Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Indoor Track & Field
3.0 years ago by Dr. Matt Gilchrist
To those athletes who are planning on trying out for winter track, paperwork is now due. Tryouts are on Monday, November 8th. Anyone who is missing information after Friday, 11/5 will not be trying out.
This includes your VHSL physical, emergency care card, COVID-19 Vaccination card, online athlete-survey, FCPS athlete survey, and spirit pack.
In addition, we will be holding our mandatory (athlete & parent) pre-season meeting on Thursday, November 4th at 7 pm.
The link for the meeting is:
Meeting ID: 986 6751 9856
Passcode: 250250
All pre-season info regarding indoor track can be found at our team website at:
Paperwork can be submitted to Coach Franks in Rm. 209 or at