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Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School


Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Chargers Athletics

Chantilly High School

Team News.

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 9:24AM

Updates for the Week of June 27, 2022

Good Morning:

*Reminder* Next week is the VHSL Dead Period; there will be no organized activities for the team (or any other CHS team). We will return to our normal summer workout schedule on July 11.

Donations to cover TrueAP Training are appreciated (see summer info blast for more information). For those who have attempted to use MySchoolBucks, our Finance Tech just shared with me that the site/link will be down until mid-July. Thank you to those who have contributed to the cost to bring in outside trainers to supplement our training.  

If you haven't yet done so, please review the last two email blasts for important information:

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 10:01PM

Updates for the Week of June 20, 2022

Good Evening:

We hope all the fathers and father figures in the program had a wonderful Father's Day! 

Please take a moment to review the Pre-Season Checklist. It contains links and details regarding essential information, including:

  • requirements to play (physical form, RSchool site)
  • updated important dates/season schedules 
  • volunteer opportunities 
  • text alert signup information
  • Team Camp link
  • and more


Registration for our sessions can be found here. As shared previously, the program covers the cost. If you'd like to contribute, please check out Chantilly High School (memo Football) or visit our MySchoolBucks link. Thank you to the folks who have donated to help with the price. See last week's blast for more information.


Meeting Q&A

Before the parent/guardian meeting, we sent a link for Q&A. You will find the questions and answers below.

  • Are rising freshmen allowed to attend summer strength and conditioning?
    • Yes! We encourage our rising freshmen to attend all possible sessions! 
  • What is the expectation for attendance with summer workouts?
    • If an athlete is in town, we expect to see them. Please see last week's blast for more information. Not only does the individual player benefit from attending sessions, but the entire program benefits from the development of positive team culture. If players cannot attend a session, they need to contact Coach Curry directly. 
  • What is the schedule for the summer conditions and practices?
    • Please see last week's blast regarding workouts and visit here for the entire 2022 calendar.
  • Is it the general rule to let out athletes 20-30 min past posted end times (Elite Club, camp, etc.)? We all have family schedules to consider and 3x in the past 2 weeks my football player has been let out 20-40 min past the posted end time, throwing our family schedule afterwards into a tailspin.
    • Thank you for bringing this up. The short answer is "no, of course not." We would also add that the external factors that lead to delayed dismissals are equally frustrating for coaches and their families, as they are parents, if not more so. 
    • There are a few factors in play, so we will address all of them. First and most important, times shared reflect the start and end time of the actual activity (practice, meeting, etc.). 
    • Examples: workouts begin at 8:30, and we conclude training at 10:30. Athletes help coaches clean the field and are then dismissed. Many of our athletes slowly depart with teammates well after our time together has ended.
    • The start of the aforementioned ELITE Club meeting held earlier in the month was delayed significantly due to the room reservation not being fulfilled through building use. Unfortunately, that is out of our control. We were fortunate that Mr. MacKenzie happened to see us scrambling for space, and he allowed us to use his classroom on a whim since our reserved room wasn't left unlocked as it should have been. Additionally, the young men were highly engaged and continued the dialogue of the culture meeting beyond the allotted time. The meeting was also held at the end of the building opposite the athletic wing.
    • Camp is off-site and run by a third party. There were a few hiccups that delayed the start and conclusion of the first day. 
    • I can assure you that the coaching staff, their spouses, and families, are equally frustrated by the occasional schedule change and derailment. We do our best to honor everyone's time. Many factors are at play that impacts punctuality, from facilities to keeping 60-85 adolescents on track at once. Additionally, when presented to the coaching staff, we always honor the need to depart early from a team function. Please contact Coach Curry directly if you have further questions or concerns.


  • What is the summer schedule? I was unable to attend the meeting yesterday. My son is a rising 11th grader and very interested in football. He attended an after-school meeting like a week or two ago
    • Please review last week's post and email any follow up question to


  • We are unable to attend the June 9 meeting, but our son is interested in Freshman Football. Please advise of any other way to get information. 
    • and Remind Text Alerts are the best ways to keep the information current. Please create an account on and elect to receive notifications from all levels of football. 
    • Visit here for information regarding text alerts. 


  • Can you please send me information regarding when football practice starts? My son will be a freshman in the Fall.  
    • Freshmen football will begin on August 15.


  • Am I too late to join the freshmen football team because I did not attend the meeting on June 9? 
    • NEVER! We welcome freshmen well into the season. Football is an inclusive game and requires ZERO previous experience. Our primary focus is for our players to have a great experience and "learn and return."


As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 9:59PM

Updates for the Week of June 20, 2022

Good Evening:

We hope all the fathers and father figures in the program had a wonderful Father's Day! 

Please take a moment to review the Pre-Season Checklist. It contains links and details regarding essential information, including:

  • requirements to play (physical form, RSchool site)
  • updated important dates/season schedules 
  • volunteer opportunities 
  • text alert signup information
  • Team Camp link
  • and more


Registration for our sessions can be found here. As shared previously, the program covers the cost. If you'd like to contribute, please check out Chantilly High School (memo Football) or visit our MySchoolBucks link. Thank you to the folks who have donated to help with the price. See last week's blast for more information.


Meeting Q&A

Before the parent/guardian meeting, we sent a link for Q&A. You will find the questions and answers below.

  • Are rising freshmen allowed to attend summer strength and conditioning?
    • Yes! We encourage our rising freshmen to attend all possible sessions! 
  • What is the expectation for attendance with summer workouts?
    • If an athlete is in town, we expect to see them. Please see last week's blast for more information. Not only does the individual player benefit from attending sessions, but the entire program benefits from the development of positive team culture. If players cannot attend a session, they need to contact Coach Curry directly. 
  • What is the schedule for the summer conditions and practices?
    • Please see last week's blast regarding workouts and visit here for the entire 2022 calendar.
  • Is it the general rule to let out athletes 20-30 min past posted end times (Elite Club, camp, etc.)? We all have family schedules to consider and 3x in the past 2 weeks my football player has been let out 20-40 min past the posted end time, throwing our family schedule afterwards into a tailspin.
    • Thank you for bringing this up. The short answer is "no, of course not." We would also add that the external factors that lead to delayed dismissals are equally frustrating for coaches and their families, as they are parents, if not more so. 
    • There are a few factors in play, so we will address all of them. First and most important, times shared reflect the start and end time of the actual activity (practice, meeting, etc.). 
    • Examples: workouts begin at 8:30, and we conclude training at 10:30. Athletes help coaches clean the field and are then dismissed. Many of our athletes slowly depart with teammates well after our time together has ended.
    • The start of the aforementioned ELITE Club meeting held earlier in the month was delayed significantly due to the room reservation not being fulfilled through building use. Unfortunately, that is out of our control. We were fortunate that Mr. MacKenzie happened to see us scrambling for space, and he allowed us to use his classroom on a whim since our reserved room wasn't left unlocked as it should have been. Additionally, the young men were highly engaged and continued the dialogue of the culture meeting beyond the allotted time. The meeting was also held at the end of the building opposite the athletic wing.
    • Camp is off-site and run by a third party. There were a few hiccups that delayed the start and conclusion of the first day. 
    • I can assure you that the coaching staff, their spouses, and families, are equally frustrated by the occasional schedule change and derailment. We do our best to honor everyone's time. Many factors are at play that impacts punctuality, from facilities to keeping 60-85 adolescents on track at once. Additionally, when presented to the coaching staff, we always honor the need to depart early from a team function. Please contact Coach Curry directly if you have further questions or concerns.


  • What is the summer schedule? I was unable to attend the meeting yesterday. My son is a rising 11th grader and very interested in football. He attended an after-school meeting like a week or two ago
    • Please review last week's post and email any follow up question to


  • We are unable to attend the June 9 meeting, but our son is interested in Freshman Football. Please advise of any other way to get information. 
    • and Remind Text Alerts are the best ways to keep the information current. Please create an account on and elect to receive notifications from all levels of football. 
    • Visit here for information regarding text alerts. 


