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Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Team News.

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 1:23PM

Updates September 2, 2020


Good Afternoon:

As we shared in our last full blast sent in June, we are eager to return to in-person activity. We have been waiting for FCPS guidelines to become less restrictive and for a season start date to be established by the VHSL. We are inching closer to a more productive set of circumstances for workouts, and a timeline has been established for the season.

The Season

The first day of practice will be February 4, 2021. The VHSL has created a condensed season which will consist of six regular-season games and reduced playoffs. There is talk of playing up to two additional Bowl games to provide athletes with more opportunities, but that has not yet been confirmed.

Please make note of the following regarding the season:

  • Athletes must be enrolled and passing 5 classes to be considered academically eligible
  • Football season will continue through Spring Break, so please plan accordingly
  • Our goal remains the same: to build upon the success of the 2019 season, the best regular season in 13 years.


Typically, we do not condition six months out from our season. Rather we focus on getting bigger and stronger through our team strength program. We also focus on team/culture building through ELITE Club meetings. Many of our athletes also play other sports during that window, an endeavor we completely support. This off-season, however, has been far from normal, to say the least.

With a start date of February 4, 2021, conditioning is still not a priority at this point, however, we do want to get together in-person for the mental and physical wellbeing of our program! WE MISS OUR GUYS!

Between FCPS restrictions/guidelines, our limited facilities (indoors are still not allowed per guidelines, and the baseball/softball outfields are off-limits to football at CHS), and the number of other CHS teams who want to conduct sessions, we are unable to simply schedule our times for workouts. We will be working with the Activities office to create a schedule for all teams. Football faces the greatest challenges due to the size and scope of our program and training regimen. We need more sessions and coaches to conduct workouts due to the restrictions on numbers (max 50 people including coaches). We must remain flexible and remember this is simply the beginning of a return to football. We hope to have more information regarding the schedule in the coming days.

In the meantime, please be sure to take care of the required paperwork. Athletes cannot participate in workouts without first submitting their physical and emergency care card. 

  • Physicals and Emergency Care Cards must be submitted to our ATC Katelyn Bishop before participating in workouts.

Ms. Bishop will also be setting up a physical drop off on Wednesday, September 2nd, 4-7 pm, and on Thursday, September 3rd, from 11 am-2 pm outside of door 10. If you are unavailable to make the drop off you can email your VHSL Physical, as well as Concussion Education to


  • Classroom:
    • Please be sure to enroll in our Google Classroom site with the class code: pqii7mv or by clicking this invitation .
    • We will continue to use Google Classroom to stay connected as a program.
    • We will update our strength and conditioning programs to be completed independently.
  • Meetings:
    • We will hold a program-wide (parent/guardians and players) meeting to include Q&A later in September.
    • ELITE Club will continue to meet as we begin the school year. Times and day of week TBD
  • Remind Text Alert System

We will hold our final summer ELITE Club meeting on Friday at 10 am. The link will be posted on the Google Classroom stream.

As always, please feel free to reach out to Coach Curry with questions or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 11:23AM

ELITE Club Meeting Today 17 July

Good Morning:

We will have our ELITE Club meeting today at 3 pm.

We will discuss:

  • VHSL Announcement
  • Virtual Combine/Recruiting Process

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 10:29AM

No ELITE Club July 3

Good Morning:

There will be NO ELITE Club meeting today. Please have a safe and wonderful weekend. 

We will "see" everyone Monday morning at 10 am to go over the week's workouts (visit classroom for the link).

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 11:59PM

Updates for the Week of June 29

We have waited to send an update with the hope that we would have more definitive information to share with our families. Below you will find information about the Virginia High School League's (VHSL) most recent release as well as information about workouts. 

Over the last few months, the region and state football coaches' associations have been meeting weekly to discuss the challenges of the pandemic and to work together to ensure our sport is prepared to move forward whenever it is deemed safe to do so. Our hope was that the VHSL would release a plan for fall sports following their meeting on June 25; however, according to their official Twitter account, the VHSL delayed its decision regarding the fall season and "did not put forth any recommendations for fall athletic schedules." 

The VHSL posted this link to a news report to clarify their position. Please visit here for more information. As you will see, everything from a modified fall season to postponing football until February is being discussed. 


As you may know, FCPS approved a plan last week to allow student-athletes to resume conditioning on campus. As you can imagine, the guidelines are understandably restrictive and complex. Our staff has decided that we are not going to return to workouts until restrictions are either reduced/lifted and/or the start date for practice is identified. We believe the logistics are not practical for programs as large as football. We discussed these issues during our Northern Virginia Football Coaches Association meeting last week, and several comparable programs-Lake Braddock, Robinson, Westfield-are also sitting out conditioning for the same reasons.

This does not mean we are not preparing for football in the fall. 

We will continue to provide the same strength and conditioning program we would run if we were together on campus. We will meet virtually on Monday mornings at 10 to go over the programming for the week. We will explain the workouts and answer questions during those virtual sessions. Workouts will then be posted on our classroom site for athletes to reference during the week, as necessary. 

We feel that our athletes are better-served training on their own, with our support and guidance of course, until more feasible circumstances allow for group work at CHS. As Virginia enters Phase III on July 1, we hope that FCPS will adjust their guidelines so that large programs, such as football, can more readily train together on campus. Until then we will continue to work with our players virtually. Athletes are encouraged to train safely and adhere to all protocols recommended by health and government officials. 

We will also continue to engage our athletes virtually through our Google Classroom site, weekly ELITE Club leadership/culture meetings, and X/O sessions with Hudl.

We share your frustrations and disappointment, but as we discussed in last week's ELITE Club meeting, we will live the E+R=O principles (Event + Response = Outcome). We can't control outside forces (events) but we can control our responses, and how we respond will shape the outcome. We will continue to work hard together, and we will continue to build our culture together, even if we have to do so remotely.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football. Please feel free to reach out to Coach Curry with questions, thoughts, or concerns. 

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 12:24PM

Updates June 10

Good Morning:

I hope this email finds all of our families well during these tumultuous times. To say it has been a crazy finish to the 2019-2020 school year is a bit of an understatement. 

Over the last few weeks, head coaches around the state have been meeting virtually to develop a statewide association to work alongside our local, district, and state athletic administrators. Our regional association has also been meeting. As I am sure you can imagine, there are lots of opinions being shared; one constant, however, is that we all believe in the power and importance of football as a tool to develop young men. We are working behind the scenes to do our part to ensure that we are prepared to hit the ground running whenever it is deemed safe to do so. 

Summer Activities

As of right now, we are still unable to convene workouts and other off-season team activities. We expect a statement from the VHSL about summer activities and the fall season by the end of June. We will share it as soon as the information is available. 


It has been made abundantly clear that policies regarding physicals and participation will NOT be modified, so please make arrangements to have your physician complete the VHSL physical form as soon as possible. There is still hope that we will resume football activities sooner rather than later and physicals must be on hand prior to participation. Please get your physical completed ASAP.

E.L.I.T.E Club

Our E.L.I.T.E Club will continue to meet weekly to further develop program culture and leadership. Last week we were joined by Chantilly Alumni and one of the all-time leading rushers in program history, Marcello Squirewell. Marcello spoke on one of the main themes of this spring: the unique bond and brotherhood of high school football. We also touched on the current events affecting our nation, and how to improve our program.

Over the last three years, the E.L.I.T.E Club has worked to develop program core values. Those values are: 

  • Faith
    • Personal Faith
    • Faith in self 
    • Faith in teammates
    • Faith in Coaches
  • Love
    • Of Self
    • Of Family
    • Of Teammates
    • Of the process
    • Of the game
  • Grit
    • Unwavering Passion 
    • Unrelenting Perseverance
  • Service
    • To Family
    • To Teammates
    • To Chantilly High School
    • To Community
  • Discipline
    • Do what you’re supposed to do, when you’re supposed to do it, exactly as it is to be done. Repeat day in, day out. 
  • Commitment
    • To Family
    • To Improve
    • To Teammates

The program will continue to be inclusive and anti-racist. It is a privilege to be a part of Chantilly football, and these values make up the foundation upon which the program resides. 

If you would like to see the presentation from our May meeting, please logon to our Google Site to view the PowerPoint. The code to join is pqii7mv.

Player Survey

A few weeks ago, we asked that all athletes complete the player survey that was emailed to their account. We have received 45 responses so far. The survey has been added to our classroom site as well. If you have not yet completed it, please do so now. Some of the questions may seem odd, or simply worded, but to glean as much information as possible we wanted it to be clear. Please be honest. Your responses will help shape our E.L.I.T.E meetings as well as help the staff prepare for the 2020 season. 

Final Thoughts

With the uncertainty surrounding the season, we believe the most important factor in competing for a Region Championship likely will not be tied to the number of returning players, style of the scheme, or even physical ability. We believe it will come down to the program with the healthiest culture. The former qualities can be refined on the football field. The latter requires intentional effort and deliberate implementation, as well as reciprocity between staff and players. Please do your part and we pledge to do ours. 

If you have questions, thoughts, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Coach Curry at

As always, thank you for the continued support of Chantilly Football. 

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 11:50PM

Updates for the Week of May 18

Good Evening:

Below you will find updates from the Virginia High School League (VHSL) regarding summer activities and the fall season. 

Below is an excerpt from the VHSL message to district and school administrations:

The VHSL will continue to follow all protocols and guidelines issued by the Governor, CDC, and the Virginia Department of Health. At present this means out of season practice and all activities this summer are canceled until further notice. The current relaxing of the Governor’s stay at home order applies only to businesses. Schools remain closed and in-school facility use is off-limits.

In short, at this point, we will not be conducting team workouts, camps, or green days this summer. While this decision was equal parts predictable and understandable, it is still disappointing to see that Covid-19 is continuing/will continue to disrupt our daily lives. 

All hope for football, however, is not yet lost! The VHSL released another statement today (the statement can be found in its entirety here):

The goal is to develop plans for multiple scenarios related to starting dates, safety measures for resuming practices, regular-season schedules, and state playoffs for fall sports.

“What we have been doing and will continue to do, is to strongly advocate for our student-athletes for a reopening of fall sports and activities. We know much has been taken away from our students by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to advocate for them and the return of high school athletics and activities,”

Consequently, we should continue to prepare "alone, together" for football in 2020. Despite the unknown, it is our goal to be as prepared as possible to play a season this upcoming school year and build upon the successes of 2019. As a result, we will be hosting a virtual E.L.I.T.E Club meeting this Friday at 3 pm. More information, including a player survey to be completed before the meeting, will be available on our Google Classroom page. In addition to discussing leadership and culture, we will also address expectations and options for training during the building closure.

We look forward to "seeing" everyone at our meeting on Friday. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football. 

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 12:10PM

True AP Meeting May 6

TrueAP informational meeting/tutorial today at 3 pm for at-home workouts can be attended by visiting this link: The link to the meeting is also posted on Google Classroom

We encourage all of our inexperienced lifters and those who do not have access to equipment to explore this option. Members of the class of 2023 and 2024 (current and rising freshman) are highly encouraged to look into this program due to our limited time training together. TrueAP is going to host an informational meeting today at 3 pm through a secure Blackboard site to discuss the program with athletes and parents

TrueAP will also offer additional programs tailored to an individual's equipment and space at a discounted price. That is, of course, optional. 

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 12:05PM

Updates for the week of May 4

Good Afternoon:

It was great to see a number of our guys last Friday at our virtual check-in. If you could not make it, please do not worry. It was a very informal hangout that came about with only a few hours' notice. 

Yesterday I sent an email to our athletes through our team Google Classroom site that covered the same information. This will be the predominant mode of communication we will use when discussing information with players. We will continue to disseminate information (general updates, parent information, etc.) through as well, but direct coach-player communication will occur through our Google site.

Please be sure to join using this code: pqii7mv.

On our classroom site, players will find information about recruiting and workouts. As we mentioned last week, we are going to not only hope for the best-case scenario concerning our season but also prepare for the best-case scenario. We need to assume that we will have a regular full-season, therefore, we will prepare accordingly. 


We have provided multiple options for at-home workouts on our site. Players who have experience training with us will recognize the weight lifting options and can/should implement them in their training if there equipment and space allow. We understand that many, if not most, of our athletes, will have limited to no equipment at their disposal. We have two options for athletes in that category: one option is presented in the PowerPoint that has been uploaded to the site. I put the PowerPoint together with bodyweight training in mind. For the athlete's reference, there are videos/gifs of movements, a template for how the workout should be sequenced, and a corresponding spreadsheet to keep track of progress.  

