Chargers Athletics
Chantilly High School
Boys JV Soccer
4.0 years ago by Brendan Jeschke
We have set up a Google classroom site for any boys interested in trying out for soccer in the spring. There will be information posted on this site for you to follow. CODE: p6dtqcw
In order to participate in any pre-season activities you MUST:
1. Turn in a VHSL physical form, completed by your Doctor. (turned in to Ms. Bishop in the training room).
2. Turn in an emergency care card to Coach Jeschke by emailing him at or turn in the form to the activities office.
ALL FORMS CAN BE FOUND ON GOOGLE CLASS SITE or on website, top dropdown "files/links"
We will be starting conditioning sessions soon Dates/times will be posted on Google Classroom.
If you have any questions, contact Coach Jeschke at