  • Can you please send me information regarding when football practice starts? My son will be a freshman in the Fall.  
    • Freshmen football will begin on August 15.


  • Am I too late to join the freshmen football team because I did not attend the meeting on June 9? 
    • NEVER! We welcome freshmen well into the season. Football is an inclusive game and requires ZERO previous experience. Our primary focus is for our players to have a great experience and "learn and return."


As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 8:42PM

Updates for the Week of June 13, 2022--Summer Workout Information

Good Evening:

We hope everyone has had a great first weekend of summer break! We had a very productive camp last week; thank you to all the athletes who attended and their families. We are a week better and appreciate your support. 


We also want to thank the parents/guardians who attended our informational meeting. For those unable to attend the meeting, we will send a separate blast about the information shared in the meeting later this week. Please keep an eye out for it!

Summer Workouts

Summer workouts are here! 

  • Summer training will begin tomorrow, June 13, at CHS.
  • Sessions are open to all athletes interested in playing football, including freshmen.
  • Sessions will run from 8:30-10:30 am Monday through Thursday.
  • Sessions will include strength training in the weight room and speed, agility, and football-specific conditioning outside.
  •  Athletes should wear clothing that is appropriate for weight lifting. SLIDES ARE NOT APPROPRIATE for training.
  • Bring a water bottle.
  • We support multisport athletes; however, we expect that football becomes a top priority when the VHSL calendar turns over in the spring. At this point in the pre-season, that means attending workouts. We schedule our sessions in the morning so that our working athletes have a large window in the afternoon to schedule their shifts. 
  • If you are in town, we expect to see you at workouts. If you cannot make a session, reach out to a coach and let them know. 
  • Additional outside training is not only unnecessary, it is counterproductive. We appreciate the desire to get better, but the body needs an opportunity to recover after exercise.
  • TrueAP will train us Monday and Wednesday for additional speed and agility work.


As we have done in the past, the program will cover the cost of TrueAP; however, if you wish to contribute to the price ($3,000), we'd appreciate your contribution. Last year many families put $40 toward the cost. If you are inclined, checks should be made to CHANTILLY HIGH SCHOOL, memo football.

All athletes are required to complete the registration; please click here. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 9:23PM

Updates for the week of June 5, 2022

Good Evening:

We have a busy, but fun week ahead of us! Camp will run Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We will be working closely with the folks west down 50 (Westfield), south on Stringfellow (Centreville), and Herndon. It should be a great week! There is no camp Tuesday due to graduations for Westfield and Centreville, but we will have a Green Day practice instead. All campers must be registered, so please see previous blasts and turn in the forms ASAP. Most campers received the equipment on Friday, but we will continue to pass out equipment as necessary tomorrow. Registrations must be completed in order to get equipment. 

The weekly schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: Camp at EC Lawrence park 2-5pm
  • Tuesday: Green Day 12:30-4 pm at Chantilly HS
  • Thursday: Parent Meeting 7 pm CHS Cafeteria

We look forward to a great week of Tilly Football!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 10:24PM

Updates for the Week of May 23, 2022

Good Evening:

We have a few updates to share as we prepare for the final stretch of the school year. 

  1. Athlete Questionnaire/Reflection
  2. ELITE Club Meetings
  3. Off-Season Leader Information/Point System
  4. Camps
  5. Physical Night


We ask all players in the classes of '23, '24, and '25 complete our Athlete Questionnaire

Please take your time and answer all questions honestly, accurately, and thoroughly. Coaches will review the responses to gain a better understanding of the makeup and psychology of our team. Your responses are important and will be kept confidential. Every question helps us gain insight into the players and dynamics of our team. Please take this seriously. This was a valuable resource for our staff in the development of our culture in previous years. Whatever information we can glean from the survey will be used to guide and shape our ELITE Club Culture Meetings. 


The ELITE Club was established in January 2018 to improve the Culture of Chantilly football. Tuesday, May 31, and Thursday, June 2 will be our first ELITE club meetings of the 2022 season. The location is TBD. The meetings will run from 3:10-4:15. We will update the location via Schoology. 

Off-Season Point System

If you haven't yet read the criteria for earning points in the off-season, please review the parameters here. Spring strength testing is paramount. Testing will continue through this week and into the next. Non-Pfit students should make every attempt to attend after-school workouts. PFit students should attend class!

The first time the system comes into play will be when we issue gear for Combo camp. The top leaders who have registered for camp will get their equipment first. The second round of rewards will occur in August when we issue uniform numbers, locker assignments, and establish our season leadership council. 


Thank you to the athletes and families who have already submitted their registration for camp. Please see below regarding camp. 

For the first time since 2019, both of our normal camps are on as scheduled! For those new to the program, here is a quick breakdown of the camps: 

  • Camps are highly productive and participation is encouraged but it is not required.
  • They are operated by a third party, and there are registration fees.
  • Equipment is provided, but transportation is not.

Our first camp is called "Combo Camp" and will be held the week of June 6. We have an early release schedule that week due to exam schedules. Equipment will be issued to registered players prior to the camp. This camp will be held at EC Lawrence Park.

Our "Team Camp" will take place the week of July 18. This camp is held in the evening at Westfield HS. 

Physical Night

Ms. Bishop has asked us to share information regarding physical night. It is a quick and easy way to ensure all paperwork is submitted prior to the season!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 11:28AM

Updates for the Week of April 25, 2022

Good Morning!

We hope you had a great weekend. Now that is functional again (we couldn't share files for a while), please take a moment to review our most recently updated "Important Dates" document. You will see that there are hyperlinks in the document that will take you to separate pages for Physical night and our two camps. Please see below for more information. 

Important Dates

A list of important dates can be found here. We will share modifications and updates as they occur.


For the first time since 2019, both of our normal camps are on as scheduled! For those new to the program, here is a quick breakdown of the camps: 

  • Camps are highly productive and participation is encouraged but it is not required.
  • They are operated by a third party, and there are registration fees.
  • Equipment is provided, but transportation is not.

Our first camp is called "Combo Camp" and will be held the week of June 6. We have an early release schedule that week due to exam schedules. Equipment will be issued to registered players prior to the camp. This camp will be held at EC Lawrence Park.

Our "Team Camp" will take place the week of July 18. This camp is held in the evening at Westfield HS. 

Physical Night

Ms. Bishop has asked us to share information regarding physical night. It is a quick and easy way to ensure all paperwork is submitted prior to the season!

As always, we appreciate your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

2.0 years ago @ 7:15PM

Updates for the Week of March 14, 2022

Good Evening!

We hope everyone has enjoyed both the sneak peek of spring and (hopefully) the last taste of winter!

Workouts will continue this week with opportunities to get sessions in during Charger Time and/or after school M/W/F. 

As you may recall from previous blasts, we maintain an off-season leader board. One of the main criteria is attending off-season workouts. Traditionally, we will periodically share the attendance of our sessions. We'd like to commend all of our athletes for their commitment thus far. Below is simply a snapshot of the program's work thus far this off-season. No individual should "rest on their laurels," nor should anyone feel as though they are too far behind. Each day is an opportunity to either get better or get worse. Our actions reflect our choices.