The second option is to register for free with TrueAP. TrueAP is a company that we have used over the years for summer conditioning and agility/speed work. Mr. Bowerman purchased a license for TrueAP's training/their app at the beginning of the year for Girls Soccer and Mrs. Bibbee's female Personal Fitness class. TrueAP has extended the license to football and has created a bodyweight program for us to use while schools are closed. I encourage all of our inexperienced lifters and those who do not have access to equipment to explore this option. Members of the class of 2023 and 2024 (current and rising freshman) are highly encouraged to look into this program due to our limited time training together. TrueAP is going to host an informational meeting today at 3 pm through a secure Blackboard site to discuss the program with athletes and parentsThe link to the meeting is posted on Google Classroom. TrueAP will also offer additional programs tailored to an individual's equipment and space at a discounted price. That is, of course, optional. 


Over the last calendar year, we have hosted over 130 college programs to discuss our players and the recruiting process. As a result, the class of 2020 has over 10 players committed to play football in college across all levels of the NCAA. Despite closures, the recruiting process for our current players is well underway. To assist us in the recruiting process we ask our athletes to complete a google form (available on classroom) to collect basic information. The form is open to all of our players regardless of playing time at the varsity level. The form serves as a great exercise for younger athletes to begin preparing for the process. This includes:

  • emphasis on grades! The better the student the more "recruitable" you will be and the more options you will have. Grades from your freshman and sophomore year can and WILL help or hurt you. You cannot wait to do well. 
  • thinking about where (geographically) they would like to attend school. There is a link on the form to a database of programs based on state, or territory (Mexican and Canadian schools). 
  • an honest reflection of potential to play at various institutions and levels: e.g. dream vs reality. We encourage the dream but prepare for reality. There is great "grown man" football across the spectrum of levels. Less than 6% of high school football players are recruited to play at any level 1-3. Fewer than 2% of those players will play Division I.
  • establishing Hudl highlight tape of VARSITY film. If you have not yet established a varsity film, that is okay! You will have the chance to compete for that soon enough. 
  • establishing a Twitter handle for recruiting. Due to NCAA communication rules, this is a necessity for coaches to communicate with players. They also evaluate a player's "love of the game" "seriousness" and "character" based on what is posted.

Younger players can still complete the form, just leave information for varsity experience blank for now.

I hope to provide parents and athletes with virtual meetings in the next few weeks to discuss the process. In addition to sharing information from a coach's perspective, my goal is to have a few members of the 2020 class (and their parents share) their experiences with the recruiting process. More to follow shortly. 


For those new to our program, we typically hold monthly leadership/culture meetings in the offseason. We call them E.L.I.T.E Club meetings: Empowering Leadership Individually Team Emphasis. The closure of schools has derailed the typical format, but we are going to proceed with the meetings soon, possibly in a weekly or bi-weekly format. We will update shortly.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 1:13PM

May 1 Hang Out

Good Afternoon!

I will be "hosting" a session on our Google Classroom site to check-in with anyone who wants to join. It has been a long time since we connected in person so if you are interested, visit our Google Classroom page at 3:30 and click the Google meet link to hang out for a bit. It won't be a formal meeting, but we can talk about our next steps for workouts, recruiting, etc. This is open for anyone interested in playing football in the fall including rising freshman. Members of the class of 2020 are invited to drop in as well! Make sure you have joined our site with code pqii7mv.

Hope to see you there!

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 9:58AM

Updates for the week of April 27

Good Morning:

It has been a while! We hope that all of our families are healthy and well during this challenging time. As a program, we know that there has been a great deal of uncertainty and events of recent weeks that have affected all of us, even if unevenly. While the world is certainly a different place than it was on March 12, the football staff would like to begin offering a sense of normalcy and distraction for the members of our program. 

We recognize that there has been a lull in communication and activity and that some may be wondering why we haven't done more. We have intentionally waited to reach out for several reasons, chief among them is the fact that we wanted to allow our program's families ample time to adjust to the changes in their daily lives. While fielding the most competitive team possible is among our top priorities, supporting our players and families comes first. We simply did not view the closure of schools and the cancelation of spring athletics as an opportunity to be seized for the benefit of football. We wanted to allow everyone an opportunity to adjust to our current circumstances. We have also waited for FCPS to finalize plans for distant learning which would clarify which platforms we will have the ability to use for remote meetings. In case you haven't followed the news, the latter has proven to be somewhat problematic. :)

While plenty of uncertainty remains, we believe that at this time we should "officially" return to preparing for football in the fall. While we obviously cannot control the impact of the virus, we can control how we prepare for our eventual return to football, hopefully, sooner rather than later. 

Players, if you have not already done so, please join our team Google Classroom page with the code pqii7mv. The following will be posted to our team Google Classroom page in the coming days:

  • Workout Options based on available equipment and space
    • Bodyweight Only
    • Equipment Based
    • True AP App (free for players)
  • College Interest Form for Recruiting
    • Virtual Player and Parent Info Meeting TBD
  • E.L.I.T.E Club Information

We have dearly missed working with the young men of our program and look forward to "seeing" everyone soon. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football. 


Team News

4.0 years ago @ 3:55PM

Updates for the Week Of March 1

Good Afternoon!

As of tomorrow morning, the Dead Period is over! Coach Guf and Coach Romine are looking forward to working with our non-PFit guys in the morning.

We take attendance for each session. As we have done in the past, we will continue to share recorded attendance with families and athletes for the sake of transparency. Please visit here to see our Winter Workout attendance. The document is sorted three ways: alphabetically, by total attendance, and by grade level. Please remember, if they are enrolled in Personal Fitness, we do not expect athletes to attend before/after school weight training. 

Attendance is based on Charger Time and before/after school sessions that occurred between January 6 and February 21. 

  • In January there were 10 sessions held before/after school and 8 during CT. 
  • In February there were 8 sessions held before/after school and 7 during CT. 

Congratulations to our top five attendees:

  1. Jake Bartolomeo Sophomore (2023) 23
  2. Liam Turner Sophomore (2023) 20
  3. Aidan Chow Junior (2022) 19
  4. Alex Carlson Sophomore (2023) 18
  5. Jason Vail Junior (2022) 16

While a positive culture is the soul of a successful high school football program, strength training is the lifeblood. We encourage participation in other sports, but athletes must lift year-round to be competitive. If you are not in PFit and are currently playing a spring sport, you need to find a way into the weight room to lift with football. Sessions are held Monday/Wednesday after school 3:10-4:10, Friday morning before school 6:50-7:50, or during Charger Time. 

In the future, take Personal Fitness and the time to lift is carved out for you every other day!

Passing League Registration is now open on Evergreen Sportsplex's website. As was the case last spring, we'd like to enter three teams: a rising freshman/sophomore team and two older teams. Visit here to sign-up for our annual league. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 3:25PM

Rising Freshman Weight Room Permission Slip

Please visit this link to access the Weight Room Permission Slip. Rising freshmen must have this form completed and submitted prior to working out.

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 10:12PM

Updates for the Week of February 23

Good Evening:

Congratulations Andres Sagastume, AJ Crews, and the wrestling team for an incredible season. Both Andres and AJ capped off their decorated careers as State Runners-Up for their respective weight classes. Andres and AJ represent the best of CHS: great student-athletes and great young men.

Spring Dead Period

We want to wish everyone trying out for a spring sport good luck as the season starts tomorrow. This is also a reminder that with the start of the spring season we are currently on a "Dead Period" from February 24 through March 5, which means there are no workouts after school or on Friday morning. The weight room will be open during Charger Time. Workouts will resume for the morning session on March 6. Athletes in Personal Fitness are, of course, unaffected by the dead period.

Personal Fitness

Speaking of Personal Fitness, as we emphasized at the banquet in December, if we truly want to continue to close the gap between Chantilly and the best programs in the area, we need football players to take Personal Fitness as an elective. If you only have room for one elective, make it Personal Fitness.  

That is the model for success. 

When we played in three Region Finals in five years ('06, '08, '10) we had incredible enrollment in Personal Fitness. The class of 2020, which led the turnaround this past fall, committed to the weight room/Personal Fitness and the results are undeniable.

Commitment to Personal Fitness dwindled between 2010 and 2017 and so too did success on the field. Again, the results are undeniable. To be blunt, if you are serious about personal goals, take Personal Fitness. If you are serious about team goals, take Personal Fitness. Where you spend your time is what you value.

Important Dates

The important dates for 2020 are available here. The dates include Passing League, Camps, and our 2020 schedule.

Read Across America

Lees Corner Elementary is looking for volunteers to participate in Read Across America on Monday, March 2 at 8:20 am. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form. This is a great way to give back to the community! 

College Commitment Celebration

Please consider stopping by the CHS library this Thursday at 4:30 to celebrate the ten young men who are continuing their football careers at the collegiate level! For more information, review our blast from last week.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 10:16AM

Fairfax Communities of Trust: Eyes Up & Phones Down Event

Good Morning: Please see the message below from Carrie Reynolds, FCPS' Coordinator; Health, Physical Education, & Family Life Education. There is an upcoming optional event to promote safe driving practices. Kurt Sporkman (Drivers Education Teacher) is the point of contact at CHS. If you are interested in having your child participate, please have them visit him in the Driver's Ed room or contact him at 


Good afternoon,


On Tuesday, March 3rd Fairfax Communities of Trust will be sponsoring Eyes Up & Phones Down at the nZone in Chantilly.  The goal of the event is to raise awareness of the dangers of distracted and impaired driving among teens. 


As students arrive they will witness a mock crash scene and first responder response.  After opening remarks, students will rotate with their school group through multiple stations.  It is anticipated that volunteers from the police department and other community organizations will join with school groups to engage and interact with students throughout the event.  Your school SRO will also participate with your school group.



  • Distracted Driver Safety Obstacle Course – Students with a driver’s license or permit will be able to experience distracted driving while navigating golf carts through a course.  Other students will be  passengers creating distractions for the driver.  In addition, driver’s may experience driving with impaired vision goggles or receiving text messages while driving.
  • First Responder Vehicle Display & DUI Experience – For students without a license or permit, they will be able to experience driving with impaired vision goggles while operating a peddled vehicle.  All students can engage in an impaired driver test while wearing impaired vision goggles.  Public safety officials will interact with students with specialty vehicles each may use.
  • Impaired Sports Activities – Students will participate in sports activities while wearing impaired vision goggles.  Volunteers from the FBI, Auxiliary Police, and Citizen Advisory Committee with engage students in discussions of impaired driving.
  • Preventing Accidents Through Education & Conversations – Several agencies will be simulating real-world driving situations to discuss with students.  This might include work-zone safety, transportation to a trauma center and what happens there, what to do during a traffic stop, what to do if the vehicle breaks down, and what can teens do to help their community.
  • Career Experience – Law enforcement, first responders, and public safety officials will share with students how they got involved in their career, why they are committed to protecting teens, the steps necessary to get into the career field, and opportunities for teens to learn more or get involved in specific careers.
  • Lasting Impacts Education & Conversations – Students will view 2 videos – A Sudden Change of Plans and Hero’s Heart and will then participate in a follow-up discussion.

The event will begin at 7:00 am and end at approximately 12:00 pm.  Due to space capacity, 50 students per school will be able to attend.  Bus transportation and lunch will be provided.  There will also be giveaways throughout the event.


Principals have been asked to send communication to your community encouraging involvement. 


Thank you for helping to make this event a success.


Carrie Reynolds

Coordinator; Health, Physical Education, & Family Life Education

Instructional Services Department

Fairfax County Public Schools 

Team News

4.0 years ago @ 1:31PM

College Commitment Celebration

Good Afternoon!

Having experienced some of the highest highs and the lowest lows that high school football has to offer, the class of 2020 has left an indelible mark on Chantilly football. Now, more than ten of those young men are preparing to play at the collegiate level. Please consider joining us next Thursday afternoon at 4:30 in the library to celebrate the college commitments of our graduating seniors.

We hope to see you there!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:56PM

The Off-season is here!

Good Evening and Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a restful, enjoyable break!

Here is the first update of 2020!

