Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Outdoor Track & Field
3.0 years ago by Dr. Matt Gilchrist
Attention those athletes who are planning on trying out for spring track. There will be a brief but important interest meeting on Monday, February 7th at 3:15 in the cafeteria. The season begins in two weeks (February 18th).
Signup information can be found at: (Please complete the CHS Athlete Survey and FCPS Online Registration ASAP to get on our contact/tryout list.
For those who can't make the interest meeting, please read below:
2022 Spring Track Interest Meeting Agenda
Welcome to the 2022 season of Chantilly Charger Spring Track. We are excited about this season. That being said, we need to emphasize a few things on the administrative side that we require prior to practices getting started.
1) Coaching Staff:
- Dr. Matt Gilchrist Head Coach, Distance
- Jason Franks Head Coach- Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps
- Anver Ansari Asst. Coach- Throws
- Sam Fitzhugh Asst. Coach- Jumps
- Lauren Soljanyk Asst. Coach, Distance
- James Steck Asst. Coach, Pole Vault/Weights
- Andy Tramel Asst. Coach
2). FORMS –DUE BY Tuesday, February15th
New Athletes (haven’t run in 2021-22) |
Winter Track &/or Cross Country only Athletes |
Athletes who did other sports in 2021-22 |
New Athlete Survey (online) |
Athlete Survey (online) |
Athlete Survey (online) |
FCPS Athlete Registration (online) |
Spirit Pack (online order) |
FCPS Athlete Registration (online) |
VHSL Physical |
Team Bible (online) |
Emergency Care Card |
Emergency Care Card |
Drivers Form (if applicable) |
Team Bible (online) |
Spirit Pack (online order) |
Drivers Form (if applicable) |
Team Bible |
Spirit Pack (online order) |
Drivers Form (if applicable) |
Team Jersey |
Team Jersey |
All forms can be found at: (Spring Track Pre-Season Info).
3). SPIRIT PACK (Now being done online)-Students are responsible for purchasing their own uniforms. It is the same uniform as used in winter track. Each athlete is responsible for purchasing a singlet and shorts (boys)/briefs or boyshorts (girls). In addition, we will be purchasing short sleeved team shirts, which will be worn to meets. Please note that these are the same uniforms as winter track, but the team shirt is different and must be purchased.
You need to purchase your jersey directly from Coach Gilchrist, by bringing in a check for $35, made out to CHS Track. Please put your name and size on the check. All other items are ordered on line, from Cassels Sports & Awards.
We will put in our order on Saturday, February 26th. If you have not made your order online before that, you may not be able to get your uniform. Your uniform is yours. If you choose to quit, your order is yours; we are not able to give refunds. As such, please make sure that you are committed to this sport before making your purchases.
Please note that we offer a multitude of different sweatshirts, sweatpants and warmups. Do not feel obligated to purchase everything, or a new set of sweats each season. They will be the same is indoors, if you ran in the winter. NOTE: WE WILL ONLY ISSUE REFUNDS IF YOU TRYOUT AND DO NOT MAKE THE TEAM, NOT IF YOU CHOOSE TO QUIT. WE WILL GET YOU REFUNDS ON REQUIRED ITEMS. IF YOU ARE NOT CONFIDENT OF MAKING THE TEAM, PLEASE WAIT UNTIL TRYOUTS TO MAKE YOUR ORDER.
4). TRYOUTS: To qualify for participation, we have use a tryout system. It is our thought that we wish to limit participation of the track team only to those people who have taken the care to condition themselves, and who are capable of meeting a performance standard. It is important to us as coaches, and indeed, hopefully to you as athletes, that this team be acknowledged as a competitive group, and not simply as a running club that is open to anyone who feels like doing a sport, but not willing to prepare.
The tryouts will be held over a four day period, Monday-Thursday, February 21st-24th . You must tryout in three “consecutive” events from:
100m dash, 200m dash, 400m dash, 800m run &1600m Run.The minimum standards are:
100m Dash |
200m Dash |
400m Dash |
800m Run |
1600m Run |
14.0 |
28.5 |
63.0 |
2:45.0 |
6:05.0 |
16.5 |
35.0 |
80.0 |
3:23.0 |
7:05.0 |
All Times are timed electronically |
You will run one event, for time, on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. For those who do not meet a performance standard on either of the first three days, they will get a last chance in any event on Thursday. You must meet a standard in at least TWO of the events, and will be placed in your group, depending upon which event you qualify in (100m, 200m, 400m= sprinters), (200, 400, 800 = mid distance) & (400, 800m, 1600m= distance runners). Freshman must meet at least ONE of the standards to qualify.
For those athletes who are planning on being shot-putters, you will be required to meet the following standards:
Freshmen |
Sophomores |
Juniors |
Seniors |
Boys |
22’6” |
24’ 6” |
25’ 0” |
26’ 0” |
Girls |
18’ 6” |
20’ 0” |
21’ 0” |
22’ 6” |
Tuesday, February 15th – PAPERWORK IS DUE TO COACH FRANKS- Rm. 209 .
Friday, February 18th - Absolute last day to join the track team. ALL PHYSICALS AND OTHER PAPERWORK MUST BE TURNED IN COMPLETELY, OR YOU WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING THIS SPRING. (If you are cut from another sport, you must report by Monday, February 28th. , but only if you have signed up in advance, and submitted your paperwork. All other athletes are expected to tryout on February 21st-24th . We may make exceptions for winter athletes still in season, or dealing with injury, but ONLY if all paperwork is submitted on time).
Monday, February 18th (2:00 pm)- Thursday, February 24th @ 3:15 pm- Tryouts.
Monday, February 28th – FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE- on the track- be prepared for the weather, we will be outdoors-ready to work.
March 26th - First Meet of the Season…..Really not that far away!!!
Please check regularly the CHS track & field website @ for announcements, and for forms needed. Most communications will be done through the web, or email.
All forms can be found at: (Go to Pre-Season Info Menu).
Please note that it is expected that you check your email daily, in case there are announcements that may be made. It is also advised that you use the team website (not the school website) regularly, to stay abreast of all events, news and announcements. This may include reminders of certain dates, lineups for meets, meet results, directions to meets or meet schedule. It is fully expected that you use this reference…please check it prior to contacting the coach with such questions.
Also, we do maintain a Facebook page “Chantilly HS Cross Country/Track & Field”. We invite athletes & parents to join. We use this to share announcements and other pertinent information, as well as photos. Coaches Gilchrist & Franks serve as administrators, in order to keep it safe and appropriate.