Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Indoor Track & Field
Team Files.
VHSL Physical Form
Each athlete must have a completed VHSL physical form submitted prior to participating. It must be done on the 2013 VHSL physical form, and must be performed AFTER May 1st, 2015. They are good for the 2015-16 school year, although not for a whole calendar year (if you got one last year, in the winter or spring season).
2015-16 Winter Track Spirit Pack Form
(Due back to Coach Franks by October 31st) (MUST BE SUBMITTED EVEN IF NOT PURCHASING ANYTHING) Orders must be placed online at: You will need, at minimum, to purchase the following items: PLEASE NOTE: TEAM SHIRT, JERSEY and Shorts (BOYS) are the same as last year and cross country. i. Team Shirt (long sleeved Under Armour) (to be worn at meets) iii. Jersey iv. Shorts(Running Shorts or Spandex-style(Boys) or BoyShorts (Girls) ; Mesh Shorts for Throwers Only For those who are consider warmups, they are also new: a black UnderArmour 1/4 Zip Jacket and black wind pants. These are not required, but teams that dress alike at meets display a sense of unity, both in appearance and in purpose, and thus it is encouraged. NOTE: The Spirit Pack ordering is now done online, through Cassels' Online store ( We will put in our first order on Saturday, November 1st. We will make our second order after tryouts. If you are certain to make the team, please consider ordering early, to ensure that you get your uniform before the first meet. REFUND POLICY- For any athlete who tries out for track, but does not make the team, we will agree to refund that athlete for the REQUIRED items purchased (not sweats, warmups, etc). If you place an order, but decide not to tryout, then we will not be able to give you a refund, although we will certainly provide you with your uniform when it is delivered.
2015-16 FCPS Drivers Form
We will allow juniors and seniors to drive to certain local practices and meets, with parental consent, assuming their are licensed drivers. They may only drive themselves, or a sibling (w/parental consent). At no time may another student drive a teammate. (NOTE: This applies to meets/practices that we have a bus to anyways....not to a practice at Manassas Battlefield, Lees Corner, or Walney Pond). Driving to meets will be at the discretion of Coach G.
2015-16 FCPS Extra Curricular Policy Form
(SIGN & RETURN LAST PAGE ONLY)These refer to the county rules regarding drug/alcohol use, as well as other guidelines governing athletic behavior. This will be reviewed each season.
Be sure to check out the General Files page for additional files.