Last Name First Name Sessions Attended 
Berglie Henry 20
Smoot Chase 20
Sisung Elijah 18
Mallick Zayaan 17
Amaya Rony 16
Navarro Carlos 16
Swope Eli 15
Tinkoff Noah 15
Lokhandwala Mustaali 14
Martinez Dario 14
Alani Hamzah 13
Boucher Charlie 13
Argel Luke 12
Fletcher Andrew 11
Leon Martine Alan 11
Orr Dylan 11
Speredelozzi Jack 11
Fisher Ian 10
Morrad Elias 10
Fernandez Matthew 9
Hill Owen 9
Mallick Haaris 9
Meza Dennis 9
Tilley Luke 9
Bonshock Evan 8
Jencks Tyler 8
Umpierre Fernando 8
alsaadi rafat 7
Carpe Garrett 7
Dougherty Skylar 7
Joari Ahmed 7
Quinonez Eddy 7
Smith Mekhi 7
Wienke Connor 7
Malpartida Daniel 6
Aliste Alejandro 5
alsaadi mussa 5
Caywood Alex 5
Friedman Jeffrey 5
Hogan Alec 5
Carter Jeremiah 4
caywood Nick 4
Halpern Jackson 4
Kargbo AJ 4
woessner andrew 4
Basata Dylan 3
Cordova Leo 3
Lee Nolan 3
Zapata Andrew 3
Asatryan Feliks 2
Masich Tyler 2
Plaugher Andrew 2
Purvis Daniel 2
Sheanh Rishi 2
Singh Anik 2
Tatum Vaughn 2
Von der Heyde Bill 2
Agyeman Kevin 1
George William 1
Gonzalez Angel 1
Hakemi Shahrokh 1
kim caleb 1
Lynch James 1
Medina Eddy 1
Meny Ethan 1
Ross Evan 1
Sarkar Om 1
Schuetz Stephen 1
Spurlin Ben 1
t Skylar 1
Waheed Abdul 1

*These numbers reflect an athlete's self-reported attendance; athletes are expected to sign in each session. 

*This list does not include those athletes who are enrolled in Personal Fitness.  

We look forward to getting back to work this week!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 11:16AM

Updates for the Week of January 31, 2022

Good Morning!

We hope everyone had a great weekend. Please see below for information regarding the off-season and dates for our spring and summer camps.

Off-Season Training

A full week of sessions will resume this week. All athletes not in Personal Fitness or playing a winter sport should make every effort to attend. Although the season seems far off, success in the fall requires year-round commitment, and slow, steady, consistent progress begins in January. Successful teams train hard together year-round. Sessions are Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3:10-4:10.

The easiest way to train consistently and with teammates is to enroll in Personal Fitness. We have 55 members of the program, sophomores through seniors, enrolled in PFit this year. 

Off-Season Point System 

Please take a moment to review our Off-Season Point System. We established these criteria following the 2017 season to further incentivize participation in off-season activities. However, we have been fortunate that most of our athletes have been intrinsically motivated to do well in recent years; therefore, the leaderboard only served as an additional form of healthy competition and accountability. 

The concept is simple: do right and earn points. Outside of losing points for negative behaviors, this system is based entirely on rewarding positive behaviors, not punishing negative behaviors. Several athletes have provided feedback regarding incentives/rewards and helped shape the criterion. The most frequently identified incentive was the selection of equipment and jersey numbers; therefore, among other rewards and recognition throughout the off-season, the top point earners will have the first choice of equipment and jerseys numbers.

There are plenty of opportunities to rise (or fall) on the leaderboard throughout the off-season. Please find the Scoring Criteria here

Camp Dates

We have confirmed the dates for our two pre-season camps. After a two-year pause, "Combo Camp" is back. Combo camp is split into segments, Line of Scrimmage players in one session and skill position players in another. Combo Camp is the week of June 6-10. 

Like last year, we will attend Team Camp at Westfield HS. Team camp is the week of July 18-21

More information to follow! 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:01PM

Updates for the week of January 24, 2022

Good Afternoon:

Workouts will resume this week starting Wednesday. We will continue to follow our schedule of M/W/F 3:10-4:10 pm. If there is no school, we will not conduct workouts unless otherwise communicated. 

Personal Fitness is the best way to meet the strength requirements necessary to become a successful athlete. It is highly encouraged that all athletes enroll in PFit. Please reach out to Coach Curry if you have questions!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 6:11PM

Updates for the Week of January 10, 2022

Good Evening:

Happy 2022! We hope everyone had a restful, safe, healthy Winter Break and start to the new year. With the new year, we have also turned our team page to 2022. Information and dates will be updated frequently.  

We are still waiting to hear from the third parties who run our spring passing leagues and summer camps; we do not yet have confirmation for the start of fall practice, but we anticipate the date to be August 1, 2022. 

Before we discuss the official start of the off-season, we would like to thank the players and families in the class of 2022 one more time. A special thank you to Meredith and Butch Kinerney for their support, dedication, and tireless efforts to support the program over the last five years. Thank you for taking the lead on so many unsung, behind-the-scenes tasks!


We will continue to follow county guidelines regarding COVID mitigation, and consequently, there will be NO AFTER SCHOOL WORKOUTS this week. If permitted, we will revaluate the week of January 17. 

If an athlete is a "Charger In Good Standing," they may be permitted to attend Charger Time sessions this week. 


Our off-season leadership meetings will begin this month. More information to follow!


There is a virtual Curriculum Fair tomorrow during Advisory. Please review the previous blasts that shared information about the importance of taking Personal Fitness as sophomores and juniors. The increased enrollment directly correlated with our increased success on the field.

Athletes enrolled in PFit:

  •  are not expected to attend after school workouts
  • do not have to choose between developing as an athlete with strength training or playing multiple sports
  • have one less class with homework and can dedicate more time to the core subjects that matter most to college admissions
  • have time to pursue other interests, sports, and jobs/hobbies

The successful programs in Northern VA follow this model; this approach is not unique to Chantilly. 

Please reach out to Coach Curry if you have questions!

Have a great week!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 3:10PM

All-State Selections

Please join us in congratulating the following young men for their All-State Recognition!

1st Team:

  • Aiden Gobaira, DL

2nd Team:

  • Jack Griese, All Purpose-Offense

Honorable Mention:

  • Liam Turner, OL
  • Garrett Robertson, DB
  • Jackson Maurer, Punter

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 10:06AM

Updates for the Week of December 13, 2021

Good Morning:

Just a reminder, we continue off-season weight room this week M/W/F at 3:10.


The end-of-season banquet will be tomorrow, December 14, in the CHS cafeteria. This includes all levels 9th-12th. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!



Please see below from Meredith Kinerney for details, RSVP, and volunteer opportunities. 

Hey Football Families,

We are looking forward to it getting together on December 14 for our annual football banquet.  The 2021 season brought many accomplishments and we want to send off the seniors to their next adventures. 

There will be a social time from 6:45pm – 7:15pm and the award ceremony will begin at 7:15pm.  All activities will be held in the cafeteria at Chantilly. 

Here is the link to sign up to bring food for the social time. .  After signing up to bring some yummies, please also RSVP so that we are prepared.

If you purchased a button that money will be used for coaches’ gifts.  If you would like to donate additionally for coaches’ gifts, you can send those contributions to Meredith Kinerney (Venmo  @Meredith-Kinerney).

Thank you to all the volunteers that made the season successful.  It takes a village to make everything happen!

See you on Tuesday December 14 @ 6:45pm in the Chantilly Cafeteria.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 9:21AM

Banquet Sign-Up/RSVP

Please see below for a note and Sign-Up Genius from Meredith Kinerney. THANK YOU to the parents who have spent a great deal of time and energy organizing the celebration. A number of folks have been working behind the scenes, meeting, brainstorming, and planning.  We appreciate it! Please remember this ceremony includes all classes (freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors)!

Hey Football Families,


We are looking forward to it getting together on December 14 for our annual football banquet.  The 2021 season brought many accomplishments and we want to send off the seniors to their next adventures. 


There will be a social time from 6:45pm – 7:15pm and the award ceremony will begin at 7:15pm.  All activities will be held in the cafeteria at Chantilly. 


Here is the link to sign up to bring food for the social time. .  After signing up to bring some yummies, please also RSVP so that we are prepared.


If you purchased a button that money will be used for coaches’ gifts.  If you would like to donate additionally for coaches’ gifts, you can send those contributions to Meredith Kinerney (Venmo  @Meredith-Kinerney).