The offseason officially starts tomorrow. Our weight room days will be Monday and Wednesday afternoons during the first weight room block 3:10-4:10 pm and Friday morning from 6:50-7:50 am

A few notes regarding workouts:

  • All football players are expected to lift weights throughout the year regardless of playing another sport. This is the norm at the top programs in the district, county, region, state, and country. If you expect to compete with the best teams, you must commit to the weight room the way they do.
    • Athletes in Personal Fitness are not expected to attend these workouts!
  • Athletes should wear athletic clothing and shoes.
  • Workouts begin promptly at 3:10. 
  • As usual, attendance will be tracked via a Google Form and QR code. 
  • Athletes should attend two strength sessions per week minimum.
  • Attendance will contribute to the offseason leaderboard.
    • Incentives will be revised for the 2020 season and shared soon. 
  • In addition to the sessions before/after school, athletes may also elect to attend workouts during Charger Time. 
  • The commitment to the weight room was tied directly to the turnaround we experienced this past fall. That commitment must be renewed each year. 

The best way to meet weight room requirements is to take Personal Fitness (weight training). Class selection is just around the corner: sophomores through seniors should take Personal Fitness. 

We cannot wait to get back to work! See you tomorrow!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:44PM

Addendum to Meredith Kinerney's Message (contact info)

Highlighted information is an update to last night's note from Meredith Kinerney...Thank you


Charger Football Parents,


Wow, what a season!  Our boys did a fantastic job.  They left it all on the field and showed that Chantilly is a force not to messed with!  We would like to show our appreciation to our coaches who give tirelessly of their time to our boys.  They miss time with their own families so that our boys can be the best that they can be.

Please consider donating to the coaches gift.  You can send me your donations and I will purchase Visa gift cards to show how much we appreciate all they have done,

Thank you for all of the support and I am already looking forward to next season!


Go Chargers!

Meredith Kinerney



You can mail a check to 13150 Morning Spring Lane, Fairfax VA 22033, drop off at the house, or see me at the banquet.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:07PM

Banquet Reminder

Good Evening:

Just a few notes regarding Thursday's Banquet:

  • The banquet includes freshman football players. 
  • There will be a social from 6-7:15 in the cafeteria. Please visit the sign-up genius to contribute
    • Thank you to those who have already volunteered
  • The awards ceremony (and brief meeting :) )  will start at 7:30 in the library. 
    • This is a celebration, but there will also be important information disseminated regarding the upcoming off-season and fall 2020 season. We have a lot to build on following the 2019 season!
  • Players should wear game day attire: dress pants, shirt, and tie. 

See you Thursday night!

Please see below for a message from Meredith Kinerney:

Charger Football Parents,

Wow, what a season! Our boys did a fantastic job. They left it all on the field and showed that Chantilly is a force not to messed with! We would like to show our appreciation to our coaches who give tirelessly of their time to our boys. They miss time with their own families so that our boys can be the best that they can be.

Please consider donating to the coaches gift. You can send me your donations and I will purchase Visa gift cards to show how much we appreciate all they have done,

 Thank you for all of the support and I am already looking forward to next season!

Go Chargers!

Meredith Kinerney

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:03PM

Banquet Reminder

Good Evening:

Just a few notes regarding Thursday's Banquet:

  • The banquet includes freshman football players. 
  • There will be a social from 6-7:15 in the cafeteria. Please visit the sign-up genius to contribute
    • Thank you to those who have already volunteered
  • The awards ceremony (and brief meeting :) )  will start at 7:30 in the library. 
    • This is a celebration, but there will also be important information disseminated regarding the upcoming off-season and fall 2020 season. We have a lot to build on following the 2019 season!
  • Players should wear game day attire: dress pants, shirt, and tie. 

See you Thursday night!

Please see below for a message from Meredith Kinerney:

Charger Football Parents,

Wow, what a season! Our boys did a fantastic job. They left it all on the field and showed that Chantilly is a force not to messed with! We would like to show our appreciation to our coaches who give tirelessly of their time to our boys. They miss time with their own families so that our boys can be the best that they can be.

Please consider donating to the coaches gift. You can send me your donations and I will purchase Visa gift cards to show how much we appreciate all they have done,

 Thank you for all of the support and I am already looking forward to next season!

Go Chargers!

Meredith Kinerney

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:37PM

Ceremony Sign-Up Genius

For those who wish to attend the social prior to the awards ceremony on 12/19, please visit this sign-up genius to contribute to the potluck. Thank you to the hard-working Thursday meal crew for putting this together!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:51PM

Program Ceremony 12/19/19

Good Evening: 

It has been a busy and exciting week and a half of recruiting at CHS! Since the contact period opened last Monday, we have hosted 27 colleges interested in recruiting our players. The programs range from Division I Power 5 to Division III.

Circling back to the blast sent three weeks ago, the banquet will be held next Thursday evening (12/19/19) at CHS. As was the case last year, if there are enough parents/guardians interested in organizing a "banquet" celebration to include food and drink—catered or potluck—we will include that in the festivities for the evening. If you are interested in helping make that happen, please contact Coach Curry directly. We have reserved both the cafeteria and library to provide the appropriate accommodations for the evening. If we were to include food, there would be a social hour in the cafeteria prior to the awards ceremony which will be in the library. If there isn't enough interest in the food portion, we will have an awards ceremony in the library.

The evening is meant for all members of the program including current freshmen. In addition to celebrating the most successful regular season in 12 years, 6 All-Region Honorees, 15+ All-District Honorees, and the 2019 season, we will discuss some important information regarding the off-season.

Please attend if possible. 

The young men of Chantilly Football are a special group. We are thankful for the opportunity to work with them each day!

Thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!


Team News

5.0 years ago @ 2:56PM

All-Region Football Selections

Please join us in congratulating the following young men for being recognized as All-Region:

First Team

  • James Pogorelc Offensive Lineman 
  • Andres Sagastume Offensive Lineman 
  • Pierre Johnson Running Back Unanimous
  • William Hughes Place Kicker 
  • Carlex Tiemeni Linebacker 

Second Team

  • Trosodas Davenport Defensive Back 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:45AM by Sean Curry

Happy Thanksgiving!

On behalf of the coaching staff, we wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I am grateful for the opportunity to work with the young men of Chantilly and lead this program! Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:45PM

Updates for the week of 11/18

Good Evening:

Sadly, this is the final weekly update of the 2019 season. Please excuse both the direct tone and simplicity of this blast. Like many of you, we are disappointed, drained, exhausted, and heartbroken.

A “Save the Date” reminder will be sent in the coming days for the program-wide (freshman included) banquet.  For planning purposes, the banquet is likely to be either Thursday 12/12 or Thursday 12/19.

All members of the 2019 varsity/developmental teams are expected to attend the team meeting and equipment collection tomorrow after school: this includes the 12 or so players who left the team prior to the start of the playoffs. Simply put, if you haven’t returned your equipment, you are expected to attend. The meeting and equipment collection is a part of our season, and winter athletes are expected to attend.

  • What: Team Meeting
  • Where: Weight Room
  • When: Monday 11/18 at 3:05 pm
  • Why: End of season meeting, survey, voting, equipment collection, locker cleanout

After the meeting, we will collect equipment. Missing items will become financial obligations and are the responsibility of the player (cost of replacement is listed next to each item and is only an estimate based on spring 2019 prices). Players have been issued the following equipment and are responsible for its return:

  • Helmet: 400
  • Shoulder pads: 300
  • Game Jersey: 125
  • Game Pants: 100
  • Lock: 5
  • Knee pads: 8

In addition to the meeting and equipment collection, players will clean out their lockers. Items that are left behind at the end of the afternoon will be thrown out. This includes the lockers of players who do not show up tomorrow. Again, plan to attend to ensure you get credit for turning in your gear, to avoid accruing significant financial obligations, and to ensure you have all your personal belongings. If necessary, plan to bring a bag for items. We will not have bags to give players. The goal is to be done by 4:30.

2019 was an incredible season, there is much to be proud of and celebrate, and we hate to see it end.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 2:27PM

Volunteers for this week (South Lakes game)

Good Afternoon:

Football is still alive and well this week! We need volunteers to fulfill our normal positions. Please visit the links below to sign-up,

Full website:

Mobile website:!/showSignUp/10C0B4DA5AA22A02-2019


Volunteers representing all classes would be very helpful (families of current freshmen and sophomores come to join the fun!). 


Unrelated, it appears as though a number of sophomores and juniors have decided to end their season early. To be cleared to move on to winter sports and to avoid accruing financial obligations, those athletes need to come to the football office and turn in their issued equipment. Thank you.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 4:32PM

All District Selections; Play-Offs

Good Evening: 

Please join us in congratulating the members of the program who earned All-Concorde District Recognition.

First Team All-District

  • James Pogorelc, OL
  • Andres Sagastume, OL
  • Pierre Johnson, RB
  • William Hughes, K
  • Carlex Tiemeni, LB
  • Trosodas Davenport, DB

Second Team All-District

  • Liam Reardon, OL
  • Jack Kinerney, OL
  • Malcom Lott, RB
  • Pierre Johnson, KR
  • Connor Enders, DE
  • Aiden Gobaira, DE
  • Andres Sagastume, DL
  • Andres Sagastume, All-Purpose Defense

Honorable Mention

  • Muhib Khan, OL
  • Tyler O'Reilly, QB
  • Ziad Kashef, LB
  • Matthew Harper, DB
  • Darius Clark, RB
  • Joey Madaj, WR
  • Garrett Nelson, DB

The SEASON CONTINUES! For the first time since the 2015 season, we will compete in the playoffs. At 8-2 we registered the most wins in a regular season since 2007. We will host South Lakes this Friday at Chantilly, our first home playoff game since 2012! Our daily schedule will be the same as it was during the regular season. Winter Athletes who play football will be permitted to try out for their winter sport upon the conclusion of our season

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football! Go Chargers!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 4:32PM

All District Selections; Play-Offs

Good Evening: 

Please join us in congratulating the members of the program who earned All-Concorde District Recognition.

First Team All-District

  • James Pogorelc, OL
  • Andres Sagastume, OL
  • Pierre Johnson, RB
  • William Hughes, K
  • Carlex Tiemeni, LB
  • Trosodas Davenport, DB

Second Team All-District

  • Liam Reardon, OL
  • Jack Kinerney, OL
  • Malcom Lott, RB
  • Pierre Johnson, KR
  • Connor Enders, DE
  • Aiden Gobaira, DE
  • Andres Sagastume, DL
  • Andres Sagastume, All-Purpose Defense

Honorable Mention

  • Muhib Khan, OL
  • Tyler O'Reilly, QB
  • Ziad Kashef, LB
  • Matthew Harper, DB
  • Darius Clark, RB
  • Joey Madaj, WR
  • Garrett Nelson, DB

The SEASON CONTINUES! For the first time since the 2015 season, we will compete in the playoffs. At 8-2 we registered the most wins in a regular season since 2007. We will host South Lakes this Friday at Chantilly, our first home playoff game since 2012! Our daily schedule will be the same as it was during the regular season. Winter Athletes who play football will be permitted to try out for their winter sport upon the conclusion of our season

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football! Go Chargers!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 4:32PM

All District Selections; Play-Offs

Good Evening: 

Please join us in congratulating the members of the program who earned All-Concorde District Recognition.

First Team All-District

  • James Pogorelc, OL
  • Andres Sagastume, OL
  • Pierre Johnson, RB
  • William Hughes, K
  • Carlex Tiemeni, LB
  • Trosodas Davenport, DB

Second Team All-District

  • Liam Reardon, OL
  • Jack Kinerney, OL
  • Malcom Lott, RB
  • Pierre Johnson, KR
  • Connor Enders, DE
  • Aiden Gobaira, DE
  • Andres Sagastume, DL
  • Andres Sagastume, All-Purpose Defense

Honorable Mention

  • Muhib Khan, OL
  • Tyler O'Reilly, QB
  • Ziad Kashef, LB
  • Matthew Harper, DB
  • Darius Clark, RB
  • Joey Madaj, WR
  • Garrett Nelson, DB

The SEASON CONTINUES! For the first time since the 2015 season, we will compete in the playoffs. At 8-2 we registered the most wins in a regular season since 2007. We will host South Lakes this Friday at Chantilly, our first home playoff game since 2012! Our daily schedule will be the same as it was during the regular season. Winter Athletes who play football will be permitted to try out for their winter sport upon the conclusion of our season

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football! Go Chargers!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 5:31PM

Schedule Change: Freshmen Football

Due to potentially inclement weather, Thursday, October 31st's game has been moved to 10/30, 5:30 pm at Centreville. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 5:30PM

Schedule Change: Freshmen Football

Due to potentially inclement weather, Thursday, October 31st's game has been moved to 10/30, 5:30 pm at Centreville. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:03AM

Freshman and Developmental Games Rescheduled

Good Morning:

Due to impending weather, Thursday's games at Centreville will now be played TOMORROW, Wednesday 10/30 at Centreville. The timeline remains the same.

