Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Varsity Wrestling
9.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey
Parents and Wrestlers,
Thank you for your support today by supplying casseroles for the less fortunate! I hope the boys took some initiative with this project. We hope to have the boys serve the meals in the future (if the weather corporates).
We have a very busy schedule coming up this week. The end of the season is near with post-season wrestling beginning. The last event for Junior Varsity wrestlers is this Tuesday, February 2. However, we ALWAYS encourage the Junior Varsity wrestlers to attend practice throughout February since Varsity is still training for the Region, State, and National Tournaments. Junior Varsity wrestlers will also have the opportunity to compete in the Freshman State Tournament, Sophomore State Tournament, and the Junior State Tournament at the end of February.
Team Wrestling Camp at the University of Virginia
It's never too early to talk about the Team Wrestling Camp this summer. We will be going to the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA on July 17 through July 20. Please make plans to attend! This a great team bonding experience and it's important that all CHS wrestlers attend. More information to come soon!
Schedule for the Week
- Monday, February 1
- MANDATORY morning run in the gym at 8:45AM. There is a two hour late start.
- Practice 3:30PM to 5:30PM
- Tuesday, February 2
- Varsity Conference Duals AND Junior Varsity Conference Championships at Robinson Secondary
- TEAM FOOD SIGN-UP - No need for water. We have cases left over from our tournament.
- ALL Chantilly Wrestlers must dress up (collared shirt tucked into pants with a belt and a tie)
- Meet in locker room immediately after school.
- Bus will depart immediately after school.
- Weigh-In at 4PM with wrestling beginning at 5PM
- Varsity Round 1 vs. Robinson
- Varsity Round 2 vs. Herndon
- Varsity Round 3 vs. Oakton
- Arrive back to Chantilly around 10PM
- Varsity Conference Duals AND Junior Varsity Conference Championships at Robinson Secondary
- Wednesday, February 3
- Varsity Conference Duals at Herndon High School. Junior Varsity wrestlers are invited to attend (optional).
- TEAM FOOD SIGN-UP - No need for water. We have cases left over from our tournament.
- Varsity Chantilly Wrestlers must dress up (collared shirt tucked into pants with a belt and a tie)
- Meet in locker room immediately after school.
- Bus will depart immediately after school.
- Weigh-In at 4PM with wrestling beginning at 5PM
- Varsity Round 4 vs. Centreville
- Varsity Round 5 vs. Westfield
- Arrive back to Chantilly around 8:30PM
- Varsity Conference Duals at Herndon High School. Junior Varsity wrestlers are invited to attend (optional).
- Thursday, February 4
- 2 Hour Early Dismissal. Practice 12:30PM to 2:30PM
- Friday, February 5
- No School - Teacher Workday. Practice 8AM to 10AM
- Saturday, February 6
- Varsity Conference Tournament at Westfield High School. This is mandatory for Junior Varsity wrestlers to attend; we need your support!
- Meet at Westfield High School at 9AM
- Weigh-In at 11AM with wrestling beginning at 1PM. Finals are at 7PM
- TEAM FOOD SIGN-UP - No need for water. We have cases left over from our tournament.
- Varsity Conference Tournament at Westfield High School. This is mandatory for Junior Varsity wrestlers to attend; we need your support!
Conference Program Shout-Out
Support your favorite Wrestler with a “Shout-Out” in the Conference Championship Program. “Shout-Outs” will be printed in the 2016 Conference Championship Program. Up to three lines of text (100 characters max) for only $10! Orders MUST be received by February 1, 2016. Email the linked form to Jenni Aiello at and bring payment to the Conference Tournament OR mail a check to Keith Sholders, Head Wrestling Coach, c/o Westfield High School, 4700 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly, VA 20151.