Thank you to all the volunteers that made the season successful.  It takes a village to make everything happen!


See you on Tuesday December 14 @ 6:45pm in the Chantilly Cafeteria.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 10:24PM

Updates for the Week of December 6, 2021

Good Evening:

Reminder, the banquet is scheduled for December 14. Please see last week's blast for more information. Details about the evening will be shared in the coming days. 

Strength and Conditioning

After-school workouts will begin Monday, December 6. Football players not enrolled in Personal Fitness should plan to attend. We begin at 3:10 and will finish at 4:10. Appropriate attire, including shoes, is required. Workouts will be held Monday/Wednesday/Friday.

Time management is imperative for successful student-athletes; we simply need three hours a week to improve as an individual and as a program. The weight room and training together are keys to success on the field in the fall, for both individuals and the team. Our success in recent years is a testament to the commitment we have had to year-round strength training. If you are in-season for another Chantilly HS sport, you cannot train with the football program until that season is over. Clubs and rec teams do not count and you are expected to lift with the program. Freshmen are now considered sophomores and are thus members of a varsity program. 

We are excited to begin working toward a successful 2022 season. 

If you have questions about workouts, please visit Coach Curry or Coach Casias.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 9:07PM

2021 All Region Football

Please congratulate the following athletes for being recognized as All-Region Performers. All of these young men were named to the First Team.

  • Aiden Gobaira Defensive Player of the Year
  • Aiden Gobaira Defensive Lineman
  • Garrett Robertson Defensive Back
  • Liam Turner Offensive Lineman
  • Jack Griese Offensive All Purpose
  • Jackson Maurer Punter

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 7:25PM

Updates for the Week of November 29, 2021

Good Evening:

We hope all of our families had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Below is information about the banquet, the off-season, and the recruiting process. 


The banquet will be on December 14 at 7 pm in the cafeteria. Thank you to those parents who have reached out about supporting the effort to celebrate the 2021 season. Please email Coach Curry at if you would like to join the effort to set up the banquet.

The evening is not only a celebration, but it also provides essential information to families about the upcoming season (yes, we begin to prep now!). ALL LEVELS (Freshmen, Developmental, Varsity) are included in the evening. We hope to see you there.


The off-season is upon us. Athletes in Personal Fitness only need to attend class, give great effort, and EAT! Students not enrolled in PFit should make every effort to attend strength and conditioning sessions held on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays from 3:10-4:10. 

In just five years, the program has gone from winless to three straight playoff appearances, a Region Championship appearance, and over 20 players playing in college because of a commitment to our off-season approach. Taking Personal Fitness sophomore through senior year is key. 

Please visit here for information about our Off-Season Point System.

Please see below from Mr. Bowerman regarding required proof of vaccination or weekly testing:


As you and your athletes prepare for out of season workouts and green days there are several things that need to happen. All athletes need to be registered in rSchool for your sport. Link for rSchool is on website (rSchool needs to be done every year). All athletes also need a valid physical on file and fully vaccinated or registered to be tested weekly. 

As of now, all athletes in season and doing out of season activities need to be vaccinated or be tested weekly. If an athlete is 16 or older, they must either be vaccinated or have a medical/religious exemption. If they have a waiver-must be tested weekly. If an athlete is under 16, must be vaccinated or be tested weekly.

For vaccination documentation/testing here is what your athletes need to do….

Provide the Activities Office with a copy of your student-athletes Vaccination Card. (Activities Office is by door 11)


Register for the weekly COVID testing:  secure online portal. After clicking on the link, you will need to select Chantilly High School to start the registration. 

They cannot participate until this is complete.


It has been a busy week for recruiting as the contact period has begun. We've already hosted Penn State, Maine, Randolph-Macon, ECU, Fairmont State, Richmond, Frostburg State, Glennville State, Bluefield State, and Stevenson. There will be many more coaches visiting over the next few weeks. For those wondering, here is a simple breakdown of where we are in the football recruiting process by graduation year:

Class of 2022

  • Schools: 
      • FBS/FCS are finalizing their offers for the upcoming early signing Day; they are also extending Preferred Walk-on opportunities for athletes they project as potential scholarship players in the future. 
      • D2/D3 programs are introducing and/or following up with recruits they are targeting. They offer scholarships (D2) and roster spots/financial packages for top targets.
  • Athletes:
      • Athletes in this class should request updated transcripts from counselors and either cc Coach Curry on the email or forward it to SAT/ACT scores should be readily available as well. Athletes must also register with the NCAA 

Class of 2023

  • Schools: 
    • All levels are beginning to inquire about current juniors; at this point, they are creating a "board" of prospects they want to evaluate and potentially visit in the spring.
  • Athletes:
    • Athletes in this class should update varsity HUDL highlights. Over the next six months, the focus should be on academics, and physical development: the better the GPA, the more recruitable an athlete; building up the frame will not only help improve performance, but it will also help athletes pass the "eye test." Begin to prep for SAT/ACT and register for the spring tests. 

Classes of 2024/25

  • Schools: 
    • Power 5 FBS schools will have analysts begin evaluating the top athletes around the country.
  • Athletes:
    • Athletes should be proactive in their education. CORE classes matter most (math, science, English, social studies, language, etc.). Do everything you can to build up your GPA. The key is to avoid digging yourself into a hole. Consistently train with the program!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 7:25PM

Updates for the Week of November 29, 2021

Good Evening:

We hope all of our families had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Below is information about the banquet, the off-season, and the recruiting process. 


The banquet will be on December 14 at 7 pm in the cafeteria. Thank you to those parents who have reached out about supporting the effort to celebrate the 2021 season. Please email Coach Curry at if you would like to join the effort to set up the banquet.

The evening is not only a celebration, but it also provides essential information to families about the upcoming season (yes, we begin to prep now!). ALL LEVELS (Freshmen, Developmental, Varsity) are included in the evening. We hope to see you there.


The off-season is upon us. Athletes in Personal Fitness only need to attend class, give great effort, and EAT! Students not enrolled in PFit should make every effort to attend strength and conditioning sessions held on Monday/Wednesday/Fridays from 3:10-4:10. 

In just five years, the program has gone from winless to three straight playoff appearances, a Region Championship appearance, and over 20 players playing in college because of a commitment to our off-season approach. Taking Personal Fitness sophomore through senior year is key. 

Please visit here for information about our Off-Season Point System.

Please see below from Mr. Bowerman regarding required proof of vaccination or weekly testing:


As you and your athletes prepare for out of season workouts and green days there are several things that need to happen. All athletes need to be registered in rSchool for your sport. Link for rSchool is on website (rSchool needs to be done every year). All athletes also need a valid physical on file and fully vaccinated or registered to be tested weekly. 

As of now, all athletes in season and doing out of season activities need to be vaccinated or be tested weekly. If an athlete is 16 or older, they must either be vaccinated or have a medical/religious exemption. If they have a waiver-must be tested weekly. If an athlete is under 16, must be vaccinated or be tested weekly.

For vaccination documentation/testing here is what your athletes need to do….

Provide the Activities Office with a copy of your student-athletes Vaccination Card. (Activities Office is by door 11)


Register for the weekly COVID testing:  secure online portal. After clicking on the link, you will need to select Chantilly High School to start the registration. 

They cannot participate until this is complete.