The link for volunteering can be found here.

Thank you for your continued support of Charger football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:44AM

Volunteerism and Player Picture Keepsakes

Please visit the following links to support CHS Football. Families of 2023, we need you!


Player Buttons


Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:52PM

Volunteerism and Buttons

Please visit the following links to support CHS Football. Families of 2023, we need you!


Player Buttons


Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:49PM

Updates for the week of October 13

Good Evening:

Mr. Bowerman has offered to pay for the cost of admission to the district cheer competition tomorrow night at Westfield. Please fill out this form by 10 am tomorrow if you are going and Mr. Bowerman will pay for you.

Practice will start at 2:30 tomorrow. Varsity offense will have a film session at 1:30 in the weight room. 

Thank you for your amazing support. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:59AM

Please Read: Information from Hayfield

HAYFIELD HAWKS!  Please join us this today Friday October 11, 2019 for our Homecoming Celebration.  The community parade (Please note the parade route will be reversed this year) will begin at 4:30 pm and the game vs. Chantilly will begin at 7:00 pm. The Dance Team and Band will perform before the game as Homecoming Activities will take place during halftime.

It is a “Black Out” so we need everyone to wear black and show your school spirit!  The cost of all Varsity Football games is $5.00 for Students and $6.00 for Adults.  To avoid the long lines at the gate, tickets will be sold at all four lunches on Thursday and Friday. 

The game starts at 7:00 PM, so make sure to dress appropriately for the weather.  If you don’t have Hayfield gear, don’t worry -- the Booster Club will have plenty for sale as well as Booster Club Passes!  All middle school students need to be supervised while at the game and students should plan to have their rides waiting for them at 9:30 PM.  Let’s go HAWKS – beat those Chargers. We are expecting a very large crowd so please plan on coming early.

If you or your student plans to come, please take the time to discuss the relevant information below:

  • No outside food or drinks.
  • No backpacks or other bags will be allowed in the stadium.  (Students and Adults)
  • The purpose for students who attend our varsity football games is to watch the game, cheerleaders, band and dance team.
  • We cheer for Hayfield and not against our opponent. All cheers should be positive.
  • Students need to leave campus during dismissal from school at 2:45pm.
  • The gates to the stadium will open at 6:00 pm.
  • All students must pre-arrange for transportation and plan to leave immediately after the game.
  • Students are expected to be in the stands and not hanging out by the concession stand, bathrooms or baseball field; all elementary-aged children should always be supervised.
  • Anyone who leaves must pay to re-enter.
  • Whistles and similar noisemakers are prohibited.
  • All middle school students need to be supervised by an adult while at the game.

Our goal is to create a positive community event.  Any behaviors that take away from this goal may result in being removed from the game and not being allowed to attend future games.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:26AM

Please Read: Information from Hayfield

HAYFIELD HAWKS!  Please join us this today Friday October 11, 2019 for our Homecoming Celebration.  The community parade (Please note the parade route will be reversed this year) will begin at 4:30 pm and the game vs. Chantilly will begin at 7:00 pm. The Dance Team and Band will perform before the game as Homecoming Activities will take place during halftime.

It is a “Black Out” so we need everyone to wear black and show your school spirit!  The cost of all Varsity Football games is $5.00 for Students and $6.00 for Adults.  To avoid the long lines at the gate, tickets will be sold at all four lunches on Thursday and Friday. 

The game starts at 7:00 PM, so make sure to dress appropriately for the weather.  If you don’t have Hayfield gear, don’t worry -- the Booster Club will have plenty for sale as well as Booster Club Passes!  All middle school students need to be supervised while at the game and students should plan to have their rides waiting for them at 9:30 PM.  Let’s go HAWKS – beat those Chargers. We are expecting a very large crowd so please plan on coming early.

If you or your student plans to come, please take the time to discuss the relevant information below:

  • No outside food or drinks.
  • No backpacks or other bags will be allowed in the stadium.  (Students and Adults)
  • The purpose for students who attend our varsity football games is to watch the game, cheerleaders, band and dance team.
  • We cheer for Hayfield and not against our opponent. All cheers should be positive.
  • Students need to leave campus during dismissal from school at 2:45pm.
  • The gates to the stadium will open at 6:00 pm.
  • All students must pre-arrange for transportation and plan to leave immediately after the game.
  • Students are expected to be in the stands and not hanging out by the concession stand, bathrooms or baseball field; all elementary-aged children should always be supervised.
  • Anyone who leaves must pay to re-enter.
  • Whistles and similar noisemakers are prohibited.
  • All middle school students need to be supervised by an adult while at the game.

Our goal is to create a positive community event.  Any behaviors that take away from this goal may result in being removed from the game and not being allowed to attend future games.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:20PM

Ticket Takers

From Christina Prishack, CHS game manager:

We are in desperate need for ticket takers on Friday night. We only have 3 right now.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:58AM

Freshman Football Parent Email List

A group of freshmen football parents are trying to organize and make buttons (featuring a headshot your player) of for interested parents. If this is something you'd like more information about, please sign up here;  



Team News

5.0 years ago @ 3:46PM

Updates for the week of September 22

Good Afternoon,

After a wonderful week of Charger football, here is a look ahead for the week of September 22.

  • All Varsity players (sophomores through seniors) need to complete the faculty escort form for the homecoming pep rally by the end of school tomorrow. The form is available on our google classroom site and can also be found here.
    • So far, 24 members of the varsity have completed this task to honor the faculty or staff member they believe has helped them grow as a person.
  • Freshman/Developmental will host Edison on Thursday at CHS.
  • Varsity will travel to Edison on Friday.
  • Varsity players will need to report back to CHS by 4:15 on Friday.
  • Busses will leave as close to 4:30 as possible

The young men of our program have been tremendous to work with and we can't wait to get back to work tomorrow. 

As always, thank you so much for your support of Chantilly football! Have a great week, and Go Chargers!



Please continue to volunteer whenever/wherever possible. The link to the sign-up genius can be found here. 

Action Photos

A number of photographers capture our games. The work of Phil Dolinger and Jeff Reynolds can be found here. Jim Madaj's can be found here.


As we shared in the spring, we are phasing out issuing knee pads due to NFHS uniform requirements. By fall 2020, all players will have to replace their 5-pad girdles with 7-pad girdles. Essentially, modern uniform pants are cut higher than they were in the past and officials are zeroing in on pant length and sending players off the field if they deem uniform pants are not covering their knees. We share this with you today because Friday night served as an example of why we are going this route; we had players sent off the field (through no fault of their own) due to this rule. While it is subjective and we are at the mercy of individual officials, the 7-pad girdle should make this rule emphasis a moot point. 

 Remind Text Alerts

Please be sure to register for text alerts via "Remind". Remember, we had to create new sections due to class size limitations added by Remind over the summer. Codes correspond with graduation year.  

Please sign up by texting the corresponding join code to 81010 or visit the corresponding link in the table below.

New Remind Alert Groups 



Code to Join

Link to Join














ETeamSponsor Online Donations:

I recently heard from a few families who were having difficulty registering for the online fundraiser. The instructions for registration can be found here. Our campaign id number is 177802924.

If you or a donor would rather give directly to the school account, checks can be made out to Chantilly High School with "Football" on the memo line. 

We are requesting that players who came out to football after the fundraiser day join us in this effort. Those players will also receive the fundraiser cards this week. Please do your part to help us raise funds to put us on par with our competition. 

As always, thank you so much for your support of Chantilly football. Have a great week and Go Chargers!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:43PM

Gameday and Meal Volunteers

We are again short volunteers for this week. Please commit to any date you can (you can sign up in advance). Please feel free to share with families of athletes who play other sports as well. "It takes a village" for home football games. Freshman and developmental families are encouraged to sign up as well. 

This link also has opportunities to support the varsity team meal on Thursday evenings. We also need volunteers for those positions.

Thank you

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:46AM


We are again short volunteers for this week. Please commit to any date you can (you can sign up in advance). Please feel free to share with families of athletes who play other sports as well. "It takes a village" for home football games

Thank you

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:24AM

Volunteers for Friday, Jersey Mikes Fundraiser Night. Boosters Program Ads

Good Morning:

We are still short volunteers for this and all weeks. Please visit here to sign-up. Subvarsity parents, please sign up for Fridays; Varsity parents, please sign up for Thursdays. Thanks Patsy Pogorelc for creating the sign-up:

Thank you Meredith Kinerney for setting up a fundraising spirit night at Jersey Mikes Fair Lakes on September 17. Information can be found here.

Information about Senior Athlete Advertisements for the Boosters fall program can be found here

Thank you


Team News

5.0 years ago @ 5:23PM

Updates for the week of September 8

Good Afternoon!

We hope everyone is enjoying a great victory weekend! The atmosphere on Friday was incredible; thank you all for coming out to support our guys.

Please visit the link below regarding the positions still in need of volunteers for this week. We are currently vastly understaffed for this week's game. We need members of the program to fill these spots each week. Again, we ask sub-varsity parents to volunteer for Friday nights and vice versa on Thursdays.

Also, please visit this link to learn about the photo button keepsakes.

Reminder, the freshman team will play at Osborne Park tomorrow night. There is no JV game for the developmental team this week.

Thank you again for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 5:02PM

Updates for the week of September 8

Good Afternoon!

We hope everyone is enjoying a great victory weekend! The atmosphere on Friday was incredible; thank you all for coming out to support our guys.

Please visit the link below regarding the positions still in need of volunteers for this week. We are currently vastly understaffed for this week's game. We need members of the program to fill these spots each week. Again, we ask sub-varsity parents to volunteer for Friday nights and vice versa on Thursdays.

Also, please visit this link to learn about the photo button keepsakes.

Reminder, the freshman team will play at Osborne Park tomorrow night. There is no JV game for the developmental team this week.

Thank you again for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:13PM

Updates for the week of September 2

Good Evening:

We have a few updates for this week. 

Please see last week's announcement for information about receiving text message alerts. The company we use, Remind, changed terms of service and we had to create new "classes". 

Freshmen and Developmental teams will scrimmage Langley at CHS on Thursday. 5:30/7pm respectively. 

We just received word today from Osbourn Park that they will host the freshman team for their first regular-season game on Monday, September 9 at 6 pm. Osbourn Park does not have a Junior Varsity team, therefore, our Developmental team will not have a game next week. Mr. Bowerman is reaching out to see if there is another school looking for a JV game, but as of now, there will only be a Freshman and Varsity game next week.

Please continue to support our fundraising efforts. Several young men/families have contributed more than their fair share, and we truly appreciate their support! Unfortunately, we still have a large percentage of players who have yet to reach even 50% of the goal for the coupon cards. The eTeamsponsor fundraiser has not yet yielded the results we hoped. Trust me when I say, we want this "F-Word" (fundraising) to go away for this season as badly as players and families do, but we need all players and families to contribute in order for that to happen. 

If you have secured a sponsor (and submitted the information on the google form) I will be emailing you shortly with information regarding that fundraiser. Suffice it to say, FCPS got involved... 

Patsy Pogorelc has created a sign-up genius for the various roles that need to be filled throughout the rest of the season. Please take a look and chip in where you can.

As always, thank you for your support. You have raised some wonderful young men!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:06PM

Friday 8/30

Friday 8/30 is a teacher work day. We will be practicing from 9:00 am- 11:00 am. 

We will be off on Labor Day, 9/2 and will resume practice at the normal time on 9/3, after school. 

Please contact Coach Miles with any questions. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:30AM

Updates for the week of August 25

Good Morning:

We hope everyone has a great first day of school tomorrow. Remember what we talked about: represent the program, your family, and yourself in a manner that you are proud of! Be on time, be polite, be ready! Start strong and dig yourself no holes. Practice starts every day at 3:30, be ready to go.

Remind Text Alerts

You may have noticed in recent weeks that we haven't bee using Remind Text Messaging System to send updates; they have changed terms of service so that free "classes" cannot have more than 150 "students". I have created new classes based on graduating class. Please sign up by texting the corresponding join code to 81010 or visit the corresponding link in the table below.

