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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



9.0 years ago by Zack Winfrey

January 27, 2016


  • Sunday, January 31
    • Each Chantilly Wrestling Family please provide ONE pre-cooked and frozen casserole. We will need a total of 40 fully cooked FROZEN casseroles. I will be at Chantilly High School this Sunday January 31st at noon to pick up casseroles and deliver to S.O.M.E. For more information and to sign-up, please click this link:
  • Monday, February 1
    • MANDATORY 6:45AM morning practice for VARSITY. Optional for Junior Varsity wrestlers.
    • Practice 3:30PM to 5:30PM
  • Tuesday, February 2
    • Conference Varsity Duals (Day 1) at Robinson (at Herndon on Day 2 - see below). Times and information to be announced as soon as possible.
    • Junior Varsity Conference Tournament at Robinson. Times and information to be announced as soon as possible.
  • Wednesday, February 3
    • Conference Varsity Duals (Day 2) at Herndon. Times and information to be announced as soon as possible.
    • Junior Varsity should attend Conference Varsity Duals to support the team. Some JV wrestlers will be asked to participate.
  • Thursday, February 4
    • 2 Hour Early Dismissal. Practice 12:30PM to 2:30PM
  • Friday, February 5
    • No School. Teacher Workday. Practice 8AM to 10AM
  • Saturday, February 6
    • Conference Tournament at Westfield High School. Times and information to be announced as soon as possible.
Please let me know if you see any conflicts! 
Also, don't forget about the VOLUNTEERING. We need your help. Due to the inclement weather, the team WILL NOT be able to volunteer at S.O.M.E. (So Others Might Eat) on Monday, February 1 as planned. However, I would still like to commit to S.O.M.E by providing meals that will be given to the less fortunate. We need the HELP of each Chantilly Wrestling family to provide ONE pre-cooked and frozen casserole. We will need a total of 40 fully cooked FROZEN casseroles. If your family is able to provide a casserole, please sign up below so we know what we can expect to receive. While the boys may not be able to go to volunteer, I suggest having them help make the casseroles, pick up ingredients, deliver them to Chantilly High School, so they can still take part in giving back to the community.
I will be at Chantilly High School this Sunday January 31st at noon to pick up casseroles and deliver to S.O.M.E.
As always, thank you for all of your help and support!
Thank You,
Coach Winfrey