It has been a busy week for recruiting as the contact period has begun. We've already hosted Penn State, Maine, Randolph-Macon, ECU, Fairmont State, Richmond, Frostburg State, Glennville State, Bluefield State, and Stevenson. There will be many more coaches visiting over the next few weeks. For those wondering, here is a simple breakdown of where we are in the football recruiting process by graduation year:

Class of 2022

  • Schools: 
      • FBS/FCS are finalizing their offers for the upcoming early signing Day; they are also extending Preferred Walk-on opportunities for athletes they project as potential scholarship players in the future. 
      • D2/D3 programs are introducing and/or following up with recruits they are targeting. They offer scholarships (D2) and roster spots/financial packages for top targets.
  • Athletes:
      • Athletes in this class should request updated transcripts from counselors and either cc Coach Curry on the email or forward it to SAT/ACT scores should be readily available as well. Athletes must also register with the NCAA 

Class of 2023

  • Schools: 
    • All levels are beginning to inquire about current juniors; at this point, they are creating a "board" of prospects they want to evaluate and potentially visit in the spring.
  • Athletes:
    • Athletes in this class should update varsity HUDL highlights. Over the next six months, the focus should be on academics, and physical development: the better the GPA, the more recruitable an athlete; building up the frame will not only help improve performance, but it will also help athletes pass the "eye test." Begin to prep for SAT/ACT and register for the spring tests. 

Classes of 2024/25

  • Schools: 
    • Power 5 FBS schools will have analysts begin evaluating the top athletes around the country.
  • Athletes:
    • Athletes should be proactive in their education. CORE classes matter most (math, science, English, social studies, language, etc.). Do everything you can to build up your GPA. The key is to avoid digging yourself into a hole. Consistently train with the program!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 7:41PM

Updates for the Week of November 15, 2021

Good Evening:

The coaching staff would like to thank our athletes and their families for their commitment to the program during the 2021 season. Through the ups and downs of the season, the boys showed their resilience and fought to the very end. We are so proud of how our young men came together to persevere through some unique challenges. Specifically, over the final two weeks of the season, our players truly lived our motto, "Doesn't Matter; Get Better," and embodied the values of the program: Relentless Effort, Competitive Excellence, and The Power of Fraternity.

The end of the season is never easy, and we will miss the class of 2022. Seniors, we love you guys. Thank you for everything.

Team Meeting; Equipment Collection

Our final required team activity of the 2021 season is a brief meeting followed by equipment collection. All players who have not yet turned in their equipment need to meet in the upstairs locker room at 3:05 pm tomorrow (Monday, 11/15). Players will check out individually to ensure they receive credit for returning their equipment. Please keep the following in mind:

  • We have to issue financial obligations for missing equipment (prices approximate and reflect 2020 prices, cost of replacement is likely higher)
    • locks ($5)
    • helmets ($475)
    • shoulder pads ($275)
    • game jerseys/pants ($125 per item)
  • We will discard personal items that are left behind.
  • If necessary, please bring a bag to take your belongings. 
  • We will turn over the locker room to the wrestling team tomorrow afternoon; if you cannot attend the meeting for a valid reason (e.g., illness), please contact Coach Curry directly. All lockers need to be emptied tomorrow. 


Our banquet date is TBD. The banquet is program-wide and includes freshmen, developmental, and varsity teams. Typically, we celebrate the season on the final Thursday evening before Winter Break. If you are interested in helping to organize the banquet, please reach out to Coach Curry. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 9:47AM

Updates for the Week of November 2, 2021

Good Morning:

Practices on Monday and Tuesday will begin at 3 pm. Treatment at 2. We resume normal hours when classes start. 

Game Week Notes

Due to the holiday, Freshmen and Developmental will host Madison on WEDNESDAY.

Varsity will travel to Madison on Friday.

End-of-Season/Post-Season Notes

We are currently the 5 seed in the 8 team regional playoff. The playoffs will begin next week.

The practice schedule will remain the same. Athletes do not need to/cannot attend try-outs for winter sports while participating in another season. Per state and FCPS policy, accommodations will be made for athletes who wish to participate in winter sports upon the conclusion of our season. 

  • Uniforms and equipment must be turned in by those who will not be on the playoff roster.
  • All belongings must be cleaned out of lockers.
  • Financial obligations will be issued for any missing equipment/cloth. 
  • ATHLETES must turn in their equipment, we cannot credit an athlete with the return of gear that is simply left in the locker room. 
  • PLEASE NOTE: we cannot hold onto personal belongings! Unclaimed items left behind will be discarded. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 3:47PM

Falls Church Gameday Info

Good Afternoon:

Spirit Pack compression shirts will be passed out before the game. Please confirm that you have purchased via myschoolbucks, cash, or check. A number of upperclassmen have not yet paid for the spirit pack (decals, practice jersey, compression shirt, one mouthguard).

Players will need a mask for all indoor aspects of the day and bus rides.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 3:44PM

Falls Church Gameday Info

Good Afternoon:

Spirit Pack compression shirts will be passed out before the game. Please confirm that you have purchased via myschoolbucks, cash, or check. A number of upperclassmen have not yet paid for the spirit pack (decals, practice jersey, compression shirt, one mouthguard).

Players will need a mask for all indoor aspects of the day and bus rides.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 3:33PM

Updates for the Week of August 23, 2021

Good Afternoon!

We want to thank everyone who put effort into our Blitz Day yesterday. We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready for the 2021 school year! 

Fundraiser Notes

  • As we wrap the card fundraiser, please be sure to share our online donation site with friends, family, and social media. Click here to visit. Copy and paste the link to share via email, text, or social media.
  • Since the freshmen card fundraiser window just started last Thursday, it will continue through next week. Please do your best to sell the cards.
  • Varsity members need to bring their unsold cards and money to the football office before tomorrow's practice.
    • Fifty-nine members of the program (28 varsity and 31 freshmen) did not check-in at the end of the blitz; cards and funds need to be accounted for before the start of practice on Monday. 
    • Athletes who did not return to CHS on Saturday must see a coach assigned to their class tomorrow.
      • Seniors: Coach Guff, Coach Hajibadri, Coach Wack
      • Juniors: Coach Rowley, Coach Kwon, Coach Miles, Coach Williams
      • Sophomores: Coach Neff, Coach Purcell, Coach Romine
      • Freshmen: Coach Casias, Coach Fowler

Practice Schedule

  • Varsity:
    • Practice 3:30-6:15 
      • This week is our bye week (no game), so we will have a shorter practice on Friday in place of a game. 
    • Players not enrolled in the Personal Fitness class will lift after practice on Mondays.
  • Freshmen:
    • Report to the team room after school. 
    • Freshmen will lift Wednesday and Friday before practice.

We hope everyone has a great first day back to school! Eat, stay hydrated, wash your hands, wear your mask, and we will see you on the field at 3:30!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!


Team News

3.0 years ago @ 1:28PM

Picture Day and Fundraiser Updates

Good Afternoon:

A few updates/reminders.

Water Bottle Donations

At last week's scrimmage, we saw how difficult it is to get water breaks during game situations when the traditional communal squirt bottles are not allowed due to COVID. Last season, it was immensely helpful to have donated bottles of water that the trainers could hand players during timeouts and between quarters.

Please consider donating a case or two of bottled water. It was very helpful last season! The smaller 8oz. bottles work well for quick breaks, but the full-size bottles work too! Thank you!


Pictures will be Saturday at 8 am. Order forms will be sent home. If you wish to purchase pictures, return the completed order form on Saturday. They do not accept orders after picture day. 


Please download the app for the card fundraiser before practice today. You will receive your cards when you arrive. Visit the link for your code.

Fundraisers FAQ

Q. What is the goal for each player?

A. Going back to the previous staff (since 2005), CHS football has always hoped for $400-500 per player. 

Q. What is the goal for the fundraiser? 

A. $20,000 keeps the program afloat; $30,000 enables us to upgrade/replace big-ticket items in some capacity. Few teams in our district simply stay afloat. We've been digging out of a hole since 2017.

Q.That is a lot of money; where does it go? What are the expenses?

A. Funds go directly to the program. Nothing about this sport is cheap. One football = $80, one helmet $400, one pair shoulder pads = $275+, one jersey = $120. Our heavy sleds are 20 years old. With residual funds from 2020, we purchased the first new end zone camera since 2009 for $7,000.