New Remind Alert Groups 
Class Group Code to Join Link to Join
Seniors Tillyfootball20 tillycof20
Juniors Tillyfootball21 tillycof21
Sophomores Tillyfootball22 tillycof22
Freshman Tillyfootball23 tillycof23



Our online donation campaign has been sending automated emails in a tone that does not reflect the culture of the program or our appreciation of your support. I apologize. I didn't realize the messages were created/sent. Emails from the address are NOT from me. Please disregard the emails, especially If you cannot/will not/or are exempted from the fundraising.


Varsity/Developmental will travel to Yorktown on Thursday for our second scrimmage. Like the Stone Bridge scrimmage, the focus of the scrimmage will be the varsity roster, however, the plan is to get the developmental group work as well. That is, of course, at the mercy of the weather, the host team, and the officials. Playing time is never guaranteed in any setting, however, our goal is to help develop all players we deem physically and mentally ready for live competition. 

Holiday Schedule

  • Friday: Varsity/Developmental report to CHS at 9 am. Practice 9-10:30.
  • Saturday: Off
  • Monday: practice 8-10:30...Game Week!

Thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 5:41PM

Spirit Pack

Good Evening:

The require spirit pack is now available on MySchoolBucks. We will also accept checks made out to CHS (memo spirit pack) or cash. The price is $40 for practice jersey and wicking compression shirt. An optional store will be up and running once we square away the required pack. 

Reminder, no practice on Saturday. We are aiming to be off the field by 4:30 tomorrow afternoon!

Thank you!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:46PM

Updated Freshman Schedule

Due to some schedule changes with orientation events and concussion testing, we have made some small changes to our schedule. 

Today's freshman "Chragin In" starts at 4:15, when students will be given their class schedules. We will release players around that time to make sure they are included in this. I apologize for any confusion, this event was typically reserved for upper classmen, and freshmen received their schedules during the Thursday orientation. 

Tomorrow and Thursday will end around 5:30. Players will be given their concussion baseline testing during this timeframe but this shouldn't impact our finish time. 

Friday- we will start practice a little early. 1 pm- 3:30 pm. We would like to get the players some time on the game field before varsity practices. 

Thanks for your flexibility. Please email us if these changes create any conflicts for your player. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 6:52PM

Updates for the Week of August 19

Good Evening:

We have a few reminders to share with our families.

Practices will shift to the afternoon this week as teachers return to school. Varsity/developmental players will report at 2 pm for a team lift.

We will have no practice on Saturday!

Tomorrow night is the Chipotle Spirit Night at Franklin Farm! Bring the flyer (or show on your phone to help Tilly Football!!

Thank you for supporting the football fundraiser blitz day! We have 111 players currently on our roster in grades 9-12. Of the 111 players, 48 met the goal of selling $200 worth of cards. Six players met the sponsor benchmark and were exempted from the blitz day. Three young men procured sponsors and sold cards.   We will be extending the sale of the cards and expect the 62 players who fell short of the goal to continue to sell. Saturday provides a great opportunity for players to hit local shopping centers to make an additional push. We expect the 32 players who brought in under $100 to bridge the gap between their sales and the $200 goal.  Please remember we received $0 from CHS, FCPS, or our boosters. Unfortunately, fundraising is very important.

If you have procured sponsorships, please be sure to fill out the form found here. It is not too late to add sponsors to the 2019 season!

Players and families may continue to share the eTeamSponsor information with friends and families to support the online fundraiser. By the end of the week, we will have a Myschoolbucks link active for those who wish to circumvent the third party and donate directly to the program.

Please hydrate and eat properly during the day and prior to practice!

Thank you for your continued support of Charger football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:46AM

Freshman schedule: 8/19-8/23

Thanks for all your support yesterday. 

Starting tomorrow, we will begin practicing at our normal time: 3:30-5:30 pm. Players can arrive in the locker-room at 3 pm. Tuesday/Wednesday will likely run a little late due to concussion baseline testing being done towards the end of practice. 

Going forward, we will no longer have practices on Saturdays. Picture/fundraiser day is the only Saturday required for freshmen. Please email Coach Miles with any questions. 

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:08PM

Fall Sports Meeting

Good Evening:

Just a friendly reminder that Mr. Bowerman, our Director of Student Activities, will be hosting a Fall Sports Parent Meeting tomorrow night. The meeting will be held at the CHS Auditorium (enter through the front door; the location is directly across from the main office) beginning at 7 pm. We will host a football-specific breakout session immediately following the whole group presentation.

See you tomorrow night!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:05PM

Updates for the week of August 12

Good Evening:

Thank you to everyone who came out Saturday to support our boys at the first round of Purple-White Intrasquad scrimmage! We’d like to thank Meredith and Butch Kinerney and Carolgene and Matt Reardon for organizing the post game picnic for the boys. We’d also like to thank anyone who may have chipped in during the picnic; “it takes a village” and Chantilly football is a great program for the community to rally around! Thank you all for your support.

This week is shaping up to be a busy one for Chantilly football!

  • Monday:
    • Practice 8 am
    • Concussion baseline testing (contact Ms. Bishop or Mr. Boss with questions)
      • Seniors and Juniors at 10:45
      • Sophomores at 11:30
    • Players report for Purple-White Scrimmage II, 5 pm
    • Purple-White Scrimmage 6 pm
  • Tuesday:
    • Regular practice schedule 8am-1:15 pm
  • Wednesday:
    • Regular practice schedule 8am-1:15 pm
    • Fall Sports Meeting in CHS Auditorium, 7 pm
      • Breakout session to follow
  • Thursday
    • Practice 8 am
    • Players report back to CHS for Scrimmage at Stone Bridge, 4 pm
    • Scrimmage at Stone Bridge, 7 pm (please note the change in start, previously scheduled for 6)
  • Friday
    • Recovery Practice and meeting/film, 9 am
  • Saturday
    • Picture Day, report to CHS at 7:30
    • Fundraiser Blitz Day 9 am
      • eTeamsponsor Online Donation fundraiser set-up
      • Coupon Card Blitz day
        • Players may return as soon as all cards are sold
        • All Players due back at 2:30

Fundraiser Information

  • Coupon Cards
    • Players will be given two different coupon cards to sell
      • Schedule Card with various vendors offering discounts
      • Craftsman Auto Care Chantilly Service Card
    • If a player sells out of cards, he may return early.
    • If unable to sell all cards during the blitz, he will return with funds and keep cards for an additional period to sell.
  • eTeamSponsor Online Fundraiser
    • Players will receive a form to fill in email addresses with possible donors.
    • Nothing to peddle, just asking for help. Any and all contributions are helpful.
    • For those who want to donate directly to CHS Football rather than go through the company, we will create a “Myschoolbucks” link that will send 100% of the donation to the program.
  • Heat Transfer Printing
    • Players will be asked to help with our heat transfer printing fundraiser throughout the season and school year. Schedules are forthcoming.

As shared in previous posts/emails, we recognize that fundraising is a burden, but it is also a necessity for our program. We thank you in advance for your support. Please remember, players may opt-out of the fundraisers if they can secure $500 or more in corporate sponsorships. Please refer to the previous emails/posts for more information.

Save the date and spread the word: Chantilly Football Spirit Night at the Franklin Farm Chipotle August 19 from 5—9pm! Thank you, Kathy Schmitt, for organizing this fundraiser for Tilly football!

Spirit Pack

Our required spirit pack will be posted in the coming days. As always, we try to limit the cost of required purchases. The spirit pack will once again include a new practice jersey, a game day compression shirt, and belt. More information to follow. In the interim, please help us get an idea of inventory by filling out this form.


On behalf of the coaching staff, thank you for all you do to support the program. It is our honor and privilege to work with your young men. Go Chargers!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 3:20PM by Matt Miles

Freshman Football Practice Schedule

  • 8/15: First Practice- 9:00 am - 11:15 am
    • Meet in the gym lobby. 
    • We will start by collecting the required paperwork which includes; 
      • A completed sports physical, signed and dated by both the physician and guardian
      • A completed and signed Emergency Care Card 
      • Both players and a guardian need to have completed the concussion education training. Fairfax now requires that the certificate of completion be printed out and turned in for verification. Please bring that printout with you along with all other paperwork.
    • Players who have all required paperwork will be issued equipment, including a lock, and assigned a locker.
    • Once this process has been completed, we will take the field.
    • Besides cleats, players are to bring a pair of sneakers to have accessible at any time. We will start lifting in-season, which requires players to have athletic indoor shoes. Also, in the case of thunderstorms, we may have to practice inside.
  • 8/16: 2nd Practice- 9:00 am – 11:15 am         
    • Meet in locker room
    • Note- we take the field at 9:00. The locker room will be open starting at 8:30, giving players plenty of time to get their helmet and cleats on. Players arriving at 9 am will be late.
    • ANY player needing equipment or having an issue that needs to be addressed by a coach must arrive no later than 8:30. Players needing treatment by our athletic trainers are expected to do the same.
  • 8/17:Pictures/Fundraiser- 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
    • Pictures will be followed by a fundraiser where they are expected to sell coupon cards. The drive will start around 10:30/11 and players can return whenever they’ve finished selling their quota of cards. Typically, parent volunteers are appreciated. I will provide players with more information once we have it available.
  • 8/19: 3rd Practice- 3:00 pm- 5:15 pm
    • We are switching to an evening start time (which will be the practice time for the remainder of the year). Teachers will be in training all morning which requires us to move the start time back.

Note. This program adheres to a dress code which Coach Curry articulates here: //

Please reference this before purchasing your swag.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 2:53PM

Updates week of August 5

Good Afternoon:

It has been a great week so far! The guys are working hard and having some fun.

Just a few updates/reminders:

  • Please prepare a small lunch/snack to be eaten between sessions
  • Saturday is the first of two Purple-White Intrasquad scrimmages.
    • We will practice from 8-10:15 and start our second practice at 11:15. Our scrimmage will begin at noon.
    • Friends and family are encouraged to check out the 2019 Chargers! 
    • If you plan on attending the scrimmage on Saturday, please visit this evite created by Meredith Kinerney. Questions? Contact Meredith at 
  • Our second P/W scrimmage will be Monday evening at 6 pm and will also serve as our second practice for the day. 
    • Monday morning practice will still be 8-10:15
  • All athletes must take anew concussion baseline test this year. Ms. Bishop and Mr. Boss have allotted the following times for the test on Monday morning after our first practice:
    • Srs./Jrs.: 10:30
    • Sophomores: 11:15
  • The Activities Office preseason meeting will be held on August 14th at 7 pm. We will have a breakout session immediately after.

We hope to see everyone on Saturday!

Thank you!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 5:29PM

Updates for the week of July 28

Good Afternoon!
It is hard to believe that our pre-season will wrap up at the end of this week! Our guys have done a phenomenal job this summer.  Please continue to send in paperwork this week. Remember athletes are not permitted to participate without a valid physical on file. 

After our final session with TrueAP on Thursday morning, we will have a team meeting during the window usually reserved for lifting (9:30-10:30). We encourage all athletes who are in town and interested in playing football to attend. Please do not worry if you are out of town or cannot make the meeting. Attendance is not a prerequisite to participate come August 5! We want to tie up loose ends and discuss some elements regarding August practice before next Monday.

Sponsorship Information

Last week we shared information about our newest fundraiser: corporate sponsorships. The levels of sponsorship can be found here. Please note a change from last week's proposal: to encourage maximum participation, any athlete who brings in $500 in sponsorships will have the option to opt-out of our traditional fundraiser (the initial benchmark was $1,000). 

Once you have secured a sponsor, please fill out this form. This form must be filled out for each sponsorship an athlete secures. You may upload the company's logo/text to be printed through the form or email it directly to Coach Curry ( 

Thank you for supporting Charger football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 4:19PM

Updates for the Week of July 21

Good Afternoon:
We hope everyone has had a great weekend so far and have been able to keep cool in this sweltering heat.

We are entering our final two weeks of pre-season strength and conditioning. We have had a great summer so far, but let's make sure we finish strong! If you are in town you should be at workouts!


Please do not wait to complete and submit the paperwork required for participation. For more information and specific links to the requirements, please visit here


As we have discussed in previous meetings, football is an EXPENSIVE endeavor and we are financially autonomous. We are unable to rely on outside sources for any of our expenses, therefore, fundraising is a necessary evil for us to function as a program. As a result, all members of the program are expected to participate in our fundraising efforts. 

