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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School



11.0 years ago

Attendance Policy

The policy for participating at all levels of Chantilly Football is that all practices are mandatory. We have 0% tolerance for unexcused absences, and your player's equipment will be collected immediately upon violating this policy. Our practices are difficult, as we push your young man physically and mentally. We do our best to prepare your child to play this very physical sport and demanding sport, and we need them here every scheduled day in order to accomplish this. Your child should understand this level of commitment before joining our program.  

Your player will be bumped and bruised and feel too sore to come to practice. This however is not an excuse to miss. All injuries need to be assessed by either our excellent staff of Certified Athletic Trainers or an actual doctor. They will make the proper assessment as to what level of participation is suitable for the injury they have sustained. If it is a non-serious injury, I would highly encourage you to seek out our training staff. During the summer time, students are to be at the school no later than 7 am to receive treatment and be ready to go for practice. If you do decide to take your child to the doctors, you need to provide us with documentation stating the injury and their timeline for return. Students are NOT to self-diagnosed their injuries.  

If your child is ill, please email me or another assistant coach BEFORE practice time. If you feel as though your child is too ill to practice, you don't need to give us the specific details of his symptoms (please don't). I would ask however that you encourage them to come to practice if they physically can. Your child (especially if they have been inactive for much of the summer) will struggle to get adjusted to the heat, equipment and the physical exertion that is an integral part of this sport. To avoid issues created by this, it is imperative your child stays hydrated. If your player eats and drinks properly while at home, and maintains a moderate level of activity-they will feel much better the next morning and be better prepared for practice.     

I realize that August is still part of summer vacation for school however once practice begins the player is expected to be at practice. Please email me with any questions. 

Obviously, students are free to miss due to observance of a religious holiday. 

For those players observing Ramadan the expectation is that they attend practice and participate at the appropriate level. Our athletic trainers do their best to monitor all Ramadan participants and attempt to make sure the players do not do too much. If you fast for Ramadan, please inform me and the Athletic Trainers.   

This is a big commitment, but your child's participation helps make us better! Thanks for your help in this matter. 