Q. Discount Card Sale: In terms of selling cards, what is the goal for each player? 

A. At a minimum, sell the 10 physical cards. Going back 10+ years, the goal at CHS has always been to sell 20 cards. This year we have a hybrid discount card sale going (both physical and virtual). EVERY PLAYER's goal is to sell the 20 cards. At a minimum, the goal is to sell all the physical cards. They are worth $250. The funds must be accounted for upon the conclusion of the fundraiser. 

Q. Target Audience for the Online Donations vs. Discount Cards

A. The online donation fundraiser is meant to target friends and family willing to donate towards our goals. Any amount is appreciated, but this is where we generally see our most significant donations.

The discount cards can, of course, be sold to friends and family; however, the greatest return on our invested effort comes when we go into the community (door-to-door, shopping centers, etc.). The card fundraiser is the old-fashioned "hello, would be interested in supporting Chantilly football..." type of fundraiser. 

Q. What is a "Blitz Day" and how can I help?

A. A Blitz Day is a concentrated effort to sell all remaining discount cards. Some years the fundraiser begins with a blitz; other years, the blitz is near the end. We were hoping players would get a head start on the sales this year, so we issued the cards last week. OVERALL, it is going very poorly... thus far Saturday is a chance to bounce back. We hoped that exempting players who sold ten physical cards from the Blitz would be motivation to get it done. At this point, the overwhelming majority of the program should anticipate participating in the blitz effort. 

At a minimum, encourage your player to sell his 10 cards. Additionally, helping to divide up the players and transport them throughout the CHS boundaries and to nearby shopping centers.

Q. What does "going poorly thus far" mean?

A. Of the 77 players who have started the fundraiser...

  •  67 players have sold 5 or fewer cards
  • 50 players have sold ZERO cards

At this point, we will owe money to the company that created the card.

Q. Is it difficult to run both fundraisers at the same time?

CHS football has run both an online donation campaign and discount card fundraiser concurrently for 10+ years with great success. The 2020 season was no different, and we saw great results. This year, the only difference is that we dropped the third party for the online campaign and rely on families/players to share the link directly with would-be donors.

If we target strangers in the CHS community for the card fundraiser and close friends and family for the online donations, we will likely see much better results. 


Team News

3.0 years ago @ 1:11PM

Updates for the Week of August 16, 2021

Good Afternoon!

Despite the inauspicious start to the competitive portion of the season (missing busses, weather delays, etc.), we had a great scrimmage on Saturday! Thank you all for your patience and understanding.  

This week marks the shift to afternoon practices as teachers return for staff development. 

Fundraiser Notes

Card Sale Information:

  • This is a traditional "door-to-door"/shopping center/bring to the office fundraiser. 
  • Varsity players received ten cards on Friday to sell in the community; they also received instructions on how to sell the cards electronically. 
  • If a player sells all of his cards in advance of our "Blitz Day" this Saturday, they do not have to participate and may leave immediately after pictures. 
  • The cards are valued at $250. Do not lose or keep without purchasing. Any unsold cards come out of our cut from the payout. The physical cards must be sold, or the program has to purchase (we cannot return extras). 
  • The goal is for every player to sell ten physical cards and ten virtual. The deals include nationwide goods/services so family and friends around the country can get something in return for supporting us!

Online Donations:

  • The online fundraiser site is ready to share with friends and family!
  • Please share (email, text, post on social media, etc.)
  • Last year this effort was very successful ($20,000 raised), but the company kept 20% of the funds. This year's setup yields 100% profit for the programbut it requires players/families to share the link themselves. eTeamsponsor had you submit email addresses, and they sent the link; while that was simple, I don't think it was worth giving up 20%. PLEASE share with friends, family, social media etc. The site is much more specific to our program, and I think some would enjoy learning about our program!

Varsity Schedule

  • Treatments begin at 2
  • Team lift (Purple Group M/W; White Group T/TH) 2:15
  • Practice: 3-6
  • Scrimmage at Unity Reed Thursday at 6 pm
  • Pictures Saturday at 8 am (football field)


  • Equipment handout will be Tuesday at 3 pm
  • Practice Wednesday: meet near the picnic table by the game field at 3:20
    • You must have water, a mask, cleats, athletic shoes
  • Pictures Saturday at 8 am (football field)

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 9:00PM

Parent Meeting Notes, Fundraiser App

Good Evening! It was wonderful meeting so many of you last night. Thank you for coming out! For those who couldn't make it, or if you'd like to review the outline, please visit here. Please see page 10 for the updated schedule!

Reminder, tomorrow varsity will have a walkthrough at 8 am. Upon the conclusion of the walkthrough, the representative from Scoreboard Fundraisers will visit to kick off the coupon card fundraiser. Players, prior to practice tomorrow, please download the app to your phone. Freshmen will have their own window and code, so please do not join using this information! Thank you. 

Players who need treatment from the Athletic Trainers prior to the scrimmage will return to CHS at 5 pm. All other players should return to CHS by 6 pm. Busses will depart at 6:15. PLAYERS MUST WEAR A MASK ON THE BUS AND INDOORS.  Please remember your mask!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly Football!


Team News

3.0 years ago @ 4:37PM

Fall Sports Parent/Guardian Meeting Reminder; Additional Updates

Good Afternoon:

Just a reminder, tonight at 7:30, there will be a fall sports meeting in the auditorium. Enter through the main doors and the auditorium is to the right. There will be a brief football break-out meeting after the general session led by our Director of Student Activities, Corey Bowerman.

  • Football Players may pick up their school computers tomorrow after practice (varsity) or workouts (freshmen). We conduct meetings and watch film virtually, so all varsity players will need to pick up their computers. 
  • Friday's varsity scrimmage at Fairfax HS has been bumped back to 7:30 due to anticipated weather.
  • Varsity will not practice Saturday, rather there will be a mandatory film session/meeting on Saturday morning. This meeting will be conducted virtually (as they were last season). 
  • Picture Day and Card Fundraiser Blitz will begin at 8 am on Saturday, August 21. 

We look forward to seeing you tonight!

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 7:05PM

Updates for the Week of August 9, 2021

Good Evening:

Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday to get a glimpse of the 2021 varsity team! We'd also like to thank all the parents who volunteered and/or donated to support the picnic that followed the scrimmage. A special thank you to Meredith Kinereny for being the driving force behind the effort!

We realize that many players and families are new to high school football and are just learning about the commitment required to participate, let alone excel, as a player/team. With COVID bumping the 2020 season to February, only members of the class of 2021 have any experience with August "Camp," so we appreciate the learning curve; however, one major issue we've encountered so far this year has nothing to do with being new to football. After only one week, we have had an unacceptable number of absences, and most players are not communicating in advance. Players need to communicate with coaches via email or text and share their reason for missing practice. 

Fall Sports Parent Meeting
Our Director of Activities, Mr. Bowerman, is hosting a Fall Sports Parent meeting on Wednesday, August 11 at 7:30 pm in the auditorium (front of school). We will have a football-specific meeting afterward. The meeting is for all levels.

Freshmen will follow the same schedule as last week.  

Varsity will practice 8 am-11 Monday through Thursday. Instead of holding a second practice, we will be lifting in the weight room. Half of the roster will lift Monday/Wednesday, and the other half will lift on Tuesday/Thursday. Players need to bring a mask and athletic shoes, not slides, for indoor weight training. 

Friday, we will have a shorter practice in the morning (8 am), and in the evening, we will travel to Fairfax High School for our first scrimmage. The scrimmage will begin at 6 pm. 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:04PM

Purple White

Message from Meredith Kinerney...


Hi all-

The first signup was just for items needed for the event and I forgot to add an RSVP.  Please click here to RSVP to the event so that we can get a head count.

Also, look for us on Facebook – Chantilly Football Parents – to get the latest new and events.

Get ready to cheer on the purple and white!