We will once again sell coupon cards and run an online donation campaign. Additionally, our heat transfer fundraiser will continue to expand. We understand and empathize with families who dread fundraising. We also know that fundraisers often tax the same friends and family members. As a result, we are looking to add a new source of income for the program that goes beyond our neighbors, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. and taps into the greater community at large. Specifically, we want to forge a partnership between Chantilly football and local businesses, restaurants, and corporations.

With our ability to print materials such as shirts, sweatshirts, drawstring bags, etc. we can provide simple, effective advertisements in exchange for a small sponsorship. To encourage participation in the recruitment of local businesses, we will reward players (and their families :)) who secure $1,000 in sponsorships by exempting them from participating in the coupon card and online fundraisers. 

The sum of the $1,000 benchmark can come from a single source or can be spread among as many as it takes to reach the goal.  Both our coupon card blitz day and online campaign kick-off will be on picture day, August 17. Athletes will have until the morning of August 17 to submit the donations and company information. 

We will provide a tiered system for interested businesses, but they will essentially have the opportunity to secure space for their logo to go on practice jerseys, compression shirts, game day "Beat (insert school)" shirts that can be given to the student section, etc.  Parents/guardians, if you have a company and would like to get involved, your sponsorship will, of course, be credited to your son! We think this is a great way to not only alleviate the pressure of fundraising but to also create relationships with the restaurants and businesses in and around our community. 

This could be a great way for us to not only meet our program's needs but to also forge working relationships with companies in the Chantilly area! We hope you take advantage of this chance to avoid the "traditional" fundraiser!

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Coach Curry.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:12AM

Updates for the Week of July 7

Good Morning:

Just a reminder, due to Team and Freshman Camp there will be no morning weight room hours this week. We will open the weight room from 10:30-11:30 on Monday and Wednesday

You may register by clicking below:

Camp runs from 7:30-9:30 am Monday through Thursday.

Looking forward to getting back to work!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:17AM

July 5 Team Camp Update

Good Morning!
We hope everyone has enjoyed their break this week and had a safe 4th of July!  Evergreen sent us the below list which reflects camp registrations as of 9 am yesterday. You may register for Team or Freshman camp by visiting their site. There is still plenty of time to register prior to camp.

Coach Curry will be bringing helmets of varying sizes and shoulder pads of various sizes and styles to camp on Monday for those athletes who have not yet received equipment.

Please remember, there are no morning workouts the week of camp. Chantilly football will be at Evergreen for camp. The weight room will be open Monday and Wednesday from 11 to noon. 

We are looking forward to getting back to work on Monday morning! 

Thank you to the following athletes for registering for Freshman Camp

Cameron Schmitt
Cruz Coy
Jake O Smith
James Lynch
Joseph Doherty
Kaden Lopez
Liam Turner

Thank you to the following athletes for registering for Team Camp.

Aidan Chow 10th
Colin Cavnar 10th
DeSean Andrews 10th
Gerard Shourds 10th
Jack Branch 10th
Jason Vail 10th
Michael Owens 10th
Paul Desena 10th
Ryan Sherfey 10th
Simon Condemi 10th
Jack Ready 11th
Lorenzo Tamayo 11th
Ryan Plott 11th
Trosoadas Davenport 11th
Benjamin Antayhua 12th
Connor Enders 12th
James Pogorelc 12th
Leo Clougherty 12th
Marcus Barreto 12th

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 7:12PM

Updates for the week of June 30

Good Afternoon:

Summer Dead Period: No Workouts this week 

This week, July 1-7,  serves as our summer "Dead Period" meaning there are NO workouts, camps, or "Green Day" practices. Enjoy your time off, but please be smart and safe! Have a great Fourth of July!

Upcoming Team and Freshman Camp

The week of July 8-11 is Team Camp and Freshman Camp at Evergreen Sportsplex. Team Camp registration can be found here; Freshman Camp registration can be found here. There will be no morning workouts the week of camp since the program will be off-site at Evergreen. During the week of camp, the weight room will be open two days, Monday and Wednesday, after camp.

We will return to our summer morning workout schedule (8:30 to 10:30 am) the week of July 15.  

Player and Parent/Guardian Information

The 2019 Google form for parent/player information and volunteerism can be found here.

Required Paperwork and Previous Information

Please revisit the update sent the week of June 17 for links to all of the required paperwork.

As always, THANK YOU for your continued support of Chantilly Football! Have a great week!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:36AM

Update Summer Workouts

Good Morning:

We just wanted to touch base regarding summer workouts. We are two days in and have had two great days! Thank you to the players (and their families) for making football a priority. We do have one request, if you are unable to attend, for any reason, please communicate absences with coaches.  

Thank you for supporting Chantilly Football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 7:47PM

Updates for week of June 17

Good Evening:

Happy Father’s Day to all the father figures in our program!

Thank you to all who attended the meeting last week. Whether or not you attended, please complete the family/player information form found here.

Items from the meeting can be found by visiting their respective links:

We also want to recognize all the players and families who attended last week’s “Combo Camp”. We had a great week competing and definitely got “a week better.”

Summer Strength and Conditioning

Reminder, our summer workouts will begin tomorrow at 8:30 am at CHS and will conclude by 10:30 am.  Please meet in the gym lobby. Athletes should have athletic shoes for the weight room and are encouraged to bring cleats for conditioning on the turf. Players are also encouraged to bring their own water bottles.

Team and Freshman Camp

Our Team and Freshman Camps will run simultaneously at Evergreen Sportsplex the week of July 8. Register here for Team Camp (10-12 grade) and here for Freshman Camp.

Upcoming schedule

  • Weeks of June 17 and 24, strength and conditioning at CHS 8:30-10:30 am.
  • Week of July 1 VHSL Dead Period: No football related activities
  • Week of July 8: Team and Freshman Camps at Evergreen Sportsplex; team lift Monday and Wednesday only—no conditioning
  • Weeks of July 15, 22, and 29, strength and conditioning at CHS 8:30-10:30 am.
  • August 1 Conditioning test, final paperwork collection and equipment handout, team meeting
  • August 5 first day of practice 8 am.

We know this is a lot at once, but please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions! It is hard to believe but as of June 16 there are only 50 days until the official start of the 2019 football season!

As always, THANK YOU for your support!

Looking forward to getting to work tomorrow morning!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:27PM

Updates for the Week of June 9

Good Evening:

This is a busy week for Chantilly Football! 

Combo Camp

Combo camp kicks off tomorrow at 2 pm. Combo camp is divided into two sessions. The first session is geared toward skill players and focuses primarily on the passing game. This session runs from 2 until 3:15. At 3:15, offensive and defensive linemen will join us for the second session as the emphasis will shift to the run game.

Monday we will wear only helmets; we will be in "shells" (helmets and shoulder pads) Tuesday through Thursday. Players should wear mouthpieces each day. Returning players should wear their practice jerseys from previous seasons. We will have jerseys to loan players new to the program. Parking is extremely limited and players/families are encouraged to carpool. Additional information from Gameday Camps:

  • Bring your own water. No Water available on premises.
  • Parking is not allowed in other warehouse parking lots. They will tow violators. 


Our pre-summer meeting will take place tomorrow, Monday, June 10, at 7 pm. Notice the change of location: we will be meeting in the CHS LIBRARY. We hope to see all of our athletes and a parent/guardian to review the summer schedule, expectations, requirements, etc. 

Wilkins Shoe Center (Optional Cleat Fitting)

For those who are interested in purchasing their cleats through Wilkins Shoe Center, tomorrow they will once again visit CHS. Wilkins Shoe Center is located in Winchester and has a great reputation for its “old-school” customer service. The cleats are offered at a significant discount (15-20 dollars) from most retail outlets and Wilkins will guarantee their quality. In other words, if an issue arises they will replace the cleat at no cost to you, no questions asked. Wilkins will be available for fittings starting at 6 pm in front of the CHS library. They accept cash, check, and credit. 

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night!

Thank you!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 2:54PM

Updates for week of June 2

Good Afternoon:

The location of next week's parent AND player meeting has been changed. We will move to the cozier confines of the CHS library! We look forward to seeing all the players and parents/guardians on Monday evening. 

Today we will begin equipment distribution for camp. The equipment distributed this week will be the equipment the players use for the season. Upon receipt of helmet's and shoulder pads, players will sign for the equipment and will be responsible for replacement should it be lost, stolen, or not turned in upon the conclusion of our fall season based on the cost of replacement (2020 price).

Equipment will only be issued to players who are registered for next week's Combo Camp.  Later in the summer, we will have separate distribution days for those who are not attending next week. 

Equipment will be issued today based on an athlete's standing on Off-Season Leaderboard. Today, the top 25 point earners will get helmets, shoulder pads, and a mouthpiece. 

To alleviate the difficulty of getting back to CHS for rising freshmen, those who have registered and attend today's workout will also receive their gear. 

The rest of the registered players will receive their gear tomorrow during the day and after school, until 3:30. We will continue to issue gear during the day/after school on Friday as needed.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:53PM

Updates for the week of May 28

Good Evening:

We hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day! With the conclusion of Spring Sports, we are eager to transition from the “Off-Season” to “Pre-Season”. As the next CHS season in the queue, we are excited to have everyone rejoin us for team workouts, camps, and meetings.

 A few reminders:


  • Meeting Thursday 5/30 at 7 pm in Coach Brady’s Room. Bring Laptops
  • Complete Goal Sheet Prior to arrival:
    • Thank you to the twenty-three athletes who have already submitted their responses.
  • If you need a ride, reach out to a teammate! There are lots of players and families willing and ready to help, but you have to ask! Self-advocacy is important.

Combo Camp

Please visit here to get your form for camp and return to Coach Curry ASAP. We will be issuing equipment next week based on Off-Season Leaderboard and camp registrations.  

Player and Parent Meeting

Please plan to attend our pre-summer meeting. We will discuss dates, policies, opportunities to get involved with the program, etc. It will take place June 10 at7 pm in the cafeteria

Summer Workouts

Workouts will again be held at CHS Monday through Thursday, 8:30—10:30 am.

Thank YOU!

The program has made tremendous strides since last off-season, and we are far healthier now than two years ago. This wouldn’t be possible without the continued support of our athletes and their families. We are truly grateful and appreciative of your support, your faith in our long-term vision, and acceptance of our principles.

We love our players and are honored to both work with them and represent the Chantilly community on Friday nights.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:25AM

Class of 2020 Showcase

Good Morning:

Coach Pannoni of South County has organized a showcase for 2020s interested in playing college football. More information can be found here

Register for the free event here.

On a related note, so far this spring we have been visited by nearly 60 schools spanning the spectrum of college football and academic levels! The tide is turning because of YOUR effort, commitment, and skills! Keep working.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:33AM

Updates for the week of May 19

Good Morning:

7v7 Schedule

As shared Friday, please note the change in start time for tonight's final 7v7 meeting. Players should arrive at 5 pm. The format is also different as it is a single elimination tournament. 

Weight Room

With the significant changes to the daily bell schedule, most Personal Fitness classes will only meet once and there is no CT window; therefore, we look forward to a robust turnout tomorrow after school!

Combo Camp

Please turn in your registration and payment ASAP.


Please finish your Goal Sheet. If you drafted the responses on the Google Doc, simply cut and paste in the form. The form can be found by visiting this link or via Google Classroom. Please get this done. It has been available for three weeks and takes 15-20 minutes. This is for all athletes playing football in the fall. Thank you to the following athletes for submitting their responses.

  • Addisu
  • Antayhua
  • Barreto
  • Condemi
  • Gobaira
  • Johnson
  • Kashef
  • Lett
  • Owens
  • Plott
  • Pol
  • Riley
  • Tacinelli
  • Tiemeni

Player and Parent Pre-Season Meeting

Don't forget to "save the date" for June 10. We will hold our player and parent meeting that evening at 7pm in the cafeteria. This is for all levels (rising 9th through 12th).


Have a great week! 


As always, thank you for supporting Chantilly Football!


Team News

5.0 years ago @ 11:37AM

7v7 5/19

Good Morning:

This weekend is the final meeting for 7v7 league. Thank you to all the athletes and families who have made this a great spring! 

Please note, this is a SINGLE ELIMINATION Tournament on Sunday; win, you move on; lose, you go home. 

Times are also different this weekend.

Players should report to Evergreen by 5 pm. Our first games start at 5:45. Our game times are as follows:

  • Chantilly 2 (White) @ 5:45
  • Chantilly 1 (Purple) @ 6:15
  • Frosh @ 6:15

Thank you!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 1:30PM

Updates for the week of May 12

Happy Mother's Day! We hope all of the mothers, grandmothers, aunts and mother figures of the Chantilly football community have a wonderful day today. We appreciate all that you do!


