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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

9.0 years ago @ 11:01PM

Varsity Swim & Dive vs. District Swimming Finals

Game Date
Jan 30, 2016

Chantilly Boys placed 3rd in the Conference meet!


200 Medley Relay:                                                            100 Freestyle:

2nd – Lai, Allain, Alarcon, Madsen                                     3rd – Ryan Allain

                                                                                             13th – Matthew Dasher                                                           

                                                                                             16th – Mitchell Maison


200 Freestyle:                                                                   500 Freestyle:

6th – Marcelo Coray                                                           5th – Marcelo Coray        

                                                                                            10th – Matthew Creeks

                                                                                            14th – Aaron Mun                            


200 IM:                                                                            200 Freestyle Relay:

1st – Dennis Lai                                                              5th – Madsen, Arakawa, Creeks, Coray

3rd – Fletcher Madsen                                                                                       

11th – Ryo Arakawa

12th – Matthew Stewart


50 Freestyle:                                                                    100 Backstroke:                    

4th – Ryan Allain                                                                2nd – Andres Alarcon   

14th – Matthew Dasher                                                    13th – Matthew Stewart                                  

                                                                                            15th – Jack Trahan


Diving:                                                                              100 Breaststroke:

2nd – Brett Palo                                                                  4th – Dennis Lai

16th – Matthew Bucko                                                       8th – Ryo Arakawa

                                                                                           13th – Matthew Creeks




100 Butterfly:                                                                  400 Freestyle Relay:

2nd – Andres Alarcon                                                       5th – Allain, Coray, Alarcon, Lai

5th – Fletcher Madsen                                                            

11th – Liam Darroch


Season’s Personal Bests:

200 Freestyle: Nico Silva, Aaron Mun, Arthur Richer

200 IM: Dennis Lai, Fletcher Madsen

50 Freestyle: Ryan Allain, Matthew Dasher, Mitchell Maison

100 Butterfly: Andres Alarcon, Fletcher Madsen

100 Freestyle: Ryan Allain, Matthew Dasher, Mitchell Maison, Arthur Richer

500 Freestyle: Nico Silva

100 Backstroke: Andres Alarcon, Matthew Stewart, Jack Trahan, Steven Bucko

100 Breaststroke: Ryo Arakawa, Jose Secada


State Cuts:

200 Medley Relay

200 Freestyle Relay

400 Freestyle Relay

Ryan Allain – 50 Freestyle

Ryan Allain – 100 Freestyle

Dennis Lai – 200 IM

Dennis Lai – 100 Butterfly

Dennis Lai – 100 Backstroke

Dennis Lai – 100 Freestyle

Dennis Lai – 100 Breaststroke

Andres Alarcon – 100 Butterfly

Andres Alarcon – 100 Backstroke

Fletcher Madsen – 200 IM


Regional Cuts:

Dennis Lai – 200 Freestyle

Ryan Allain – 100 Breaststroke

Ryan Allain – 200 Freestyle

Ryan Allain – 200 IM

Brett Palo – Diving

Fletcher Madsen – 500 Freestyle

Fletcher Madsen – 200 Freestyle

Fletcher Madsen – 100 Freestyle

Fletcher Madsen – 100 Butterfly

Marcelo Coray – 500 Freestyle

Marcelo Coray – 200 Freestyle

Andres Alarcon – 50 Freestyle