Team News

3.0 years ago @ 8:09AM

Updates: Purple White and Parent Meeting

Good Morning:

Please visit this sign-up genius, created by Meredith Kinerney, regarding tomorrow's varsity intrasquad scrimmage.

Our Director of Activities, Mr. Bowerman, shared with coaches yesterday that we will have a Fall Sports Parent meeting on Wednesday, August 11 at 7:30 pm in the auditorium (front of school). We will have a football-specific meeting afterward. The meeting is for all levels.

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football.

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 4:36PM

Updated Schedule for Week of August 2, 2021

Good Afternoon:

We appreciate your understanding regarding the fluidity of practice times this week; the state/county language and limits regarding time are very different from previous years. Below you will find the schedule for the rest of this week. We will share next week's schedule in Sunday's blast after we have a chance to discuss/determine if a change to structure is of any benefit to the program. The window of 8-2 will not change (i.e. practice, walk-through, strength training, etc. will fall between those hours).


  • Walk-through and strength training: 8-9:30
  • Break: 9:30-10:30
  • Practice: 10:30-1:30


  • Practice: 8-11


  • Practice: 8-11


  • Practice: 9-10
  • Break: 10-11
  • Purple/White Intrasquad Scrimmage: 11-12:15

Please note: days when we have an hour break players should remain on campus and have a healthy snack between sessions. Please continue to bring at least 32oz of water and a mask for inside.  

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 3:21PM

Updates for the Week of August 2, 2021

Good Afternoon:

Tomorrow is the first official day of the 2021 football season! It might (still) look a little different, but football season is upon us, and we can't wait to get to work!

Program Wide Information (applies to all players regardless of level)

COVID Protocol: 

FCPS has recently shared updated guidelines for athletics this school year. Please review the short document found here. Please note similarities to last season: 

  • masks are required indoors
  • athletes must bring at least 32 ounces of water
  • athletes will complete a screening questionnaire before participating

In sum, for football, athletes must have the following to participate in practice:

  • Mask for indoors (lifting, training room, locker room, meetings, etc.)
  • Helmet (helmets will be sized and issued for athletes who did not attend our team camp)
  • Mouthpiece (players will be given one as a part of the spirit pack; additional mouthguards can be purchased separately)
  • Seven Pad Girdle
  • Water bottle (at least 32 ounces)
  • Footwear
    • Cleats
    • ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR (slides are not suitable for weight training)
  • We prefer that athletes wear dark athletic shorts, without pockets) for practice

Spirit Pack:

Spirit Packs (required purchases) are now available for purchase. To buy online, please see MySchoolBucks. To purchase with cash or check, please send it in with your athlete. Checks should be made out to Chantilly High School, the memo: football spirit pack. Athletes will receive practice jerseys on the first day of practice. In addition, game day compression shirts will be handed out before the first regular-season game.

If there is a financial hardship, please speak with Coach Curry to work out an arrangement. Unfortunately, because football doesn't receive a set budget from the school or FCPS, free/reduced lunch status does not cover the cost of the spirit pack. The program absorbs all costs; however, finances will not preclude an athlete from participating in our program.

2021 Fundraisers:

Everyone's least favorite necessary evil: fundraisers! Although it seems like we just ran our fundraisers, those funds went toward the 2020 season. We will again sell fundraiser discount cards in addition to a separate online donations campaign. This year, we've dropped the third party for the donation campaign. Instead, donations will be submitted directly to our account via a MySchoolBucks link, thus allowing the program to keep 100% of the funds. We will share more information regarding fundraisers in the coming days. 

Information for Freshmen 

  • The first day of freshman football practice will be August 18, 2021. 
  • Until then, freshmen will continue to have strength and conditioning sessions on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 8:30 am.

Information for Varsity (sophomores, juniors, and seniors

On Monday, August 2, all varsity football players should be ready to check-in at 8 am in front of the gym lobby. As anti-climatic as it may be, we need to ensure that all athletes have submitted their paperwork before participating in practice. Please see our pre-season checklist for more information about the required forms. We have shared this information weekly since late spring, and many athletes have already completed the required steps.   

In recent weeks, FCPS has shared changes adopted from the VHSL regarding practice structure (what is and isn't allowed concerning time); however, at this point, athletes should still anticipate football activities from 8 am- 2 pm. The practice structure may seem different to our older/returning players, but the window for football activity will remain the same. We will "give back" time when/if possible (e.g., shorten), but we won't extend the window. 

Concerning schedule, Monday is unique compared to the rest of our "August Camp." First, we will check-in and lift starting at 8 am. Then, there will be an hour break as mandated by VHSL at 9:30. Athletes should bring a light, healthy snack, and they should plan on remaining at CHS during this break. At 10:30, our first official practice will begin. Practice will conclude at 12:30. 

Please keep in mind that there is a VHSL acclimation period, and athletes must complete a five-day acclimation period before being eligible for full contact. Therefore, a single missed practice this week will prohibit an athlete from participating in our purple/white scrimmage on Saturday.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Curry.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly football!


Team News

3.0 years ago @ 11:32AM

Spirit Pack Sizes and Parent/Guardian Survey: All levels 9-12

If you haven't yet filled out the survey regarding spirit packs, please do so by 3 pm today, Saturday, July 10. It was first shared on June 13. We must place the order to ensure timely delivery.

Accurate sizes will ensure we have enough stock to accommodate all athletes. The compression shirt is required game day apparel.

Those who pay the full spirit pack cost and submit sizes on time will be issued first. Others will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

Size Survey

If you have not yet submitted complete the parent/guardian survey, you can find that here. 

Thank you!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 11:21AM

Updates for the Week of July 12, 2021

Good Morning!

We hope everyone enjoyed some time away from workouts this past week!

This week we will resume workouts in the morning, but please note this significant change: this week, we will only conduct two sessions in the morning, Monday and Wednesday, at our usual 8:30 start time. This change is due to our camp at Westfield which will run from 5-8 pm. We hope that reducing our morning sessions will alleviate some transportation challenges for our families. Again, there will be no workouts on Tuesday/Thursday this week.

Next week we will return to four sessions in the morning. 


Our lone camp of the 2021 season will be held this week at Westfield HS. For those who are new to the program, pre-COVID, we participated in a 7-on-7 spring league, a June camp, and a July camp. We are excited to see a somewhat normal return to our season's preparation. 

Notes from Camp director:

  • Athletes must be picked up/depart promptly after camp ends
  • Players must have their own water bottles
    • We will provide water but not bottles or cups
  • If we have a weather issue, there will be space for you in the building if your players do not have cars.
  • There will be a certified athletic trainer will be present during camp. 

Chantilly notes about camp:

  • Helmets arrived from reconditioning last week, and we will issue during/after Monday morning's workouts
    • Only registered camp participants will receive Helmets will (see below for a list of registered campers as of Friday, 7/9)
  • Athletes may still register. 
    • BRING the completed form and fee to workouts on Monday morning to have a helmet issued.
  • Money doesn't preclude participation in our program. CHS/FCPS does not cover the cost for camps, spirit packs, equipment, etc., so we ask athletes to contribute what they can to minimize the hit to program finances.  Athletes with financial challenges should speak with Coach Curry Monday morning about the camp fee.
    • Camp directors will be checking athletes in at the top of the facility. Unregistered athletes will not be permitted access to camp facilities. 

Please see below for confirmation of registration as of noon 7/9. Moving forward, registrations should be handed directly to Coach Curry before camp. As of now, only the following athletes are permitted to attend camp.