Tonight is the second to last week of 7v7 season. Next week is the final evening of play; it will be a single elimination tournament. As always, please email or text Coach Curry if you cannot attend. Tonight's schedule:

Group Time  Division Field Team 1 Team 2
Freshman 6:00pm Fresh 1 Chantilly PRACTICE
6:30pm Fresh 2a Independence 1 Chantilly
7:00pm Fresh 2a Independence 2 Chantilly
Varsity 7:30pm Varsity 2a Riverside 1 Chantilly 1
7:30pm Varsity 3a Chantilly 2 Stone Bridge 2
8:00pm Varsity 1b Chantilly 2 Stone Bridge 1
8:00pm Varsity 2b Chantilly 1 Independence 2
8:30pm Varsity 2a Independence 1 Chantilly 2
8:30pm Varsity 2b Stone Bridge 2 Chantilly 1

Combo Camp

Please return your paperwork for June camp this week. Registration can be found here. Remember, the equipment issue for the season is based on the criteria outlined in our off-season point system. The first round of equipment hand out will be prior to camp. Players in the Top 20 and submit their camp forms will get the first choice of equipment prior to Combo Camp. 

Pre-Summer Meeting

Our parent/player meeting will be held on June 10 at 7 pm in the cafeteria. We will review policies, summer schedule, etc. 

Thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:31PM

May 5 Passing League Schedule

Date Time  Division Field Team 1 Team 2
5/5/2019 6:00pm Fresh 1 Stone Bridge PRACTICE
(Week 4) 6:00pm Fresh 1 Chantilly PRACTICE
  6:00pm Fresh 1 Independence PRACTICE
  6:00pm Fresh 2 Hammers 13U PRACTICE
  6:00pm Fresh 2 Loudoun Valley PRACTICE
  6:00pm Fresh 2 Riverside PRACTICE
  6:00pm Fresh 3 Martinsburg PRACTICE
  6:00pm Fresh 3 Park View PRACTICE
  6:30pm Fresh 1a Stone Bridge Independence 1
  6:30pm Fresh 1b

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 12:28PM

Updates May 5: ELITE Club, Passing League, Combo Camp, Parent Meeting, Physical Night

Good Afternoon!


  • Thank you again to those who attended the lunch meetings held last Thursday. Whether you attended or not, please visit this form to complete your goal setting sheet. Remember, on Thursday we said the goal was to have these completed by tomorrow, Monday, so we can move forward with setting our program standards. We need this completed prior to that conversation! Thank you!

Passing League:

  • Yes, we DO have passing league tonight.
  • Please email or text Coach Curry in advance if you cannot make it to a session. Last week we had roughly 10 players not show up with only one or two providing advance notice and a reason. 

Combo Camp

  • In the February 24 update, we shared that our June camp will not be at Evergreen, rather we will once again attend camp at Old Redskin Park. Please send in forms and payment.
  • Forms can be found under the "Team Files" tab or by clicking here.
  • Equipment will be handed out for camp, and the season, based on Off-Season Point system standings and payment.  

Pre-Summer Parent and Player Meeting:

  • We will host our annual pre-summer meeting later this month or early in June. We will forward the date once we secure a night and location. 

Physical Night

  • Our trainers will once again host a Sports Physical Night at CHS. Please see Ms. Bishop's note below:


Chantilly High School will be hosting its annual Sports Physical Night on Wednesday, June 5th 2019. Registrants will report to Door 2 for check-in and will be seen by qualified Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, and Sports Medicine Physicians from around the area for a $50 Donation to the Athletic Training Program at CHS.


Getting this physical will prepare your son/daughter for the 2019-2020 sports seasons and eliminate the paperwork headache during tryouts! We are so thankful for your continued support to our program, and since you’ve been involved in the past we would like to offer you an opportunity for early registration. There are five time slots in 30 minute increments, beginning at 5:30pm. 


Hosting this event is our Athletic Training Program’s only fundraiser for the year. Without your support we would not be able to provide the services that we do for our student-athletes! We thank you in advance!

Click to Pre-register as a student!

You can also pre-pay with a credit card or debit card by signing up for MySchoolBucks at the website below and accessing the “Chantilly Sports Physical Donation”:

Pre-Pay with a Credit Card or Debit Card Here!


Thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 4:50PM

April 25

Good Afternoon:
This evening's ELITE Club meeting is canceled. We will make up the meeting over the course of several short meetings over the next few weeks.  Those meetings will be offered during Lunch, Charger Time, and potentially before or after school. Thank you!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:06AM

Spring Break

Good Morning: 

We'd like to thank all the players and families who braved the elements last night to compete at Evergreen! We'd also like to thank everyone involved with Chantilly Football for their support. The coaching staff is excited about our future, and we are grateful for the opportunity to work with the young men of the Chantilly community. 

Good luck to spring athletes in tournaments and competitions over the next few days!

Gentlemen, please be safe and smart over the next few days! Make good choices; you have put us on the path to success, so let's make sure that we can see it through in the fall! Only 112 days until the first day of practice. Big things are on the horizon...OverBelieve!

Have a great spring break!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:51AM

7v7 Schedule 4/14/19

Good Morning:

Below is the 7v7 schedule for the evening. Reminder, if you haven't yet registered, it is not too late to join us. See you tonight!

Time  Division Field Team 1 Team 2
6:00pm Fresh 1 Stone Bridge PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 1 Chantilly PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 1 Independence PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 2 Hammers 13U PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 2 Loudoun Valley PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 2 Riverside PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 3 Martinsburg PRACTICE
6:00pm Fresh 3 Park View PRACTICE
6:30pm Fresh 1a Loudoun Valley Independence 1
6:30pm Fresh 1b Riverside Martinsburg 2
6:30pm Fresh 2a Park View Martinsburg 1
6:30pm Fresh 2b
Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:48AM

7v7 Schedule April 7

Good Morning:

The schedule for this evening is as follows:

Rising Freshman

  • Arrival/Check-in 5:45-6 PM in the bleachers adjacent to Field 1 (Note from Evergreen: please stay off the fields until we are permitted to use)
  • 6 Practice
  • 6:30 Game 1 vs Loudoun Valley HS
  • 7 Game 2 vs Independence HS

Varsity (Grades 10-12)

  • 6:30-7 Check-in (make your way to field 3/freshman game)
  • 7:30 Game 1
  • 8:00 Game 2
  • 8:30 Game 3

Thank you

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:48AM

7v7 Schedule April 7

Good Morning:

The schedule for this evening is as follows:

Rising Freshman

  • Arrival/Check-in 5:45-6 PM in the bleachers adjacent to Field 1 (Note from Evergreen: please stay off the fields until we are permitted to use)
  • 6 Practice
  • 6:30 Game 1 vs Loudoun Valley HS
  • 7 Game 2 vs Independence HS

Varsity (Grades 10-12)

  • 6:30-7 Check-in (make your way to field 3/freshman game)
  • 7:30 Game 1
  • 8:00 Game 2
  • 8:30 Game 3

Thank you

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:00PM

Updates for the Week of April 1

Good Evening:


We truly appreciate the young men who attended last week's meeting. For those who were unable to attend, the PowerPoint found here was the basis for our work and discussion. The PowerPoint is available on our Google Classroom website as is the document we completed. We'd like all members of the program to take a moment to complete the tasks. This brief clip, used in the meeting, succinctly summarizes the goal of our ELITE club meetings. We are fully committed to developing leaders in the program and the community. We are going to begin to delve deeper/follow up on the meetings with an opportunity to hang-out and talk during "A Day" lunches. All players will be invited to attend. We will blast out those dates as they get scheduled. 

Passing League

We WILL be competing in the Evergreen Passing League this spring. To participate, please register here. Please share this information with anyone who plans on playing a skill position in the fall. 

We will send out the schedule for Sunday as soon as we receive it from Evergreen Sportsplex. The rising freshman league will start at 6 pm. 

Thank you to the following young men and their families for registering: 

 Player's Name Grade School
Joseph Madaj 12th Chantilly
Benjamin Condemi 12th Chantilly
Chris Youk 12th Chantilly
Eric Kwon 12th Chantilly
Garrett Nelson 12th Chantilly
Marcus Barreto 12th Chantilly
Matthew Benson 12th Chantilly
Aidan Ramich 11th Chantilly
Aidan Sahm 11th Chantilly
Alex Spohn 11th Chantilly
Danovan Epps 11th Chantilly
Jack Ready 11th Chantilly
Jacob Tinkoff 11th Chantilly
Matthew Harper 11th Chantilly
Nolan Riley 11th Chantilly
Robert A. Reed 11th Chantilly
Trosoadas Davenport 11th Chantilly
CJ Carter 11th Chantilly
Ryan Plott 11th Chantilly
Simon Condemi 10th Chantilly
Colin Cavnar 10th Chantilly
DeSean Andrews 10th Chantilly
Mehul Pol 10th Chantilly
Noah Kinerney
Team News

5.0 years ago @ 10:40AM

Reminders: ELITE Club, 7v7, Weight Room

Good Morning:

Just a few updates and reminders.

  • ELITE Club meeting tonight. Please bring your laptop. Remember, what we discussed last month: help teammates out. You don't have to be friends to ask for or give a ride; you're teammates.  This is open to all members (all grades) of the program and those interested in coming out this fall.
  • Thank you to those who have already signed up for the passing league.  As of Monday, we only had 20 registered players. If we don't have adequate numbers for two varsity teams (rising 10-12) and a freshman team, we will drop from the league. If you are going to participate, sign up now. We will make the decision to withdraw based on the roster report we receive next Monday. Remember, this is open to anyone who wants to play QB, WR, RB, TE, LB or DB. This open to rising 8th through 12th graders. See Coach Curry if there are issues preventing participation.
  • Overall, our strength training has dramatically improved this year! Thank you to all those who took the leap of faith to follow our model of Personal Fitness and also to those who aren't enrolled, yet consistently find a way to make their workouts. Non-Pfit athletes, with the exception of a small, consistent core, weight room attendance among this group is declining. What you do now dictates what happens in the fall both individually and as a program. Participation among the class of 2022 has been particularly sparse. Everyone is passionate about winning and playing time in the fall, yet the actions of some don’t currently reflect that passion. Be about it, don’t talk about it.

Good luck to our Lax boys tonight.


See you at 7 in room 591.


Thank you.

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:32PM

Updates for week of March 24

Good Evening: 

A few quick announcements!

March ELITE Club Meeting

  • Reminder, this month's meeting will be Thursday night in Coach Brady's room (591) at 7 pm. Please bring a laptop. 

College Football Interest

  • Anyone interested in playing football at the next level, please take a moment to fill out this form to help us better support you as you pursue your goals. 

Weight Room

  • Those athletes not in Personal Fitness need to carve out three days between M/W after school, Charger Time, and/or before school on Friday. There is a core group doing a great job, but we need to see a sharp improvement in attendance among sophomores and freshman. Being in-season for a spring sport makes it harder to find the time, but it is not an excuse to not train at all. We lift hard during our season and we expect the same effort in winter and spring. Warning: Harsh "real talk": Spring sports, Club/AAU teams, house leagues, etc.are not reasons to miss training three hours a week with your team. Gold's, Lifetime, etc. do not have field varsity football teams, nor do personal trainers, Chantilly HS does. Success in the fall is earned now; this is true for both individuals and the program as a whole. 

7v7 Spring League

Spirit Wear

  • The light weight hoodies are now available in the "Spirit Box" in the gym lobby! Get yours today:100% of the proceeds support the program.

Have a great week!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:24PM

Updates for week of March 17

Good Evening:


You can find our updated workout attendance HERE. Please remember, the players are responsible for checking in for each workout and the information reflected in this spreadsheet is what they submit. If they are not listed, they haven't attended or have failed to follow this procedure.  The "class" header reflects their graduation year. Our program calendar has flipped already e.g. the class of 2020 are currently juniors for the school year but are now listed as seniors for football.  Please note, this list does not reflect athletes enrolled in Personal Fitness class.

Although we'd like to see more of our rising sophomores and the athletes not enrolled in Personal Fitness attend team workouts, there are MANY young men who have done a tremendous job carving out a few hours each week to prepare for the upcoming season. We truly appreciate and applaud their effort!  Our overall attendance leader is rising sophomore Michael Owens (20 sessions), followed closely by rising senior Ben Condemi (19), and rising junior Jack Ready (17). Michael, Ben, and Jack: great job leading by example!

