Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Outdoor Track & Field
6.0 years ago by Dr. Matt Gilchrist
Friday, February 8th – PAPERWORK IS DUE TO COACH HICKS- Rm. 208 .
Tuesday, February 12th @ 7:00 pm- MANDATORY MEETING- Must be accompanied by a parent- We will go over all administrative information we need to for the season (rules, team/school policies, schedule, etc). If you plan on running, you MUST ATTEND.
Friday, February 15th - Absolute last day to join the track team. ALL PHYSICALS AND OTHER PAPERWORK MUST BE TURNED IN COMPLETELY, OR YOU WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING THIS SPRING. (If you are cut from another sport, you must report by Monday, February 25th. , but only if you have signed up in advance, and submitted your paperwork. All other athletes are expected to tryout on February 18th-21st. We may make exceptions for winter athletes still in season, or dealing with injury, but ONLY if all paperwork is submitted on time).
Monday, February 18th (2:00 pm)- Thursday, February 21st @ 3:15 pm- Tryouts.
Monday, February 25th – FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE- on the track- be prepared for the weather, we will be outdoors-ready to work.
March 30th - First Meet of the Season…..Really not that far away!!!