Athletes Registered Via Mail:

  •   Argel Luke  
  •   Bartolmeo Jake  
  •   Berglie Henry  
  •   Brown Kevin  
  •   Carper Garrett  
  •   Cavnar Colin  
  •   Caywood Nicholas  
  •   Caywood Alexander  
  •   Coy Cruz  
  •   Dougherty Skylar  
  •   Fischer Ian  
  •   Fletcher Andrew  
  •   Griese Jack  
  •   Hogan Alec  
  •   Jerome Justin  
  •   Kinerney Noah  
  •   Kranzberg Josh  
  •   Lampe Andrew  
  •   Lanier Micah  
  •   Lloyd Ryan  
  •   Lockyer McCoy  
  •   Lynch James  
  •   Martinez Dario  
  •   Masich Tyler  
  •   Morgan Jack  
  •   Owens Micahel  
  •   Phillips Tanner  
  •   Pilipowskyj Matthew  
  •   Ross Ethan  
  •   Ross Evan  
  •   Schmitt Cameron  
  •   Sepuveda Joseph  
  •   Shourds Gerard  
  •   Sinsung Elijah  
  •   Smith Zack  
  •   Smith Mason  
  •   Tatum Vaughn  
  •   Tilley Luke  
  •   Woessner Andrew

We are excited to get back to work! 

Please email Coach Curry at if you have questions.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football! 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:58PM

Updates for the Week of July 5, 2021

Happy Fourth of July! We hope everyone has a safe, wonderful day! 

Reminder, this week is the VHSL Dead Period and there will be no workouts this week! We will return to our summer program on July 12 at 8:30. That week is also our lone camp of the summer. Registration can be found here

Our pre-season checklist is available here

Have a great holiday and a great week! 

As always, thank you for your support of Chantilly football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 9:10PM

Updates for the Week of June 28, 2021

Good Evening:

Thank you to all the athletes and families who have contributed to our amazing turnout thus far this summer! We have had nine straight sessions of 60+ athletes in attendance! 

Please be sure to review the previous blasts for more information regarding: 

  • Pre-Season Checklist
    • Paperwork
    • Policies
    • Volunteer Opportunities 
  • Team Camp
  • workouts
  • TrueAP Registration
  • The VHSL Dead Period (no organized activities for any CHS sports July 5-10)

Due to the roofing project above the weight room, workouts on Tuesday, Wednesday, and possibly Thursday will be outdoors for both lifting and running. PLEASE be sure to bring extra water. We are mindful of the weather and will give frequent breaks and adjust our training as appropriate.

Following the Dead Period, morning training sessions (Monday-Thursday, 8:30-10:45) will resume July 12. Team Camp will be held at Westfield from July 12-15 from 5-8 pm. Click here for registration information. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions.

As always, thank you for your continued support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 1:00PM

Important Update Regarding Physical Form

Good Afternoon:

It came to our attention this morning that the link we've shared on our checklist went to an outdated physical form. The previous form is apparently invalid and won't be accepted. 

I apologize profusely for the error. We shared the information and links that we were provided to us.  

The new form can be found here. The link on our checklist has also been updated. 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:58PM

Important Physical Update

Good Afternoon:

It came to our attention this morning that the link we've shared on our checklist went to an outdated physical form. The previous form is apparently invalid and won't be accepted. 

I apologize profusely for the error. We shared the information and links that we were provided to us.  

The new form can be found here. The link on our checklist has also been updated. 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:58PM

Important Physical Update

Good Afternoon:

It came to our attention this morning that the link we've shared on our checklist went to an outdated physical form. The previous form is apparently invalid and won't be accepted. 

I apologize profusely for the error. We shared the information and links that we were provided to us.  

The new form can be found here. The link on our checklist has also been updated. 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 12:57PM

Important Physical Update

Good Afternoon:

It came to our attention this morning that the link we've shared on our checklist went to an outdated physical form. The previous form is apparently invalid and won't be accepted. 

I apologize profusely for the error. We shared the information and links that we were provided to us.  

The new form can be found here. The link on our checklist has also been updated. 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 4:09PM

True AP

Good Afternoon:

Thank you to everyone who responded to the quick survey about our program continuing to work with True AP during our summer sessions. It appears that the majority of respondents were not only interested in us continuing with True AP, but the overwhelming majority of families who responded also shared a willingness to contribute to the cost.

Starting next week, True AP will lead the field sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays. All athletes must complete the True AP registration form which can be found here. If you are able to contribute to the cost of their services, you can simply pay on their site when completing registration. The amount is $40.

If that amount is higher than you can contribute but you'd still like to help with the cost, you can send cash or check (made out to Chantilly HS football) in the amount that is more feasible for your individual circumstances. We will deposit to our account and put that towards what we will absorb as a program. 

As we always say, cost should never preclude a player from participating in our program. If the fee is too steep, all athletes can and should still participate in all four of our sessions each week when they are in town. When checking out simply ignore the payment option. 

Team News

3.0 years ago @ 2:16PM

Updates for the Week of June 14, 2021

Good Afternoon!

As of tomorrow, June 14, we are only 49 days from the 2021 football season! We are excited to have you join us this year as we look to build on the successes of the 2020 season. 

Please take a moment to review our Pre-Season Checklist. You can access it by clicking here or by going to the files tab on our page. This document has lots of important information regarding paperwork, FCPS, CHS, and program policies. There are also a few informational forms that we'd like filled out (volunteerism, athlete sizes, etc.). You will also see instructions for enrolling in the text alert system Remind as another method for receiving program communication. 

Summer Strength and Conditioning

Reminder, our summer workouts will begin tomorrow at 8:30 am at CHS and will conclude by 10:45 am. Please meet in the gym lobby. Athletes should have athletic shoes for the weight room and are encouraged to bring cleats for conditioning on the turf. Players are also encouraged to bring their own water bottles.

Athletes should hydrate in advance of the sessions. 

Workouts will be held Monday through Thursday and are open to all football players 9-12 grade. We will strength train in the weight room and work speed/agilities and football-specific skills on the field. 

Unless an athlete is out of town, we expect all football players to attend these sessions. Not only do they help prepare the individual for the season, but they have also proven to be immensely important in building the positive culture we have fostered in recent years. If you cannot attend, you should contact Coach Curry in advance at

Sessions are early enough in the day that our players will have plenty of time to schedule work and/or enjoy the rest of their summer day! So come get better for a few hours in the morning!

Team Camp

Team Camp has been approved by FCPS. The camp will be at Westfield HS July 12-15, 5-8 pm. This camp is the only one of the summer, and it is open to all players 9-12 grade.

Upcoming schedule

  • Weeks of June 14, 21, and 28: strength and conditioning at CHS 8:30-10:30 am.
  • Week of July 5 VHSL Dead Period: No football-related activities
  • Week of July 12: Workouts resume in the morning at CHS; Camp at Westfield in the evening (5-8 pm)
  • August 2: First day of practice (sophomores through seniors) 8 am.
  • August 18: First day of practice for Freshmen

We know this is a lot at once, but please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions! We are looking forward to getting to work tomorrow morning!

As always, THANK YOU for your support of Chantilly Football!

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Before You Criticize, Remember That Most Youth Sports Coaches Are Volunteering Their Time!

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Why Do Former High School Athletes Earn More Money Later In Life?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

College Recruits Deserve Better Publicity From Their Schools

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

Junior Varsity: The Middle Children Of High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

More High School Athletes Should Make Yoga Part Of Their Workout

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

9.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

16 Valuable Life Lessons That Lacrosse Can Teach Us

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Every Athletic Director Should Be Using Social Media... And Here's How

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Snow Safety: How To Eliminate Injuries in Winter Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Top Ten Ways To Ramp Up School Spirit

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

A Fresh Way To Fund Sports Participation

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

10 Ways To Raise Money For Your Team

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

Best Practices for Dealing with Concussions

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 7:00PM

How Parents Make Their Kids Hate Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

How To Handle Hazing in High School Sports

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Problem with Steroids in High School Athletics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

How much should I stretch?

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.

Team News

10.0 years ago @ 8:00PM

The Effect of Sports on Academics

This article was written by an independent journalist not affiliated with Chantilly High School and the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Chantilly High School.