Regardless of P-Fit or non-PFit status, our goal is to complete three workouts per week; the weight room is open after school Monday and Wednesday, 3:10-4:10, Friday before school, 6:45-7:45, and during Charger Time. See you there!

Passing League

Passing league is only 3 weeks away! Please visit Evergreen's site to register if you plan on participating. Last spring we had great participation, but a large number of players registered late. Due to the timing of registrations, we only had one varsity team despite having enough players to field two separate groups. That led to more sitting than is ideal. Our goal is two varsity teams (10-12 grade) and one freshman team (rising 8 and rising 9).

March ELITE Club

Our next ELITE Club meeting is scheduled for March 28. Players, keep an eye out for alerts on our Google Classroom site about some pre-meeting tasks (they are brief!).

Recruiting Process

To better support our athletes in the recruiting process, we ask that those who are interested in playing college football fill out the form found here. This is meant to be a reflective exercise while also providing us with helpful information. Be honest with yourself (prospective schools) and with your information (grades, test scores, height, etc.)!  The form does not save until submitted so be sure to wait to begin until you can see it to its conclusion. This is open to all athletes regardless of their grade or experience. The questions elicit the information that is most commonly requested by college coaches. 

Members of 2020, get electronic copies of your transcript to Coach Curry ASAP!

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly football. 

Have a great week!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 9:20PM

March 3rd Upates

Good Evening:

E.L.I.T.E Club Meeting

The coaches would like to once again thank those who attended the E.L.I.T.E Club meeting on Thursday. We know it isn't always easy to attend meetings, but we truly appreciate it! A special thank you to the parents of our non-drivers for taking the time to shuttle our guys back to CHS. It was a great session. Football is a course in leadership and selflessness that is disguised as a sport.

If you weren't able to attend, one of the main points of emphasis was getting everyone on our Classroom site to ensure we can continue to communicate and develop in the spring. Please visit Google classroom and join football via the code: kqr0tb .

 If you did not attend, please take a moment to complete the form we used to reflect upon 2018 and to establish our goals for 2019.  We will use Google Classroom to communicate with players individually throughout the off-season. Remember, the program belongs to Chantilly, the team to the class of 2020, but we are all a part of the same mission. 

Purple Tie Bash

Parents/guardians: this Saturday is the Purple Tie bash! If you can, come out and support our boosters. We hope to see you there!


The Dead Period is officially over! As always, we encourage enrollment in Personal Fitness, but if you are not enrolled in the class we encourage you to follow the example of young men like Ben Condemi (off-season attendance leader...again!) and find your way into the weight room! 

Passing League

Passing league registration is underway. Please see below for information previously shared: 

Spring Passing League will once again take place on Sunday evenings at Evergreen Sportsplex. Based on the increase in participation last year, our goal is to have two varsity teams this spring in addition to the younger team. Sign-up here. In addition to rising 9th graders, Evergreen is opening the younger bracket to rising 8th graders (current 7th graders) as well. Coach Curry and Coach McGhee will be visiting the middle schools in the coming weeks to share this information, but in the interim feel free to spread the word to interested neighbors and siblings! We would love to have two teams of rising sophomores through seniors and one team of rising eighth and freshman.


As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

5.0 years ago @ 8:57PM

February 24 Updates

Good Evening:
We wish the best of luck to our guys trying out for spring sports! Get out and COMPETE! There will be no after-school workouts this week due to the dead period. The weight room will remain open during Charger Time and on Friday morning. Dead Periods, holidays, and winter weather are additional reasons to take Personal Fitness! :)

This Thursday will serve as our first ELITE club meeting of the off-season (January's meeting was postponed). The agenda and goals from the postponed January meeting will serve as our objectives for Thursday: to provide our athletes with an opportunity to take ownership of the program by:

  • Drafting a program Mission Statement
  • Drafting a program Vision Statement
  • Establishing Program Core Values
  • Establishing Program Standards
  • Identifying Program Norms

We hope to see all of our rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors at 7 pm in Coach Brady's classroom (10th-grade health, 591). Positive culture wins!

Passing League
Spring Passing League will once again take place on Sunday evenings at Evergreen Sportsplex. Based on the increase in participation last year, our goal is to have two varsity teams this spring in addition to the younger team. Sign-up here. In addition to rising 9th graders, Evergreen is opening the younger bracket to rising 8th graders (current 7th graders) as well. Coach Curry and Coach McGhee will be visiting the middle schools in the coming weeks to share this information, but in the interim feel free to spread the word to interested neighbors and siblings! We would love to have two teams of rising sophomores through seniors and one team of rising eighth and freshman.

June Camp 
June Camp will NOT be at Evergreen the week of June 17. We will instead attend camp at Old Redskins Park June 10-13. Our July camp will remain at Evergreen as scheduled (please see Important Dates handout)

As always, please feel free to reach out to Coach Curry with questions, ideas, or concerns. Thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

6.0 years ago @ 9:39PM

E.L.I.T.E Club Meeting for 1/31 Postponed

Good Evening:

Due to the rescheduling of the basketball games against Westfield to tomorrow night, we will postpone our first ELITE Club meeting to a later date. In lieu of the meeting, head over to Westfield and support our boys!

Go Chargers!

Team News

6.0 years ago @ 9:37PM

E.L.I.T.E. Club Meeting, Course Selection, Spirit Wear

Good Evening:

E.L.I.T.E. Club Meeting

This Thursday will be the first E.L.I.T.E Club (Empowering Leaders Individually, Team Emphasis) meeting of 2019 (visit here for Important Dates...originally handed out at the banquet). The meeting will be held in Coach Brady's classroom (10th grade health, 591) at 7 pm. These meetings are open to any player interested in being a leader in the football program and are neither scheme nor workout related. All rising sophomores through seniors are invited. The objective of these meetings is to provide our athletes with an opportunity to take ownership of the program. For example, Thursday’s agenda includes:

  • Drafting a program Mission Statement
  • Drafting a program Vision Statement
  • Establishing Program Core Values
  • Establishing Program Standards
  • Identifying Program Norms

We hope to see everyone there!

Spirit Wear

Additional spirit wear is now available and 100% of the proceeds benefit the program! Please visit here, here and here for more information!

Course Selection: Personal Fitness

With course selection just around the corner for the '19-'20 school year, the football staff believes it is important that we stress the benefits of taking Personal Fitness as an elective. We truly believe the overall benefits of taking this elective speak for themselves. Please see Why Personal Fitness for more information.

It is imperative that we make Personal Fitness a major part of the Chantilly Football Culture, especially for Sophomores and Juniors. If we hope to become a competitive program, committing to the weight room is not optional. To compete within our district, our athletes need to lift weights year-round, multiple times per week, in a structured environment.

Our goal is to have 100% of our sophomores through seniors enrolled in Personal Fitness.

CHS is fortunate to have one of the best Directors of Student Services in all of Virginia in Ms. Robyn Lady. If a parent/guardian or athlete has questions or reservations about enrolling in Personal Fitness and its impact on the college application process, please feel free to reach out to her directly at

In addition to helping improve our ability to compete against the best teams in the area, there are added benefits as well.

  • Successful participation in Personal Fitness earns 200 points in our off-season point system.
  • Students will have one less class to worry about in terms of homework thus allowing more time to work/study for core classes (the classes that matter most for college admissions).
  • Students will have more free time to pursue other interests thus reducing the likelihood of school-induced stress/anxiety. Exercise is proven to improve cognitive ability and both physical and mental health.
  • Personal Fitness is the best way for multi-sport athletes to participate in all the sports they love while simultaneously improving strength and athleticism
  • Football players are NOT required to participate in after/before school strength and conditioning sessions if they are enrolled in Personal Fitness! Our athletes will not feel pulled in multiple directions because of football nor will they find their time monopolized by off-season workouts!

Team News

6.0 years ago @ 9:17AM

Today's Workout; Current Leaders

Looking forward to seeing all non-Pfit students in the weight room during CT and/or after school. Consistency is key! We lift during football season and need to keep lifting through winter and spring seasons. In the future best thing to do is take Personal Fitness.

It is a simple formula: Work put in now = Results in Fall. Put yourself in position to compete for playing time. Put the program in position to compete!

Current Weight Room Attendance for Non-Personal Fitness Students (Since January 7)

Your Last Name Your First Name Class Workout Session Total as of January 22
Condemi Ben Senior (2020) After School 5
Gobaira Aiden Sophomore (2022) After School 5
Owens Michael Sophomore (2022) After School 5
asiamah Nana Sophomore (2022) After School 4
Ready Jack Junior (2021) After School 4
Andrews Desean Sophomore (2022) After School 3
Cavnar Colin Sophomore (2022) After School 3
DeSena Joey Sophomore (2022) After School 3
Epps Danovan Junior (2021) After School 3
Kinerney Noah Sophomore (2022) After School 3
Team News

6.0 years ago @ 8:59PM

Purple Tie Bash

Please support the boosters so that they may better serve CHS programs! Please visit here for information about the 2019 Purple Tie Bash!

Team News

6.0 years ago @ 11:14PM

Off-Season Strength Training

Happy New Year! We hope all of our families had a wonderful holiday season and winter break. The 2019 Off-Season is officially upon us!

To allow greater scheduling flexibility for athletes and families, we are again providing multiple opportunities for athletes to complete their weekly strength training. The best option is to enroll in Personal Fitness. In addition to "P-Fit" classes, the weight room will be open AFTER school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:10-4:15 and BEFORE school on Fridays at 6:45 am. Additionally, athletes may come to the weight room during Charger Time on A Days. The expectation is that athletes complete three strength sessions per week. Ideally, the workouts are completed on non-consecutive days to ensure recovery, but that is not a requirement. Any combination of after school, before school, or CT will suffice. Athletes may attend the sessions that suit their schedule for any given week.

We are thrilled to share that for the first time in at least five or six years, the majority of our sophomores and juniors are enrolled in Personal FitnessThese athletes meet strength and conditioning requirements by simply attending class and are not expected to attend additional sessions; however, those athletes are welcome to come support teammates and/or supplement their training during other windows.

All freshman and upperclassmen not enrolled in PFit will need to attend sessions either after/before school or during CT. Multisport athletes are expected to lift with the program during the winter and spring seasons. All athletes and sports benefit from improving strength, power, explosiveness, and flexibility. We lift in the fall and expect the same the rest of the year. We do not expect athletes who are in-season for other sports to condition or participate in Green Day practices. We are still closing the gap between our program and the top teams in our district and region: the weight room will play a vital role in this endeavor must continue to be a priority. We are on the right track!

Attendance will be taken for each session via a Google form. Athletes will access the form through the QR Code posted on the football bulletin board in the weight room. 

We will continue the Reward System that was established last year to help guide our off-season efforts. 

The concept is simple: do right and earn points. Outside of losing points for negative behaviors, this system is based entirely on rewarding positive behaviors, not punishing negative behaviors. The system was created around the feedback provided by the players themselves and rewards include possible conditioning test exemption, the first choice of equipment and jersey numbers, etc. There will be ample opportunity for athletes to rise (or fall) on the leader board throughout the off-season.

Athletes will earn points for their performance and dedication in a number of areas that relate to strength and conditioning and behavior/leadership within the program and school. The point system can be found here.

Information about leadership/culture meetings, player-coach meetings, green days etc. will be shared in the near future and throughout the off-season.  

We look forward to a productive, challenging, fun, and rewarding off-season! 

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Before You Criticize, Remember That Most Youth Sports Coaches Are Volunteers!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Why Do Former High School Athletes Earn More Money?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

NCAA Recruits Deserve Better Publicity From Their High Schools

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Don't Overlook Your School's Junior Varsity Teams!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

More High School Athletes Should Be Practicing Yoga

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

16 Life Lessons That Lax (And Other Sports) Can Teach Us

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

All Athletic Directors Should Be Using Social Media... And Here's How

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Snow Safety: How To Avoid Injuries Playing Winter Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Top Ten Ways To Increase School Spirit

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

A Different Way To Fund Sports Participation

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

10 Great Ideas To Raise Money For Your Team

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Proper Concussion Protocol in High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

How Parents Make Their Children Hate Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Hazing in High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

How High School Sports Benefit Academics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Prevalence of Steroids in High School Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Significance of Stretching

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.