, July 17 through Wednesday, July 20. Please make plans to attend! We will be taking a bus. This a great team bonding experience and it's important that all CHS wrestlers attend. More information to come soon!
