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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Team Files.

2020 Spring Track Team Bible

The Team Bible contains information pertaining to team rules and expectations, as well as contact information for the coaching staff, and the season schedule. Athletes and parents are expected to sign complete the online link ( that they have read and understand the team rules.

2019-20 FCPS Drivers Form

We will allow juniors and seniors to drive to certain local practices and meets, with parental consent, assuming their are licensed drivers. They may only drive themselves, or a sibling (w/parental consent). At no time may another student drive a teammate. (NOTE: This applies to meets/practices that we have a bus to anyways....not to a practice at Manassas Battlefield, Lees Corner, or Walney Pond). Driving to meets will be at the discretion of Coach G.

2019-20 Concussion Education Program

All athletes and their parents are required to view the presentation, and submit the last page signed, once per school year. If you have completed this for either a fall or winter sport, you do not have to re-do it; it should already be on file.

Be sure to check out the General Files page for additional files.